open studio on Tue, 3 Jun 2008 17:27:54 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] reminder : parallel event/ Bucharest Biennale BB3/ in Loading Open LAB


 http://loadinggalle ry.blogspot. com 

----- Original Message ----
From: open studio <loadinggallery@>
To: adinazorzini@; adrianao@mnac. ro; agendaculturala@; alexandracroitoru00 [email protected]; almaritah@aol. com; antinela.elisei@; atelierdeschis@; bvladuta@yahoo. com; Barbara Van Lindt <barbara@kfda. be>; cultura@romanialibe; dograur@yahoo. com; eradescu@pavilionma; feeder@feeder. ro; florinna01@yahoo. com; g_rasovszky@; galeria@posibila. ro; gorzod@yahoo. com; horia.simu@cuprom. com; [email protected]; incepem@yahoogroups .com; jurnalcultural@; kelemenorscsongor@; lara_pandurovic@; lilbar80@hotmail. com; liliana@hartgallery .ro; loading_openstudio@ yahoogroups. com; razvan.ion@pavilion magazine. org; rkm@muzeumsztuki.; [email protected]; saskia79@gmail. com; silvium@cotidianul. ro; simioncernica@; simonevillau@; stefania@ecumest. ro; stefanvianu@; [email protected]; thadden@eib. org; ovidiu_anton@; liaperjovschi@
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Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 3:48:22 PM
Subject: parallel event/ Bucharest Biennale BB3/ in Loading Open LAB

                                                     Safe Mapping
                                                     They Are Watching!
transmisie webcam in timpi reali Romania - Canada
retroproiectie pe 2 ferestre - etaj 1 / fatada cladirii dinspre Splaiul Independentei 
eveniment paralel in cadrul Bucharest Biennale BB3
locatie –Loading Open LAB, str. Elie Radu ,nr.1 , Bucuresti
6-7-8 iunie
in fiecare seara incepand cu ora 22.00 
Loading Open LAB  akaMagdalena & Bogdan Pelmus, Bucharest, Romania
Ulysses Castellanos, Faisal Anwar, Theo Pelmus, Ottawa & Toronto , Canada
Loading Open Lab are placerea de a initia proiectul Safe Mapping AKA They Are Watching! , care aduna impreuna artisti din Bucuresti , Romania si Ottawa & Toronto, Canada.
Proiectul are un aspect performativ implicand  camere de supraveghere care capteaza imagini/secvente din Canada si le transmite live catre baza –Loading Open  LAB , Bucuresti, RO. Aceasta transmisie  este prezentata in analogie impreuna cu o transmisie live din Bucuresti pe fundalul Casei Poporului si riului Dambovita.
Rezultatul vizual este video proiectia pe 2 ferestre ale cladirii unde este situat Loading Open LAB dinspre interior ( retro proiectie) si poate fi vazut din exterior (strada) .
Publicul devine un voaior  privind prin ferestrele unei case private jocul celor mai intime umbre. 
Cele 2 peisaje urbane prezentate, vei fi foarte surprins, draga voaiorule, nu sunt foarte diferite! Ori vei descoperi colturi deprimante ale strazilor din Ottawa sau Toronto, fara a fi nevoit sa fii acolo sa dai 1 $ decazutilor fara adapost si sa mirosi Listerine. Sau poti vedea frumusetea unui artar leganindu-si crengile pe cerul canadian. Sau te vei putea regasi, in acelasi timp , proiectat in realitatea cotidiana a Bucurestiului pe fundalul Casei Poporului .
Proiectul incearca sa cartografieze imagini a 2 tari , asa cum sunt ele vazute de 5 artisti prin lentilele camerelor de supraveghere. Aceste 2 imagini / tari coabiteaza in aceeasi casa ca intr-un experiment de laborator in care teritoriile sunt greu de definit.
 /for english scroll down/
Safe Mapping 
They Are Watching!
real time webcam stream Romania / Canada
rear projection on 2 windows – 1st floor / the side of the building situated on Splaiul Independentei 
parallel event in Bucharest Biennale BB3
venue – Loading Open LAB, Elie Radu street , no. 1, Bucharest
 6-7-8 June
every evening strating with 22.00
Loading Open LAB akaMagdalena & Bogdan Pelmus, Bucharest , Romania
Ulysses Castellanos, Faisal Anwar, Theo Pelmus, Ottawa & Toronto , Canada
Loading Open LAB is proud to initiate the Safe Mapping AKA They Are Watching Project which puts together artists from Bucharest , Romania and Ottawa and Toronto , Canada . 
This project has performative aspect that involves surveillance cameras taking footage from Canada and live feeding them to the base, Loading Open LAB in Romania .
The footage is presented along with and mixed with live footage taken from Bucharest , Romania with The People’s House and Dambovita River as a background. 
The resultant visuals are video-projected onto the two windows of the building where Loading Open LAB is located and can be seen outside by the public. The public becomes a voyeur watching the most intimate shadows playing through the windows of a private home.
The two urban landscapes presented, you would be very surprised, dear voyeur, are not so different! Or you will discover depressing corners of Ottawa or Toronto streets without having to be there to give a dollar to a rundown homeless guy and smell Listerine. Or you can see the beauty of a maple tree waving its branches in the Canadian sky. Or you can find yourself projected into the daily Bucharest ’s reality onto the People’s House’s background.
This project tries to map the images of two countries as are seen by five artists through the lens of surveillance cameras. These two images / countries cohabitate inside the same house, as in an experiment’s laboratory in which territories are difficult to define.
 Magdalena & Bogdan Pelmus
aka Loading Open LAB
 http://loadinggalle ry.blogspot. com 

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