vasile muresan- murivale on Wed, 9 Jul 2008 12:34:18 +0200 (CEST) |
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Re: [Nettime-ro] Nettime-ro Digest, Vol 64, Issue 6 |
SIXTINE ZERO DECALCHIERE ŞI MONOTIP DUPA GENEZA LUI MICHELANGELO . FRAGMENTE , SUPORT, FOLIE DE PLASTIC , HARTIE MARUFLATA PE CARTON , CARTOANE , PANZA, LEMN . PROIECTUL A DEBUTAT IN MAI 2000 LA KM ZERO BUCURESTI EXPUS IN MAI MULTE ETAPE SI CONTINE 500 LUCRARI SIXTINE ZERO 0 FOLIE DE PLASTIC - ENVIRONMENTS LA KM ZERO BUCURESTI 2002 FILM RUFE DIVINE TVR 2 2003 DE LUCIAN OLTEANU SIXTINE ZERO 1 - IN SPECTRU PICTURA - GALERIA VAL HOUSE BUCURESTI 2003 SIXTINE ZERO 2 ACTIUNE - VIDEO - INSTALATIE- PRINT - GALERIA HT 003 2004 SIXTINE ZERO 3 PICTURA - VIDEO - PRINT GALERIA CAMINUL ARTEI ETAJ 2005 SIXTINE ZERO 4 PICTURA FRAGMENTE- COLAJ GALERIA UAP BISTRITA 2005 SIXTINE ZERO 5 PICTURA GALERIA HANUL CU TEI ETAJ PICTURA 2006 SIXTINE ZERO 7 PICTURA GALERIA TC HANUL CU TEI 2007 SIXTINE ZERO 8 PICTURA GALERIA CASA VERNESCU 2008 SIXTINE ZERO 9 PICTURA FOLIE PLASTIC - ENVIRONMENTS, CURTEA PALATULUI BRANCOVENESC MOGOSOAIA 2008 VASILE MURESAN - MURIVALE VA INVITA MARTI 15 IULIE 2008 ORELE 18 00 LA VERNISAJUL EXPOZITIEI DE PICTURA SIXTINE ZERO 8 DESEN - PICTURA - COLAJ GALERIA DE ARTA CASA VERNESCU CALEA VICTORIEI NR 133 PREZINTA CRITICUL DE ARTA OCTAVIAN BARBOSA VERNISAJUL VA FI URMAT DE UN COCKTAIL OFERIT DE RESTAURANTUL CASA VERNESCU --- On Mon, 7/7/08, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote: From: [email protected] <[email protected]> Subject: Nettime-ro Digest, Vol 64, Issue 6 To: [email protected] Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 1:00 PM Send Nettime-ro mailing list submissions to [email protected] To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to [email protected] You can reach the person managing the list at [email protected] When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Nettime-ro digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Opinia dumneavoastra despre AFCN (marilena stanciu) 2. Alexandra Croitoru la Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain (andreiana mihail) 3. galeria mObila: focAR | URBAN TRACES - TELEFON, 1-31 iulie, 2008 (oberlist mailing list) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 05:51:57 -0700 (PDT) From: marilena stanciu <[email protected]> Subject: [Nettime-ro] Opinia dumneavoastra despre AFCN To: [email protected] Cc: Romenian Nettime list <[email protected]> Message-ID: <[email protected]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Buna ziua, Realizez o cercetare academica independenta pe tema Administratiei Fondului Cultural National si sunt interesata de opinia dumneavoastra in cateva propozitii in legatura cu intrebarea: Considerati ca modul AFCN de distributie a fondurilor tinteste nevoile dumneavoastra (organizatiei, institutiei, companiei)? (Daca DA, de ce? Daca NU, de ce?). Adaugati profilul organizatiei din care faceti parte. Trimiteti va rog pana pe 09/07 raspunsul pe adresa: [email protected] Va asigur ca opiniile dumneavoastra vor fi anonimizate si tratate confidential. Multumesc pentru participare. Toate cele bune, Marilena Stanciu ------------------------------ Message: 2 Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 12:03:53 -0700 (PDT) From: andreiana mihail <[email protected]> Subject: [Nettime-ro] Alexandra Croitoru la Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain To: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Don't Worry - Be Curious! ? Stina Fisch, Boom, 2008 Don't Worry - Be Curious! Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain Address: Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain 41, rue Notre-Dame - B.P. 345 - L-2013 Luxembourg Tel. (+352) 22 50 45 - Fax (+352) 22 95 95 e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +352 22 50 45 Fax: + 352 22 95 95 Contact: Jo Kox [email protected] Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday closed Regular guided tours: Wednesday 12.30 p.m. ? Op ee Sprong ? in the framework of ? Mus?e du Jour ? duration 30min Saturday 3 p.m. (F) duration 1h Sunday 11 a.m. (L), 3 p.m. (F), 4 p.m. (D) duration 1h Don't Worry ? Be Curious! 12 July - 14 September 2008 (Opening on 11 July 2008 at 7pm) Petra Bauer, Anna Baumgart, Marc Bijl, Pavel Braila, Olga Chernysheva, Alexandra Croitoru, Colonel and Khaled D. Ramadan, Goran Devic, Stina Fisch, Bodil Furu, Miquel Garc?a, Kaspars Goba, Kristina Inciuraite, J&K, Sven Johne, Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Kri?tof Kintera, Pascal Li?vre, Talleiv Taro Manum, Tanja Nellemann Poulsen, Anu Pennanen, Katrin Tees, Alexander Vaindorf, Arturas Valiauga, Angel Vergara, Julita W?jcik Don't Worry ? Be Curious! will present photographs, videos, and installations that address problems and fears resulting from upheavals in present-day society. Europe's social, political, and economic reality is currently marked by restructuring processes that have led to a collapse in a continuity of location, a volatility in stable social relationships, and increasing individualization, on the one hand, and growing unemployment, passivity, and disenchantment with politics, on the other. These upheavals are predominantly experienced by West European countries as a crisis of the welfare state, while in East European countries they appear to be the result of socialism's displacement by a capitalistic economic order. The sensed threat provokes similar reactions here as well as there; fear of social impoverishment, of a loss of identity, and of an uncertain future are the effects of globalization. In addition to this is the growing fear of the 'foreigner' and the increasing desire to exclude the 'other.' The exhibition assumes that art can offer impulses and inspire reflection on participation and the power of agency. Invited are artists whose practice is based on the exploration of their social environment. The artists deal with diverse thematic fields such as migration politics, ideas of 'normality' and 'differentness,' the mechanisms of understanding and misunderstanding, social fears, young people's various perspectives and concepts of life; the media's influence on perception, thought, and knowledge; the relation between consumer culture and nature; or the sentimental value of the common place. What unites the works is a positive and often humorous prevailing mood that makes the observer want to engage in something new and scrutinize his or her own patterns of perception and thought. Don't Worry ? Be Curious! is the exhibition of the 4th Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art and will be presented in Luxembourg in an extended version. In collaboration with Neue Gesellschaft f?r Bildende Kunst e.V. (NGBK), Berlin; Stadtgalerie Kiel, Kiel; Pori Art Museum, Pori; Andrejsala, Riga; KUMU Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn. Curators: Dorothee Bienert (Berlin), Kati Kivinen (Helsinki), Enrico Lunghi (Luxembourg) Publication: An exhibition catalogue has been published by Revolver During the opening of the exhibition Don't Worry ? Be Curious! (11 July 2008), citizens of the city of Luxembourg will get the opportunity to express everything they dislike about their city in the form of a multilingual complaints song. For more information about theComplaints Choir project by the artists Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen please go to ------------------------------ Message: 3 Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 07:22:30 +0300 (EEST) From: "oberlist mailing list" <[email protected]> Subject: [Nettime-ro] galeria mObila: focAR | URBAN TRACES - TELEFON, 1-31 iulie, 2008 To: [email protected] Message-ID: <[email protected]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" --scroll down for English version-- RO - - - - - - - - - galeria mObila grupul focAR | Alina TUDOR si Razvan NEAGOE URBAN TRACES - TELEFON | Banca de imagini - TELEFON PUBLIC eveniment paralel cu proiectul INTERVENTII3* 1 - 31 iulie, 2008 afis (imprima si transmite mai departe): Telefonul a devenit un exponent al societatii urbane. Este parte din viata noastra, el ne creeaza legaturile si ne ajuta sa relationam. In fiecare apartament gasim un telefon fix, la fiecare individ gasim cate unul sau doua telefoane mobile, pe fiecare bulevard sau strada importanta exista o cabina telefonica. Telefonul inseamna miscare si exprima identitatea celui care vorbeste la el. Pornim de la ideea ca identitatea nu mai poate fi decat obiectul unei analize pe orizontala si nu poate fi simplu definit ca artefact urban. Atata vreme cat schimbarile virulente ce afecteaza toate structurile socialului reprezinta, ca raspuns firesc, o forma de rezistenta la toate aceste mutatii, este un gest cultural. TEL. continua seria spatiilor neconventionale a proiectului Urban Traces. Dupa proiectele interactive: ?Sus in bloc i?o casa? si ?Curierul? acest proiect aduce in prim plan un spatiu mic dar... la vedere, pe care il ignoram. Am ales telefonul public deoarece el se imbolnaveste de sindromul urban al vietii cotidiene. El a devenit doar un loc de odihna pentru cei care se ocupa cu ingrijirea trotuarelor, un adapost impotriva ploii.....este vandalizat si aproape nici o cabina nu mai are usa. Este un proiect semnal ce isi propune sa scoata in evidenta indiferenta colectiva, dar reprezentativa pentru oras. STATISTICI In prezent, in Bucuresti exista in jur de 7.600 de telefoane publice, cu 400 mai mult decat in anul 2000. La nivelul intregii tari sunt instalate peste 50.000 de posturi telefonice publice, din care putin peste 15.200, in mediul rural. Potrivit legii, distrugerea unei cabine telefonice constituie infractiune potrivit articolelor 217 si 219 din Codul Penal. Pedeapsa este inchisoarea de la o luna la trei luni. Daca distrugerea sau degradarea se face prin incendiere, explozie ori prin orice alt asemenea mijloc si daca rezulta pericol public, pedeapsa este inchisoarea de la 3 la 15 ani. Jurnalul National?(27-05-2005) proiect realizat de Asociatia Oberliht * Proiectul ITERVENTII3 este organizat in parteneriat cu UNAgaleria/Bucuresti si revista de literatura, arta si atitudine STARE de URGENTA/Chisinau, si finantat de Uniunea Latina (biroul din Republica Moldova), Institutul Cultural Roman prin Programul CANTEMIR, Fundatia Culturala Europeana si Henkel Romania. EN - - - - - - - - - mObile gallery focAR group | Alina TUDOR & Razvan NEAGOE URBAN TRACES - TELEPHONE | The bank of images - PUBLIC TELEPHONE a side event to the INTERVENTIONS3* project July 1 - 31, 2008 poster (print and forward): The Telephone has become an exponent for urban society. It is a part of our life; it creates connections between us and helps us in making relations. There are telephones inside every apartment, on main streets and boulevards there are telephone booths and every person has a mobile phone at hand. Telephone means motion and it expresses the identity of the one who uses it. We start up from the idea that the identity cannot be anything else but the object of a horizontal analysis and can?t be simply defined as an urban artefact. It represents a cultural sign as long as the virulent changes affecting all the social structures register as a natural answer a form of resistance over the all these mutations. TEL. continues the series of unconventional spaces as part of the Urban Traces project. Following the interactive ?Up in the flat there?s a house? and ?Courier? projects, this one brings in front a small but? sizeable space, which is ignored. We have chosen the public phone because it is getting sick of daily urban life syndrome. It has become a place for passers by to have rest, a shelter to hide from the rain? it is vandalised and almost none of the phone booths has the door. This project is a warning sign regarding the collective indifference that is representative for big cities. STATISTICS In present in Bucharest there are about 7.600 public telephones, 400 more than it was in 2000. On the country level there are at least 50.000 public telephone posts installed, out of which 12.500 in the rural areas. According to the Penal Code, articles 217, 219, damaging a phone booth represents an illegal act penalized from 1 to 3 months of imprisonement. If there is a damage or degradation registered due to arson, explosion or any other similar act and if it results in public danger the penalty can be from 3 to 15 years of imprisonement. Jurnalul National (27-05-2005) a project by Oberliht Association * The INTERVENTIONS3 project is organized in partnership with UNAgaleria/Bucharest and STATE of EMERGENCY - magazine for literature, art and attitude, with the financial support of the Latin Union (office from Republic of Moldova), Romanian Cultural Institute through the CANTEMIR Program, European Cultural Foundation and Henkel Romania. -- Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht" . . . . . . . . . . . portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova ------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] End of Nettime-ro Digest, Vol 64, Issue 6 ***************************************** _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: