| f | | | | 3 on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:50:13 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] Recomandare blo lectura: Comunismul fiecaruia = Capitalismul tuturor

recomandat de Alin Cristea:

 > "Ceausescu s-a dus (cel mai probabil). Dar ne-a lasat sa ne ocupam de
mostenirea comunista din mintile si inimile noastre, din manualele  
noastre, de pe strazile noastre. Avem o istorie mica, o istorie mare,  
o ideologie comunista mai mult sau mai putin altoita pe ADN-ul  
propriu, un trecut – toate trebuie administrate intr-un fel. Nu cred  
ca suma
comunismelor individuale poate contura un comunism al tuturor."
 > Comunismul fiecaruia, comunismul tuturor - Teofil Stanciu

Teofil Stanciu exudes the quintessential hierchical deathly odour
of neo communist thought characteristic of epave vechi si noi.

stanciu depicts perfectly the delussional certitudes of those
who, having been thrown into a new reality which they
can neither own nor control, they chukle at the past with the
smug confort of a model citizen, satisfied to have been granted
the opportunity of employment.

The problem with .ro is not our past but the miserably rigid present  
of our past,
as illustrated by stanciu, and several estimable 'artists'

They are the embodiment of the limitations, not only of comunism,
but of comunism AND capitalism.

Western democracy with its implied contingency
on relativity fares no better.

Comunism and Capitalism are the twin brothers, wrapped in PLACARDS +  
incessantly laboring towards the devaluation and quantification
of the infinite potential of life towards the finiteness of
'Order'. 'Logic'. 'Security'. 'Progress',

Comunism = Capitalism = the obfuscation of Reality into
seemingly richer yet meaningless m9ndfukc.

\\ m9ndfukc maCht fre!

Much as the Christians belittled the pagans, much
as the Communists belittled the Christians, through
his belittling of Communism and its cultural contributions,
Teofil Stanciu fails to comprehend that sentiments matter,
that Love transcends the limited and pitiful confines of reason.

Thus the nostalgia exhibited by some for their childhood AND communism
rises above the trivial facts stanciu enumerates, smug in his logic,
as the model citizen is in his job/prostitution.

This is a recipe for a disaster and the path to failure,
as illustrated through the collapse of communism and consequently

Comunismul fiecaruia = Capitalismul tuturor

Unsere Fahne ist die neue Zeit:

\\ Prostitucija Je Spas!

pzb.. after the first paragraph on Obama cel popular it's obvious  
stanciu = 01 m9ndfukd neo communist

 >Ce mă îngrijorează este că Obama pare, de la distanţa la care  
mă aflu, un simbol al corectitudinii politice.

It is you who are potically correct - in fact throughout your texts  
you cannot break free of the suffocating KOMUNIST straight jacket.

Obama transcends the political and your simple minded KOMUNIST analysis.
He embodies the higher order consciousness that fuses retinas into  
the infinity of light upon light.

Try listening to _him_ rather than your lovely rigid, constricted,  
epava de KOMUNIST reason.

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