foc ar on Fri, 1 May 2009 18:57:52 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] focAR group si Alexandru Bounegru/âDin amintiri nu poÅi trÄi o viaÅÄâ/ âYou canât live a life from memoriesâ/

"Din amintiri nu poÅi trÄi o viaÅÄâ
coordonatori grupul focAR (Alina Tudor Åi RÄzvan Neagoe) Åi Alexandru Bounegru
1 MAI.
"Ãn RomÃnia aceastÄ zi a fost sÄrbÄtoritÄ pentru prima datÄ de cÄtre miÅcarea socialistÄ Ãn 1890. Ãn perioada regimului comunist, de 1 mai autoritÄÅile organizau manifestaÅii uriaÅe pe marile bulevarde, coloanele de muncitori Ãn Åinute festive fiind nevoite sÄ scandeze lozinci Åi sÄ poarte pancarte uriaÅe. DupÄ 1990, importanÅa propagandisticÄ a zilei a fost minimalizatÄ, dar oamenii se bucurÄ de acest eveniment sÄrbÄtorindu-l Ãn aer liber, la iarbÄ verde, la mare ori la munte, delectÃndu-se cu mÃncÄrurile tradiÅionale: crenvurÅti sau mici Åi bere.â
1 mai - acÅiune documentaristicÄ Alexandru Bounegru Ãn BucureÅti
3 mai - performance Cheile Dobrogei (45 km de ConstanÅa, Ãnspre nord, Ãntre localitÄÅile TÃrguÅor (haltÄ CFR pe linia Medgidia -Tulcea) Åi satul Cheia) dupÄ ora 11.00 - grupul focAR

Cheile sunt rezervatie judeteanà ! Nu aruncati gunoaie ! Nu distrugeti flora sau fauna existentÃ! 
Lemne de foc sunt foarte greu de gÄsit Ãn zonÄ. 
"Din amintiri nu poÅi trÄi o viaÅÄâ face parte din programul "Ordinea de zi" iniÅiat de grupul focAR Åi Alexandru Bounegru. âOrdinea de ziâ este un proiect social care ÃncearcÄ sÄ atragÄ atenÅia individului urmÄrit de societatea de consum, punÃnd Ãn discuÅie principiile de funcÅionare ale acesteia.
"You canât live a life from memories"
Coordinated by focAR group (Alina Tudor and RÄzvan Neagoe) with Alexandru Bounegru
First of May
"In Romania this day was celebrated for the first time by the socialist movement in 1890. During the communist regime, the authorities held huge demonstrations on the main boulevards; the workers, disposed in long columns and wearing festive clothing had to chant communist slogans and wave huge hangers. After 1990, the emphasis on the propaganda diminished highly, and the people enjoy the First of May in outdoors, on the seaside or in the mountains, savoring the traditional dishes: mici and beer."
First of May â documenting First of May in Bucharest by Alexandru Bounegru
Third of May â performance at Cheile Dobrogei (45 km north from ConstanÅa, between TÃrguÅor (way station of CFR on Medgidia âTulcea railway line) and the village of Cheia) after 11.00 by focAR group

The Keys are reservation of the district! Donât throw garbage! Do not destroy the flora and fauna in the area!
Firewood is difficult to obtain in the area. 
"You canât live a life from memories" is part of the program "Agenda" focAR and Alexandru Bounegru (documentaries). "Agenda" is a social project that raises awareness on the individual chased by the consumerist society, while questioning its functioning principles. 
grupul focAR
Alina Tudor si Razvan Neagoe
mail: [email protected]

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