PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine] on Wed, 6 May 2009 06:10:39 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] PAVILION UNICREDIT - lecture Adrian Majuru

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Joi 7 mai 2009, ora 19.00

Antropologia urbana ocupa o secventa din antropologia generala si priveste grupurile umane, sau indivizii care traiesc in conditii urbane. A urmari procesul continuu al devenirii umane, in conditii geografice variabile, unele favorabile, altele nefavorabile, a descrie si explica factorii de presiune si de modelare umana, actiunile si reactiile fiintelor umane in confruntarea cu realitatea, a urmari si analiza ce se petrece in decursul desfasurarii fenomenelor, a sti exact de la ce s-a pornit si la ce s-a ajuns, care au fost etapele prin care s-a trecut, a extrage unele "momente" reprezentative din aceste desfasurari si "a le ingheta" spre a le transforma in exponate de muzeu, iata cateva activitati de baza ce ar intra in atributiile unui muzeu de antropologie urbana. "Orasul de pe chipurile noastre" doreste sa deschida un santier arheologic in mintea fiecaruia, sa determine o atitudine fata de celalalt si, eventual, sa forteze o prognozare afectiva, emotionala, intre oameni si orasul pe care-l consuma cu fiecare generatie.

Adrian Majuru este scriitor, istoric, doctor in geografia umana.
A scris noua carti despre Bucuresti.

Part of Pavilion Magazine lecture series.


Thursday, May 7, 19:00

Urban anthropology occupies a small sequence within general anthropology and it concerns groups of people or individuals who are living in the urban environment. Following the continuos process of human development, in variable geographical conditions, some favourable and some unfavourable, describing and explaining the factors of pressure and human shaping, the peoples actions and reactions in the confrontation with real life, following and analyzing what's happening during the deployment of diverse phenomenons, knowing exactly from what it began and where it stands now, what were the stages that had to be accomplished, extracting some representative "moments" of this process and "freezing" them into museum exhibits, this are some of the basic activities of an urban anthropology museum.

"The city on our faces" wants to open an archeological site in the mind of each one of us, to induce an attitude towards others and eventually to force an affective and emotional forecast, between the people and the city consumed by each generation.

Adrian Majuru is writer, historian, doctor in human geography.
He wrote nine books about city of Bucharest.

Part of Pavilion Magazine lecture series.

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131
E: [email protected]

PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILIONâUNICREDITâis a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: Pilsner Urquell
Strategic partner: UniCredit Tiriac Bank

Media partners:, 22,,, 24Fun
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: Herris Print
Audio-visual partner: Sony
Collaborating partner: Center for Visual Introspection

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