PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine] on Tue, 6 Oct 2009 14:13:00 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] REMINDER: Sebastian Moldovan at PAVILION UNICREDIT |
/for English please scroll down Sebastian Moldovan in dialog cu Razvan Ion : O ROSIE ARE INTOTDEAUNA NEVOIE DE UN BASTON 07 Octombrie, 19.00 Gradina ta de rosii, dorinta ta de a crea un spatiu de creatie divina, planta careia nu ii poti controla evolutia, tu care exploatezi aproape obsedant perfectiunea in instalatiile si obiectele tale. Pare nevoia de a lasa macar o data la voia intamplarii dezvoltarea operei tale. insa te opresti la proiect, la schita de ansamblu. Va deveni pana la urma o realitate curajul subconstient al lipsei de control? Spatiul de creatie divina este pentru mine un spatiu de rearanjare (divin de naturala) a elementelor intr-un sistem. Il gasesc benefic pentru ca pot sa invat despre aceasta rearanjare si pot sa intervin / interactionez cu ea - pana la urma asta fac eu ca artist: rearanjez elemente in diferite sisteme - constient de numarul infinit de interactiuni intre parti, constient ca nu pot sa le controlez sau macar sa le cunosc pe toate. De aceea tind sa ma intorc la o lucrare de multe ori inainte sa spun gata. Pe de alta parte, am inteles un lucru foarte important: daca e sa compar o lucrare cu un sistem ale carui elemente interactioneaza, atunci e destul sa gasesc un numar (mic) de elemente pe care le pot controla, sa alcatuiesc sistemul si sa-i dau drumul in lume - el urmand sa evolueze in modul cel mai natural, interactionand cu alte sisteme - vezi public, critica, vanzari, notorietate sau cutremure si inundatii.. Asta e teoria mea care se verifica cu "End of Paris" - lucrarea m-a parasit de cativa ani si a evoluat in directii pe care nu le-am dictat si poate nici nu le cunosc. (Extras dintr-un dialog realizat de Razvan Ion cu Sebastian Moldovan pentru PAVILION - journal for politics and culture, 2009) Sebastian Moldovan (n.1982, Baia Mare) este un artist roman interesat de cercetarea urbana si sociala. A studiat la Universitatea de Arta si Design in Cluj, Romania si la L’École Regionale des Beaux-Arts, Nantes, Franta. Printre expozitiile la care a participat se numara Comfortably Numb, Kultur Kontakt, Vienna (2006), Dada East? The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire, Cabaret Voltaire, Zűrich (2006 – 2009). A expus in bienale importante precum Bucharest Biennale, Prague Biennale si Haifa Biennale. Imagine: Sebastian Moldovan, "Schita pentru o viitoare gradina pavilion" ball paint on paper, 21x30 cm, 2008. - Dialogurile sint parte a proiectului "Exploring the Return of Repression", curatoriat de Razvan Ion. Expozitia poate fi vizitata pina pe 22 noiembrie 2009, la PAVILION UNICREDIT. --- Sebastian Moldovan In dialogue with Razvan Ion : A RED TOMATO ALWAYS NEEDS A WALKING STICK 07 October, 19.00 Your tomato garden, your desire to create a space of divine creation, the plant whose evolution you cannot control, you exploit perfection almost obsessively in your installations and objects. It seems to be the need to leave to chance, at least for one time, the development of your artwork. However you stop at the project, at the general sketch. Will the subconscious courage of the lack of control eventually become a reality? To me, the space of divine creation is a space of a (divinely natural) reorganization of the elements in a given system. I find it favorable because I can learn about this reorganizing and I can interfere / interact with it - after all, this is what I do as an artist: I reorganize elements in various systems - aware of the infinite number of interactions between parts, aware that I cannot control or at least know them all. And that's why I tend to come back on a work many times before saying 'it's done'. On the other hand, I understood a very important thing: if I were to compare one of my works with a system whose elements interact, then it would be enough to find a number (minimum) of elements which I can control, to build the system and deliver it (set free) to the world - then it would evolve in the most natural way possible, interacting with other systems - see public, critics, sales, notoriety or earthquakes and floods. That is my theory that verifies itself with the "End of Paris" - the work that has left me for some years and has evolved in directions that I haven't dictated and maybe don't even know. (Extract from an email exchange between Sebastian Moldovan and Razvan Ion for PAVILION - journal for politics and culture, May 2009) Sebstian Moldovan (b.1982, Baia Mare) is a Romanian artist interested in urban and social research. He studied at the University of Art and Design in Cluj (Romania) and at L’École Regionale des Beaux-Arts, Nantes (France). Among other group exhibitions: Comfortably Numb, Kultur Kontakt, Vienna (2006), Dada East? The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire, Cabaret Voltaire, Zűrich (2006 – 07). Also he was exhibited in Bucharest Biennale, Prague Biennale and Haifa Biennale. --- The lectures are part of "Exploring the Return of Repression" project, curated by Razvan Ion. The exhibition is on view untill 22 November 2009, at PAVILION UNICREDIT. _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: