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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: 100 ROMANIAN MINUTES screening


Joi, 29 Octombrie 2009, 19.00
PROIECTII urmate de o sesiune de Q&A cu Andrei Craciun.


Curator: Andrei Craciun

Artisti: Stefan Constantinescu, Teodor Graur, Ion Grigorescu, Ciprian Homorodean, Sebastian Moldovan, Corneliu Porumboiu.

Romania, complexul romanilor europeni si mandria europenilor romani, continua sa se plaseze in Est, incapabila de a se sustrage ierarhiei Est-Vest, blestem al Balcanilor - inventie lingvistica adoptata prea usor. Modul de raportare la reperele locale, nationale, europene, mondiale, denota modul in care ne raportam la propria nationalitate, excitati de un nationalism inconstient, plat si auto-distructiv, sau timorati de propria istorie si dornici de a o renega, paralizati de impotenta de a actiona.

Romanii asuma statutul de victima conjucturala a ideologiilor, retraind traumele comunismului docili si blazati sub umbrela capitalismului. Se pare ca democratia a costat prea mult, pentru a ne permite luxul de a ne infrupta din ea, in schimb ne permitem libertatea de a nu ne implica, libertatea de a nu contribui, libertatea de a nu alege. Infiintam partide si desfintam societatea civila. Ne deposedam de responsabilitate si invocam dreptul la suferinta.

Auto-critica, auto-ironia, sunt instrumente ale artistului roman, rezultatul fiind auto-critica si auto-ironia societatii. Artistul subliniaza, atrage atentia, face loc intrebarilor. Devenim imigranti. Imigrantii lor, ai acelora care am vrut sa fim. Romanul pare a vrea sa fie "el insusi", un fel de transpunere artificiala in ceva ce nu intelegem. Imigrantul este cel ce sufera. Plecam peste tot si totul pare ca ne fuge de sub picioare. Traim suspendati intr-o temporalitate absurda, dar pe un taram sigur.

Artistul roman contemporan pare a fi cuprins de melancolie si fatalismul de a incerca sa justifice trecutul prin analiza re-gandirii acestuia, incercand sa-i chestioneze autenticitatea, autoritatea, valabilitatea. Indiferent daca acesti artisti sunt deopotriva actori in filme celebre, imigranti in lupta cu "altul", participanti pe ascuns la destramarea unui status-quo, indiferent ca parodiaza realul sau se implica in emotia prezentului, toti acestia isi doresc contributia la noua istorie. (Extras din publicatia 100 MINUTE ROMANESTI)

Andrei Craciun este curator si teoretician, studiaza arhitectura la Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism "Ion Mincu", Bucuresti. Este interesat de relationarea dintre arhitectura, politica si sfera sociala si arii legate de activism, gender si arhitectura participativa. In prezent pregateste noile sale proiecte curatoriale "Utopia of Exotic" si "Destroying Public Harmony". Din 2008 este coordonator al PAVILION UNICREDIT - centrul pentru arta si cultura contemporana si a fost numit assistant curator pentru BUCHAREST BIENNALE 2010. Traieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti.

100 Minute Romanesti va fi proiectat si in data de 8 decembrie 2009, 19.00, la Cluj, Universitatea de Arta, Casa Matei Corvin.

100 MINUTE este un proiect initiat de Razvan Ion & Eugen Radescu.

Imagine: Ciprian Homorodean, videostill from âI am Luke Skywalkerâ (short version) , video, color, 9â00ââ, 2006. Courtesy of the artist.


Thursday, 29 October 2009, 19.00
SCREENING followed by a Q&A session with the curator.


Curator: Andrei Craciun

Artists: Stefan Constantinescu, Teodor Graur, Ion Grigorescu, Ciprian Homorodean, Sebastian Moldovan, Corneliu Porumboiu

Romania, the complex of European Romanians and the pride of Romanian Europeans, continues to place itself in the East, incapable of escaping the East-West hierarchy, curse of the Balkans- a linguistic invention adopted much too easily. The way of relating to the local, national, European, global reference points suggests the way we relate to our own nationality, excited by an unconscious nationalism, flat and auto-destructive or tired of our own history and willing to deny it, paralyzed by the incapability of action.

Romanians assume the status of ideological victim of circumstances, reliving the traumas of communism, under the shelter of capitalism. It seems that democracy was too expensive for us to afford the luxury of delving into it; instead we afford the liberty of not getting involved, the liberty of not contributing, and the liberty of not choosing. We establish parties and we suppress the civil society. We dispose of responsibility and we invoke the right to suffer.

Self-criticism and auto-irony are the instruments of the Romanian artist, the result being the self-criticism and auto-irony of society. The artist underlines, draws attention and makes room for inquiries. We become immigrants. Their immigrants, of those that we wanted to be. Romanians seem to want to be themselves, a sort of artificial transposition into something that we donât understand. The immigrant is the one that suffers. We go everywhere and it seems that everything slips away. We live suspended in an absurd temporality, but on a safe ground.

The contemporary Romanian artist seems touched by the melancholy and fatalism of trying to justify the past through the analysis of rethinking it, trying to question its authenticity, authority and validity. No matter if these artists are actors in famous movies, immigrants in the battle with the âotherâ, hidden participants in the destruction of a status quo, no matter if they mock reality or get involved in the emotion of the present, they all want to contribute to the new history. (Extras from 100 Romanian Minutes publication).

Andrei Craciun (b. 1988) is a curator and theoretician, studying architecture at University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu", Bucharest. His research and curatorial practice is focused on the relations between architecture, politics and the social sphere. Consequently, he is interested in areas linked to activism, gender, as well as participative architecture. Currently he is working on his new curatorial projects "Utopia of Exotic" and "Destroying Public Harmony". Since 2008 he is the coordinator of PAVILION UNICREDIT - center for contemporary art & culture and he was appointed as assistant curator for BUCHAREST BIENNALE 2010. Living and working in Bucharest.

100 Romanian Minutes will be screened on December 08, in Cluj, University of Art, Casa Matei Corvin.

100 MINUTES is a long term project initiated by Razvan Ion & Eugen Radescu.

Image: Ciprian Homorodean, videostill from âI am Luke Skywalkerâ (short version), video, color, 9â00ââ, 2006. Courtesy of the artist.

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131
E: [email protected]

PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILIONâUNICREDITâis a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Pilsner Urquell

Media partners: Radio Romania Cultural, 22,,, 24Fun,
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
Audio-visual partner: Sony

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