stefan rusu on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:27:49 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] prezentare_Gregor Graf_Centrul KSAK_programul de resedinta (AIR) |
stimati prieteni, Va invitam la prezentarea oferita de artistul vizual Gregor Graf care va vorbi despre activitatea artistica si proiectele sale recente. Gregor a beneficiat de o resedinta pe o perioada de 4 saptamani fiind gazduit de Centrul KSAK din Chisinau in cadrul programului de resedinta AiR. Mai multe detalii referitor la activitatea lui Gregor Graf le gasiti pe: Programul de residenta (AIR) a fost initiat de ROTOR – Asociatia pentru Arta Contemporana din Graz, Austria in colaborare cu [KSA:K] Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana din Chisinau. Sederea artistului austriac a fost posibila prin bunavinta Forumului Austriac, Bucuresti si suportul Minsterului Culturii din Austria. In cadrul aceluias program artistul moldovean Dumitru Oboroc a fost gazduit de Asociatia ROTOR din Graz in 2009. Programul va continua in 2011 cu o noua runda de schimburi de artisti despre care va vom tine la curent. Prezentarea va avea loc Miercuri, 28 Aprilie, ora 18.00, pe adresa: [KSA:K] – Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana str. Banulescu Bodoni 5, Ap-2, cod postal 2000, Chisinau, Republica Moldova tel: + 373 22 237272 ___________________________________________________________________________ dear friends, we would like to invite you to attend the presentation of Gregor Graf-visual artist will talk about his activity and recent projects. Gregor Graf spent 4 weeks at the KSAK Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau in the frame of Artist in Residence Program (AiR). Please find more details about activity of Gregor Graf on: AiR Residence Program was initiated by ROTOR – Association for Contemporary Art from Graz, Austria in collaboration with [KSA: K] Center for Contemporary Art from Chisinau, Moldova. The residence of Gregor Graf was possible with thew kind support of Ministry of Culture from Austria trough Austrian Forum, Bucharest. Previously Moldovan artist Dumitru Oboroc was hosted by ROTOR Association, Graz in 2009. The AiR Program will continue in 2011 and we will keep you informed about its evolution. Presentation will take place on Wednesday on 28th of April, 18.00. Address: [KSA:K] – Center for Contemporary Art str. Banulescu Bodoni 5, Ap-2, Post Code 2000, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova tel: + 373 22 237272 -- Stefan Rusu Projects&Programs Manager-Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau str. Banulescu Bodoni 5, Ap-2, Postcode 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: