stefan rusu on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 16:53:25 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] JOCUL CU MEMORII. CUM SĂ EXPLICI MONUMENTUL UNUI POPOR? de Dumitru Oboroc_CHIŞINĂU-Artă, Cercetare în Sfera Publică

Scrol down for English version


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*Jocul cu memorii. Cum sÄ explici monumentul unui popor? *

de* **Dumitru Oboroc*

Ãn cadrul *CHIÅINÄU-ArtÄ, Cercetare Ãn Sfera PublicÄ*

Perioada: 23 Septembrie â 15 Octombrie, 2010
Adresa: Monumente din perioada sovieticÄ din or. ChiÈinÄu

Organizatorul proiectului: [KSA:K]- Centrul pentru Arta ContemporanÄ,

Ãn cadrul CHIÈINÄU-ArtÄ, Cercetare Ãn Sfera PublicÄ, artistul vizual* **Dumitru
Oboroc* va realiza proiectul* **Jocul cu memorii. Cum sÄ explici monumentul
unui popor?  *Ãn ChiÅinÄu existÄ cel puÅin cinci monumente sovietice
importante. Proiectul de faÅÄ ÃÅi propune o intervenÅie de re-semnificare a
monumentelor. AceastÄ resemnificare este strict necesarÄ pentru cÄ actualul
ÃnÅeles a monumentelor este anacronic Åi slujeÅte unei ideologii Åi forme de
putere care e Ãn totalitate condamnatÄ. Ãn acest fel, se pot prezerva aceste
relicve ale artei timpului dÃndu-li-se o nouÄ semnificaÅie Ãn memoria
socialÄ prin simpla schimbare a titlurilor pe care le poartÄ. Ãn cazul de
faÅÄ vehiculul principal al ideologiei socialiste, Ãn aceste lucrÄri, este
dat de titlurile lucrÄrilor Èi de opera reprezentatÄ pe un soclu. OdatÄ
schimbate denumirile, monumentele ÃÅi schimbÄ Åi sensul. **

Cu acest proiect artistul ÃÅi propune, de facto, schimbarea provizorie a
denumirilor monumentelor, prin titluri noi aplicate deasupra denumirilor
existente, fÄrÄ a deteriora Ãn nici un fel forma actualÄ a lucrÄrilor de

*ChiÅinÄu-ArtÄ, Cercetare Ãn Sfera PublicÄ* are ca scop explorarea
discursurilor instituÅionale Åi politice dominante care au modelat
societatea Åi peisajul urban al ChiÅinÄului pe parcursul istoriei recente.
Proiectul este activat sub forma unei platforme multidisciplinare care Åi-a
propus investigarea conexiunilor dintre simbolurile politice Åi propagandÄ,
la fel Åi impactul acestora asupra mediului urban, interrelaÅia dintre
istoriile personale Åi discursul ideologic Ãn raport cu sfera publicÄ.

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*Partenerii proiectului:* AsociaÅia, CÃmpina, RomÃnia (, MEEM- Rael Artel Gallery: Non-Profit Project, Tallinn,
Estonia (

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*Partenerii proiectului Ãn Moldova:* AlianÅa FrancezÄ din Moldova,
Institutului Goethe/BucureÅti, Centrul Cultural German ACCENTE/ChiÅinÄu,
Institutului Polonez/BucureÅti, Forumul Cultural Austriac/BucureÅti, Catedra
UNESCO de Studii Sud-Est Europene Ãn cadrul FacultÄÅii de Istorie a
UniversitÄÅii de Stat din Moldova, Muzeul NaÅional de Istorie Åi Arheologie,
DirecÅia de CulturÄ a PrimÄriei Municipiului ChiÅinÄu, Regia de Transport
Electric al Municipiului ChiÅinÄu,

*Parteneri Media:* Public Media Group SRL, Revista la Plic, Radio Europa
Libera, Publica TV.

*CHIÅINÄU- ArtÄ, Cercetare Ãn Sfera PublicÄ* este produs cu suportul
financiar al Allianz Kulturstiftung/Germania, FundaÅiei *ERSTE/Austria,
FundaÅiei Mondriaan/Amsterdam*, AlianÅei Franceze din Moldova, Institutului
Goethe/BucureÅti prin Centrul Cultural German ACCENTE/ChiÅinÄu, Institutului
Polonez/BucureÅti, Forumului Cultural Austriac/BucureÅti, Ministerului
Federal al EducaÅiei, Artelor Åi Culturii din Austria.

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*Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ, ChiÅinÄu - [KSA:K]* (

Centrul [KSA:K] este o instituÅie independentÄ, non-profit, ÃnregistratÄ Ãn
2000. Strategia Centrului este axatÄ pe promovarea formelor culturale Åi
practicilor artistice care reflectÄ dinamica transformÄrilor sociale,
politice Åi economice a societÄÅii. Centrul susÅine activitÄÅi de advocacy
Ãn promovarea politicilor culturale adecvate, definirea Åi consolidarea
poziÅiei artistului Åi a practicilor artei contemporane Ãn societate.

Åtefan Rusu- directorul/curatorul proiectului

Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ -[KSA:K],
Str. BÄnulescu-Bodoni 5, Ap.2, Cod PoÅtal 2012,
ChiÅinÄu, Republica Moldova

tel: + 373 22  23 72 72


English version

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***Playing with memory. How to explain monuments to the people? *

by* **Dumitru Oboroc*

in the frame of *CHISINAU- Art, Research in the Public Sphere*

Period: 23 of September â 15 of October, 2010
Location: The Monuments of Soviet period from ChiÈinÄu

Project organizer: [KSA:K] - Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau

In the frame of *CHISINAU- Art, Research in the Public Sphere* the artist* *
*Dumitru Oboroc*

will realize the project* Playing with memory. How to explain monuments to
the people? *In Chisinau we have at least five important monuments from
Soviet period. This project proposes an intervention to re-signify these
monuments. This re-signification is extremely necessary, because the current
meaning of the monuments is out of date and serves an ideology and a form of
power that are condemned to extinction. Thus, these relics of that era's art
can be preserved, being given a new meaning in social memory by simply
changing their names. In the case of these works, the main vehicle of
socialist ideology is provided by their names, because otherwise they are
just typical monuments on pedestals. Once the names are changed, the
monuments will take on a new meaning.

With this project, the artist aims to change temporarily the names of the
monuments, by affixing new titke overlaping the existing ones, without
changing in any way the current form of the works, so that at the end of the
project the monuments can revert to their original, current form.

*CHISINAU- Art, Research in the Public Sphere *is a cross-disciplinary
platform that investigates the connections between political and cultural
symbols and propaganda and its impact on the urban environment, the
interference between personal narratives and imported ideologies and
cultural discourses in relation to the public sphere. The project aim is to
explore the dominant institutional and political discourses that have shaped
the society and the urban landscape of the city of Chisinau in the course of
its recent history.

*Project partners:* Association, Campina, Romania (,
MEEM- Rael Artel Gallery: Non-Profit Project, Tallinn, Estonia (

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*Project partners in Moldova:* Alliance FranÃaise de Moldavie, the Goethe
Institute/Bucharest, the German Cultural Center ACCENTE/Chisinau, the Polish
Cultural Institute/Bucharest, the Austrian Cultural Forum/Bucharest, the
UNESCO Chair of South-East European Studies within the Faculty of History of
the Moldova State University, National Museum of History and Archaeology,
Directorate for Culture of the Municipality of Chisinau, Electric Transport
Administration of Chisinau Municipality.  * *

*Media partners:* Public Media Group SRL, Revista la Plic, Radio Europa
Libera, Publica TV.

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*CHIÅINÄU- Art, Research in the Public Sphere* is supported
financially by *Allianz
Kulturstiftung/Germany, ERSTE Foundation/Austria, Mondriaan
Foundation/Amsterdam, Alliance FranÃaise de Moldavie, Goethe
Institute/Bucharest trough German Cultural Center ACCENTE/Chisinau, Polish
Cultural Institute/Bucharest and Austrian Cultural Forum/Bucharest, Austrian
Federal Ministry for Edication, Arts and Culture.*

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*Center for Contemporary Art - [KSA:K]* (

[KSA:K] Center is a non-profit, independent institution established in 2000.
The new strategy of the Center is the development of cultural forms and art
practices that reflect the dynamic of the social, political and economic
transformations of the society. The Center supports advocacy activities in
promoting cultural policies suitable for defining and strengthening the
position of artists and contemporary art practices in society.

Stefan Rusu- Project Manager/Curator

Center for Contemporary Art-[KSA:K],
Str. Banulescu-Bodoni 5, ap-2, Post code 2012,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

tel: + 373 22  23 72 72
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