Cosmina Goagea on Thu, 20 Jan 2011 13:56:00 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] revista zeppelin

echipa revistei Arhitectura isi continua activitatea editoriala sub numele 
zeppelin: acelasi format, acelasi continut, la chiosc din februarie

Dragi prieteni,
Avem placerea sa va anuntam ca, de acum inainte, revista de arhitectura pe care 
echipa noastra o editeaza de 11 ani se va numi zeppelin. Cunoasteti deja numele: 
din 2008 pana azi, zeppelin s-a construit ca o platforma de intalniri lunare, 
conferinte, expozitii, carti si proiecte dedicate arhitecturii, orasului si 

Suntem atasati de acesti primi 11 ani ai revistei si vrem sa ducem mai departe 
si mai bine toate celelalte programe culturale. De aceea, am considerat firesc 
sa unim aceste experiente sub o singura identitate, cu acelasi continut dens, la 
fel de serios si dedicat ca si pana acum.
Numarul 91(februarie 2011) poarta deja noul nume. Echipa, politica editoriala, 
formatul, designul grafic, numarul de pagini si de aparitii pe an, pretul la 
chiosc si cel pentru abonamente raman aceleasi. 

Va multumim ca ne-ati ajutat sa evoluam impreuna. Constantin Goagea, Cosmina 
Goagea, Stefan Ghenciulescu si toti prietenii vostri din redactie va ureaza un 
survol cat mai placut al viitoarelor subiecte de arhitectura si cultura urbana. 

T/F: 0040 21 - 211 21 90 / [email protected],
the editorial team of Arhitectura magazine continues its activity under the name 
zeppelin: the same content, the same quality, on the market from February 2011

Dear friends,
We have the pleasure to announce that the architecture publication edited by our 
team for 11 years will be called zeppelin from now on. You already know this 
name: starting with February 2008, zeppelin was built as a platform of monthly 
events, conferences, exhibitions, books and projects dedicated to architecture, 
the city and design. 

We are very much attached to these first 11 years of our publication and we aim 
to take further and better the other cultural programmes. We think it is only 
natural to join those experiences under a unique identity, with the same dense, 
as serious and dedicated as we have done so far. 

Issue 91(February 2011) has already the new name. The team, the editorial 
policy, the format, the graphic design, the number of pages and the number of 
issues, the newsstand and subscription prices remain the same. 

We thank you for supporting us in growing together. Constantin Goagea, Cosmina 
Goagea, Stefan Ghenciulescu and all your friends in the editorial team wish you 
the most pleasant journey of the future topics in architecture and urban 

T/F: 0040 21 - 211 21 90, [email protected],

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