PAVILION [journal for politics and culture] on Tue, 22 Feb 2011 14:47:15 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] ultima saptamana UTOPIA OF EXOTIC

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09 decembrie 2010 - 27 februarie 2011


Deschidere oficiala: 09 Decembrie 2010, 19:00

Curator: Andrei Craciun

Participanti: Kristoffer Ardena (ES/PH), Tania Bruguera (CU), Lado Darakhvelidze (GE / NL), gold extra (A), Hong-An Truong (US), Yoshinori Niwa (JP), Saviana Stanescu (RO/US)

Subiectului exotic, oricare ar fi acesta, i se atribuie din start doua calitati esentiale, si anume distanta mare fata de entitatea analitica si caracteristicile formale neobisnuite/ciudate pentru aceasta. Dar ceea ce este cu cat mai departe de un analist devine din ce in ce mai putin demn de a fi cunoscut. Propunerea cunoasterii se substituie propunerii indiferentei si superficialului de a fi cunoscut. Cand vorbim despre state-natiuni-societati putem afirma lejer ca, urmarind cu naivitate un sistem utopic de valori, ai putea trage concluzia ca exotismul implica un tip de reciprocitate intre subiect si analist. Undeva se stabileste o conexiune vaga intre cel ce determina ceea ce este si cel ce este determinat. Dar totusi societatea occidentala si-a asumat statutul de analist absolut. De aici modalitatea de raportare la spatiul aparent exotic isi modifica parametrii de evaluare... Astfel spatiul exotic, de-a lungul istoriei, a fost un spatiu al experimentelor sociale, economice, politice, generate de idei si ideologii utopice. Ipoteza potentialului de metamorfoza a spatiului non-vestic intr-un paradis social a fost desfintata de istoria secolului 20 cu argumente violente si traumatizante. Utopia, fie ea un concept, o idee, o aparenta sau o realitate poate fi privita astfel: exoticul poate fi tratat ca subiect utopic tocmai datorita lipsei unei reciprocitati in relatia dintre analist si subiect. in acest sens Utopia of Exotic , o incursiune a ceea ce inseamna astazi cumulul celor doi termeni, exploreaza aspectele economice, sociale si politice a ceea ce societatea vestica considera taram, cultura exotica, incercand sa evidentieze caracterul utopic al termenului exotic. (Extras din Utopia of Exotic de Andrei Craciun, din publicatia cu acelasi titlu).

Publicatie: "Utopia of Exotic" cu texte de Anne Alexander, Tania Bruguera, Andrei Craciun, Walter Mignolo, Saviana Stanescu. Editata de PAVILION - journal of politics and culture, Engleza/Romana, 80 pagini, A/N, 14,8 x 21,0 cm, softcover, 4 EURO / 12 RON.

OPENINGâparty & concert live cu
(, Vineri 10 Decembrie, 2010, 22.00
The gig is organized by ONEDAY.RO

Pentru a fi la curent cu toate detaliile puteti RSVP pe FB la

Imagine: Kristoffer ArdeÃa, Apparition, sculpture/photography, dimensions variable, 2008. Courtesy of the artist.

Expozitie sustinuta de 


December 09, 2010 - February 27, 2011


Opening: December 9, 2010, 19:00

Curator: Andrei Craciun

Participants: Kristoffer Ardena (ES/PH), Tania Bruguera (CU), Lado Darakhvelidze (GE / NL), gold extra (A), Hong-An Truong (US), Yoshinori Niwa (JP), Saviana Stanescu (RO/US)

The exotic subject, whatever it may be, is first assigned two essential qualities, namely the great distance between the analytical entity and the formal unusual/weird characteristics. But the farther an object is from the analyst, the less worthy it becomes of being examined. The proposition of knowledge is substituted by the proposition of indifference and superficiality of being known. When we talk of nation-states-societies we can easily say that pursuing naively an utopian system of values, one could imagine that exoticism implies a certain type of reciprocity between subject and analyst. Somewhere along the way a vague connection is established between the one being determined and the one that determines. Nonetheless Western society has assumed the role of absolute analyst. Thus, the type of relation towards the apparently exotic space modifies its assessment parameters... Therefore throughout history, exotic space was a locus of social, economic and political experiments, generated by utopian ideas and ideologies. The hypothesis  of potential for non-Western space to transform into a social paradise was  demolished by twentieth-century history through violent and traumatizing arguments. Utopia, whether a concept, an idea, a semblance or a reality can be regarded as such: the exotic can be treated as an utopian subject precisely due to the lack of reciprocity between analyst and subject. In this sense Utopia of Exotic, an inquiry into what the two terms mean nowadays, explores economic, social and political aspects of what Western society considers exotic land or culture, trying to underline the utopian character of the term exotic. (Extras from the text "Utopia of Exotic" by Andrei Craciun, from the publication with the same title).

Publication: "Utopia of Exotic" with texts by Anne Alexander, Tania Bruguera, Andrei Craciun, Walter Mignolo, Saviana Stanescu. Edited by PAVILION - journal of politics and culture, English/Romanian, 80 pages, B/W, 14,8 x 21,0 cm, softcover, 4 EURO / 12 RON.

OPENINGâparty & live concert with 
(, December 10, 2010, 22.00 hours
The gig is organized by ONEDAY.RO

To be keeped posted you can RSVP on FB at

Image: Kristoffer ArdeÃa, Apparition, sculpture/photography, dimensions variable, 2008. Courtesy of the artist.

Exhibition supported by 

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131
E: [email protected]


PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice  care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILION UNICREDIT is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Pilsner Urquell
Partners: Romanian Cultural Institute, Austrian Cultural Forum, Center for Visual Introspection, ADD, Paradis Garaj
Media partners: Afterall, Framework, Radical Philosophy, Springerin, Radio Romania Cultural, 22,,, 24Fun,, Arhitectura, Cabinet, Mute, Open, Kaleidoscope, Vicious Vitamins, Cura magazine,,
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
Audio-visual partner: Sony

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