cristian nae on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 18:14:23 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] invitatie conferinta Marius Babias la UAGE, Iasi, 20 Aprilie 2011

Universitatea de Arte âGeorge Enescuâ din Iasi Âva invita Miercuri, 20 Aprilie 
2011, ora 16.00, sa participati la conferinta:
sustinuta deMARIUS BABIAS (Berlin).
Conferinta va avea loc la sala I.D. Stefanescuâ a Facultatii de Arte Plastice, 
Decorative si Design, Corp A (Str. Sarariei, no. 189). 

Marius Babias este critic de arta, curator si teoretician, in prezent director 
al Neue Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin. A fost, printre altele,curatorul 
Pavilonului Romaniei la Bienala de la Venezia, 2005, al Bienalei de Arta 
Contemporana Periferic 7, Iasi, sectiunea âProcese Socialeâ (2006) si al 
proiectului âSpatiul Public Bucurestiâ (2007). In 1996 i-a fost decernat premiul 
Carl Einstein pentru critica de arta. A predat la Stadelschule in Frankfurt am 
Main, la Kunstuniverstitat Linz si la Center for Contemporary Art Kitakyushu in 
Japonia, precum si la Universitatea de Arte din Berlin. Printre publicatiile 
sale amintim âIch war dabei, alsâ Interviews 1990â2000â (Frankfurt/Main, 2001), 
âWare SubjektivitÃt â Eine Theorie-Novelleâ (Munchen, 2002) and âBerlin. Die 
Spur der Revolteâ (Koln, 2006).
ÂAceasta manifestare are loc Ãn cadrul cursuluiâPolitici ale identitatii in arta 
est-europeana dupa 1989âsustinut de lector. univ. dr. Cristian NAE in cadrul 
proiectuluiâPatterns_Lectures: Researching and Understanding Recent Cultural 
Historyâ, finantat deERSTE Stiftung prin intermediulWUS Austria. 

âGeorge Enescuâ University of Arts, Iasi, invites you Wednesday, April 20, 2011, 
16.00 h, to attend the conference:
delivered by Marius Babias (Berlin) 
The conference will take place in the âI.D. Stefanescuâ hall of the Faculty of 
Fine Arts, Decorative Arts and Design, Building A (Str. Sarariei, nr. 189)
Marius Babias is an art critic, curator and theorist, currently the director of 
Neue Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin. He curated, among others, the Romanian 
Pavilion at the Venice Biennale (2005), Periferic Biennial of Contemporary Art, 
Iasi (2006) and the project Public Space Bucharest (2007). In 1996 he was 
awarded the Carl Einstein Prize for Art Criticism. He held various teaching 
positions at Stadelschule in Frankfurt am Main, Kunstuniverstitat Linz, Center 
for Contemporary Art Kitakyushu in Japan and the University of Arts in Berlin. 
His publications include âIch war dabei, alsâ Interviews 1990â2000â 
(Frankfurt/Main, 2001), âWare SubjektivitÃt â Eine Theorie-Novelleâ (Munich, 
2002) and âBerlin. Die Spur der Revolteâ (Cologne, 2006).
The event takes place within the courseâPolitics of Identity in Eastern-European 
art after 1989âtought by Ph.D. lecturer Cristian NAE 
withintheâPatterns_Lectures: Researching and Understanding Recent Cultural 
Historyâ projectfinanced byERSTE Stiftung and implemented byWUS Austria.Â
ÂCristian Nae 
Art Critic & Ph.D. Lecturer, 
Department of Art History and Theory,
"George Enescu" University of Arts, Iasi 
Str. Sarariei 189, 700451, 
office: + 40.(0)232.225.333 
personal: + 40.(0)752.034.124 
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