ALERT studio on Wed, 12 Oct 2011 16:09:12 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] (Reminder) STRUCTURI TEMPORARE | Bogdan Bordeianu @ ALERT studio |
(english version bellow) * Deschidere: 12 Octombrie, 19:00, Str. Mircea Vulcanescu 2-4, Bucuresti.* STRUCTURI TEMPORARE In Romania arhitectura, spatiul construit, abandonat si in ruine ori inca functional, constituie poate cel mai violent semn al perioadei de tranzitie in care societatea romaneasca inca se afla, atat de prezent incat aparent tranzitia este una permanenta, de la comunism la post-comunism si de la post-comunism la noile tendinte post-capitaliste. Aceasta serie de fotografii, reprezentand dealuri imense de pamant provenite din gropile sapate pentru fundatiile unor noi constructii, este o continuare a proiectelor mele precedente de cartografiere vizuala, fie a periferiei Bucurestiului, fie in cadrul proiectului de cercetare RoArchive. Este o stare a lucrurilor care imi starneste interesul, preocuparea mea constanta pentru tranzitoriu. Aceste dealuri create de om, pe care deja vegetatia a inceput sa creasca, m-au facut sa ma gandesc la ele ca fiind niste Structuri Provizorii apartinand unor forme de relief cu durata limitata. *************************************************** TEMPORARY STRUCTURES In Romania, the architecture, the construction sites, abandoned, in ruins, or still functional, are possibly the most violent sign of the still ongoing transition within Romanian society. This sign is so omnipresent that the transition seems permanent: from communism to post-communism and from post-communism to the new post-capitalist trends.This series of photographs, of vast hills of soil originating from the pits dug for new buildings foundations, is a continuation of my previous projects of visual mapping/topography of Bucharest’s periphery, done individually or as part of the visual research project RoArchive. This state of things arouses my interest, my constant concern for the transitory. These man made hills, on which the vegetation was beginning to grow, made me think about them as being Temporary Structures, belonging to landforms of limited duration. *************************************************** ALERT studio functioneaza ca pop-up gallery. / ALERT studio functions as a pop-up-gallery. Vizitarea expozitiei se va face in perioada 12 Octombrie - 26 Octombrie prin programare e-mail. / The exhibition is on view between October 12 and October 26. Visits will be programmed by e-mail. ALERT studio este un proiect independent initiat de Raluca Ilaria Demetrescu, Alina Buga si Catalin Burcea cu scopul de a crea o platforma de cercetare si promovare a productiei artistice contemporane. Asumandu-si functia de spatiu laborator, Alert Studio propune o intalnire intre artisti, idei, directii si discursuri din zone conceptuale si spatii culturale diferite. Sunt importante si apreciate gandirea critica si interogatia ca metode de cercetare a contextului cultural-artistic contemporan. ALERT studio functioneaza ca o galerie de proiect, conectand trei directii de explorare artistica - PINK | RED | WHITE - intr-un singur spatiu. Insa aceste coordonate nu inseamna indexare, restrictie si etichetare. Ele se pot intersecta si nuanta, pot oricand dialoga si declansa dezbateri. *************************************************** ALERT studio is an independent project initiated by Raluca Demetrescu Alina Buga and Catalin Burcea in order to create a platform of research and promotion of contemporary artistic production. Taking on the function of alaboratory space, Studio Alert proposes a meeting between artists, ideas, directions and speeches from different areas of conceptual and cultural spaces. Critical thinking and interrogation are important and valued as research methods in the contemporary cultural and artistic field. ALERT studio stands as a gallery project, connecting three areas of artistic exploration - PINK | RED | WHITE - into one space. But these coordinates do not mean indexing, labeling and restriction. They may intersect, combine in new shades, and may always communicate and trigger debates. *************************************************** PARTENERI MEDIA: Modernism, ArtClue, Format Foundation, SapteSeri, Metropotam, Hipmag, TimeOut. -- *ALERT studio* 2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street code 010281 | **Bucharest, Romania _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: