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[Nettime-ro] Marina Naprushkina in dialog cu Eugen Radescu la PAVILION UNICREDIT |
PAVILION UNICREDIT /for English please scroll down The Office for Anti-Propaganda DIALOG Joi, 27 octombrie 2011, 19.00 Marina Naprushkina in dialog cu Eugen Radescu O discutie despre o realitate aparent indepartata, despre o societate aparent inchisa si despre cum putem sa ne atribuim argumentele unei democratii autentice in conditiile esecului totalitar si al lectiilor democratice. âThe Office for Anti-Propagandaâ a fost fondat in 2007 in Frankfurt. âBiroulâ produce o arhiva de filme, texte si alte materiale avand ca subiect propaganda politica. Atentia este indreptata catre Belarus deoarece modelul sau politic poate fi transferat altor Èari din Europa de Est si din America Latina, Èari de la care Belarus primeste suport politic. De asemenea, acest stat poate fi privit drept un exemplu remarcabil despre cum infiintezi un dictatoriat modern si cum fac fata democratiile vestice problemei. âThe Office for Anti-Propaganadaâ este rezultatul unui proces indelungat de culegere si arhivare a materialelor propagandistice originale si a lucrarilor mai multor artisti. Lucrarea este prezentata ca o instalatie sub forma de arhiva, la care orice vizitator poate avea acces: poate sa aleaga si sa vizioneze video-urile, sa citeasca corespondenta dintre birou si autoritatile Germane, sau poate parcurge literatura ideologic-patriotica din Belarus. Marina Naprushkina s-a nascut in 1981 in Minsk, Belarus. Lucrarile ei sunt un mix de domenii pornind de la pictura, video si instalatii menite sa dezvolte examinarea critica a puterii si structura Statului, utilizand adeseori materiale obtinute din Belarusul de astazi. O sursa bogata o reprezinta materialele propagandistice oferite de catre institutiile guvernamentale. Imaginile obtinute, fie ca se schimba rapid fie cÄ pot fi introduse in contexte diferite cu scopul de a schimba mesajul original. Stradania artistei de a diseca structurile vizuale si lingvistice ale regimului autoritar, demonstreaza maniera in care autoritatea statala afecteaza societatea si transforma democratia intr-o iluzie a celor ce traiesc sub hegemonia persistenta a retelei de guvernamant. Eugen Radescu (n. 1978) este politolog (specializat in relativism moral si etica politica), manager cultural, curator si teoretician. A scris pentru diferite reviste si ziare. A fost, printre altele, curatorul Bucharest Biennale 1, cu tema âIdentity Factoriesâ si al expozitiei âHow Innocent Is That?â la Pavilion Bucuresti. A publicat cartea âHow innocent is that?â la REVOLVER BOOKS, Berlin. Este co-editorul PAVILION â journal for politics and culture si co-directorul Bucharest Biennale (impreuna cu Razvan Ion) si preÈedinte al board-ului organizational al PAVILION UNICREDIT si Bucharest Biennale. Este profesor la Universitatea Bucuresti si Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca. Locuieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti. Imagine: Cartea de colorat âMy daddy is a policeman. What is he doing at work?â a aparut ca parte a campaniei âBeware, police!â a societatii civile, impotriva violentei exercitate de politie in Belarus. --- The Office for Anti-Propaganda DIALOGUE Thursday, October 27, 2011, 19.00 Marina Naprushkina in dialogue with Eugen Radescu A discussion about a not so close reality, about a closed society and about how we can manage to discuss arguments about a real democracy when we have to deal with failure of democratic lessons. âThe Office for Anti-Propagandaâ was founded in 2007 in Frankfurt. The âOfficeâ produces an archive of videos, texts and picture material on the subject of political propaganda. The focus is on Belarus because but its political model can be transferred to some other East European and Latin American countries from which Belarus gets political support. Belarus is also an outstanding example of how to establish a modern dictatorship and how the western democracies handle this âproblemâ. âThe Office for Anti-Propagandaâ is the result of long-standing work in gathering and archiving the original propaganda material and the works of the artists. It is shown in the form of an installation with an archive, which every viewer can use: select and watch the videos, read correspondence between the office and German authorities, or page through the original Belorussian âpatrioticâ ideological literature. Marina Naprushkina, born 1981 in Minsk, Belarus. Her works is a range of media including painting, video and installation to develop critical examinations of power and the structure of the State, often using material acquired from contemporary Belarus. A rich source is the propagandistic material delivered by governmental institutions. There so obtained images and symbols become either slightly changed or inserted in a different context in order to reverse the original message. The artistâs painstaking dissection of the visual and linguistic structure of the authoritarian regime and research-based works demonstrate how state authority affects society, and transforms democracy into an illusion for those living under the persistent hegemony of the ruling network. Eugen Radescu (b. 1978) is politologist (specialized in moral relativism and political ethics), cultural manager, curator and theoretician. He writes for various magazines and newspapers. He curated, among others, Bucharest Biennale 1 with the theme âIdentity Factoriesâ and âHow Innocent Is That?â at Pavilion Bucharest. He published a book âHow Innocent Is That?â at REVOLVER BOOKS, Berlin, Germany. He is co-editor of PAVILION â journal for politics and culture and co-director of Bucharest Biennale (with Razvan Ion) and the chairman of the organizational board of Pavilion and Bucharest Biennale. He is associate professor at Bucharest University and Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj. Lives and works in Bucharest. Image: The coloring book âMy daddy is a policeman. What is he doing at work?â appeared as a part of the civil campaign against police violence in Belarus âBeware, police!â. --- PAVILION UNICREDIT center for contemporary art & culture Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei) Bucharest 011131 Romania T: + 4 031 103 4131 E: [email protected] Facebook: --- PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale. PAVILION UNICREDIT is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions. --- This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture. --- PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu --- Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank Strategic partner: Grolsch Partners: Romanian Cultural Institute, Austrian Cultural Forum, ADD Media partners: Afterall, Framework, La Chambre Du Chat, Radical Philosophy, Springerin, Radio Romania Cultural,,, 24Fun,, Cabinet, Mute, Open, Kaleidoscope, La Chambre du Chat,, Vice, Vicious Vitamins, Cura magazine,,, Zeppelin. Production partner: UpDate Advertising Printing partner: First Advertising Agency --- To unsubscribe click this link To forward this message click this link _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: