Olivia Nitis on Thu, 10 Nov 2011 15:59:17 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] Lobotomia/Lobotomy, Valeriu Schiau, Palatul Mogosoaia, duminica 13.11.2011, h.16.00 |
RO Vernisaj: Duminica 13 noiembrie 2011, orele 16.00 Locatia: Centrul Cultural Palatele Brancovenesti Mogosoaia, Casa Artelor Curatoare: Olivia Nitis Valeriu Schiau nu este un artist confortabil. Lucrarile sale vorbesc in mod direct despre problemele sale personale, despre interiorizare si adaptare, extinzand discursul sau figurativ in pictura, desen, obiect, video catre dimensiunea obsesiva a nelinisilor pe fondul abuzurilor sociale. Aceste problematici sunt abordate si in performance/performance filmat inteles ca argument autoreferential in favoarea explorarii obsesiilor subiective. Personajul central din lucrarile artistului este copilul, uneori in stadiu de avorton, parasit, abandonat, neasumat, iar acest copil este expresia experimentelor sociale din anumite contexte socio-politice, cu precadere cel al regimului sovietic, pentru ca, Valeriu Schiau este ânascut in URSSâ, dupa cum s-a intitulat unul dintre proiectele sale trecute. Valeriu Schiau devine martorul lagarelor de copii, al privarii de libertate de la nastere si chiar din stadiul de nenascut, ca formula de predeterminare a rolului indivizilor de instrument deservit unui sistem politic totalitar. Lobotomia este o procedura chirurgicala care presupune sectionarea unor fibre nervoase in encefal cu scopul imunizarii afective a pacientilor atinsi de anxietate paroxisica cronica, de obsesii grave sau de presiuni morale care determina acte sinucigase. Proiectul Lobotomia reflecta o stare de fapt, aceea a insensibilitatii, a lobotomizarii colective fata de dramele sociale. Pasivi si imuni emotional privim procesul de dezumanizare cu seninatatea roz din picturile lui Valeriu Schiau. Acesti copii isi pierd identitatea devenind fie masa de manevra, fie pur si simplu miei sacrificati de o putere bolnava care ii considera inutili, sau care ii vaneaza cu scopul unor principii de purificare sociala. Lipsa de reactie a celor care privesc este la fel de dezumanizanta pentru ca devine expresia unei participari tacite. Expozitia lui Valeriu Schiau este, asadar, rezultatul unor observatii grave asupra deviatiilor umane incurajate de sisteme socio-politice abuzive, dar si un exercitiu critic la adresa starii contemplative a unei lumi pentru care nepasarea fata de celalalt este consecinta imunizarii psihologice practicata in timp de aceleasi sisteme pentru care constiinta colectiva este instrumentul ideal de manipulare. Olivia Nitis Valeriu Schiau (n. 1969) traieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti, Romania. ________________________________  EN Opening: Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center, Mogosoaia, Arts House Sunday, November 13, 2011, 16.00 hours Curator: Olivia Nitis Valeriu Schiau is not a comfortable artist. His works speak directly about his personal problems, about introspection and adaptation, expanding his figurative speech in painting, drawing, object, video to the obsessive dimension of anxieties amid social abuses. These issues are also approached in performance / video-performance understood as a self-referential argument in favor of exploring subjective obsessions. The central character of the artist's work is the child, sometimes in stage of abortion, left, abandoned, unassumed, and this child is an expression of social experiments within certain socio-political contexts, especially that of the Soviet regime, because, Valeriu Schiau is "born in USSR ", as one of his previous projects is entitled. Valeriu Schiau becomes the witness of children exterminations camps, of the deprivation of freedom from birth and even from the unborn stage, as a predetermination formula of the role of individuals regarded as an instrument served to the totalitarian political system. Lobotomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting off nerve fibers in the encephalon with the purpose of emotional immunization of patients with chronical paroxistic anxiety, severe obsessions or moral pressures that cause suicidal acts. The Lobotomy project reflects a state of affairs, that of insensitivity, of the collective lobotomization facing social dramas. Passive and emotionally immune we are watching the process of dehumanization with the pink serenity from Valeriu Schiauâs paintings. These children lose their identity becoming mass manoeuvre or simply lambs slaughtered by a power which consideres them useless, or hunt them for the purpose of principles of social purification. The lack of response of those who look is as dehumanizing because it is the expression of a silent participation. Valeriu Schiauâs exhibition is, therefore, the result of serious observations on human deviations encouraged by abusive socio-political systems, but also a critical exercise adressed to the contemplative state of a world to which indifference is the result of psychological immunization practiced in time by the same systems for whom collective consciousness is the ideal tool for manipulation. Olivia Nitis Valeriu Schiau (b. 1969) lives and works in Bucharest, Romania.  Olivia Nitis curator&art critic Vice-President of Experimental Project Association e-mail: [email protected] phone:+4 0747491279 http://olivia.experimentalproject.ro www.perspectiveproject.ro _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-ro --> arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/