PAVILION [journal for politics and culture] on Sat, 12 Nov 2011 20:55:31 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] MARINA ALBU - artist talk at PAVILION


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imi dau drumul / colocviu despre arta si viata, frici, atasare si moarte.

Joi, 17 noiembrie 2011, 19.00

Atat prin ceea ce producem, cream sau initiam, in sfera culturala sau nu, cat si prin ceea ce traim, actionam determinati de impulsuri, trecute prin filtrul analizei sau nu.
Avem motive pentru orice. Ele ne fac sa vrem sau ne opresc din drum. Incercam sa stim ce vrem.
Exista reguli in lumea artei la fel cum exista reguli in spatiul public, si chiar si in cel privat;
ezitam intre a le urma sau a le sfida.
Ce relatie avem cu resursele in momentul in care cream? De ce alegem ce am ales? Trebuie sa credem in ceva ca sa mergem inainte? Cand anume avem puterea de a sta pe loc?
Obsesia in arta e mai legitima decat obsesia in viata? Ce pastram din ce cream? Care sunt criteriile de selectie?

Va invit sa purtam o discutie impreuna, insa, daca nu va fi posibil, voi vorbi singura, si, daca vreti, ma puteti asculta. Am deprinderea si exercitiul atat din timpul locuirii cu familia, cat si din discutiile cu partenerii.

Cu prietenie,

Marina Albu este un artist vizual ce lucreaza cu fotografie, performance, instalatie si video, a carei arta este plina de exuberanta si abordari ideatice, vibrante si patrunzatoare, ea mixeaza concepte si idei cu fragmente din viata si actiune. Marina Albu s-a nascut in 1984 in Constanta, lucreaza si traieste in Bucuresti, Romania.


just let go / viva voce about art and life, fears, affixation and death.
Thursday, November 17, 2011, 19.00

Both by what we produce, create or engage, inside or outside the cultural sphere, and by what we live, we act determined by drive or urge, passed through the filter of analysis or not.
We have reasons for everything. These make us want or make us halt. We try to know what we want.
There are rules in the art world just as there are rules in the public space, and even in private;
we hesitate between following or defying.
What relationship do we have with resources as we create? Why choose the way we do? Does one have to believe in something to carry on? When do we have the power to stand still?
Is obsession in art more legitimate than obsession in life? What do we keep out of our creations? What are the selection criteria?

I invite you to discuss together, but if not possible, I will speak by myself, and if you want, you can listen. I learned to do this both when living with family and when discussing with partners.

In friendship,

Marina Albu is a visual artist working with photography/ performance/ installation/ video, who’s art is full of youthful exuberance and ideative approaches, vibrant and deep, towards human behavior, she is mixing concepts and ideas with slices of life and action. Marina Albu was born in 1984 in Constanta, lives and works in Bucharest, Romania.

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131
E: [email protected]


PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice  care promoveaza o întelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILION UNICREDIT is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Grolsch
Partners: Romanian Cultural Institute, Austrian Cultural Forum, ADD
Media partners: Afterall, Framework, La Chambre Du Chat, Radical Philosophy, Springerin, Radio Romania Cultural,,, 24Fun,, Cabinet, Mute, Open, Kaleidoscope, La Chambre du Chat,, Vice, Vicious Vitamins, Cura magazine,,, Zeppelin.
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency

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