simona dumitriu on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 19:09:45 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] MARTURII XXI - Revizitand trecutul. O colectie de interviuri video. - vernisaj 1.02.2012 ora 18.00 la PLATFORMA (MNAC Anexa)

O colectie de interviuri video

laÂPLATFORMAÂ(in cadrul MNAC-Anexa, Calea Mosilor
62-68, etaj 1, Bucuresti)
1 â 19 februarie 2012.ÂVernisaj
1 februarie ora 18.00

o colectie de interviuri video cu artisti, critici si istorici de arta care au
jucat un rol major pe scena artistica romaneasca dinainte de 1989. Acestia
povestesc despre: contextul artistic, politic si social al acelor ani,
proiectele personale si spatiile unde puteau expune, cenzura si efectul ei
asupra creatiei artistice, sistemul de invatamant artistic (profesorii care au
avut un rol formator in pregatirea lor, colegii pe care i-au avut, accesul si
natura surselor de informare in timpul anilor 60, 70, 80),Âetc.

Proiectul este coordonat deÂAurora
Kiraly, dupa un concept elaborat impreuna cuÂIosif Kiraly.Â
Interviurile sunt realizate de:ÂRaluca
Nestor,ÂCristiana Radu,ÂMagda RaduÂsiÂOana
La intrebarile lor raspund:ÂGeta Bratescu, Magda Carneci,
Constantin Flondor, Mircea Florian, Ion Grigorescu, Peter Jacobi, Wanda
Mihuleac, Mihai Oroveanu, Alexandra Titu, Gheorghe Vida, Ioana Vlasiu.
Imagine: Valentin Purza

MARTURII XXI â REVIZITAND TRECUTUL functioneaza ca un proiectÂin-progress. El ar trebui
continuat si dezvoltat cu alte serii de interviuri in viitor. In acest stadiu
proiectul ofera o baza de date care contine documentatii video extensive pe
care le consideram extrem de folositoare pentru istoricii de arta, tinerii
artisti, studentii sau jurnalistii romani si internationali interesati sa se informeze
in vederea realizarii unor proiecte, texte sau articole. Aceasta documentatie
poate fi vizionata la cerere. Colectia prezentata in expozitie include
versiunea montata, subtitrata in limba engleza, in scopul de a promova aceste
filme documentare si catre un public international. In viitorul apropiat
aceasta versiune a interviurilor va fi disponibila si online.

Chiar daca in ultima decada au fost facute mai multe eforturi in procesul de
documentare a creatiei artistilor romani importanti, sunt inca multe de facut
pentru recuperarea trecutului recent al artei romanesti. Impedimente de ordin
financiar, dar nu numai, au impiedicat realizarea unor studii extensive si
publicarea unor materiale exhaustive despre arta moderna si contemporana
romaneasca. In ultimii ani acest vacuum a fost recuperat partial prin diferite
expozitii, proiecte, publicatii initiate de institutii, fundatii, artisti,
critici de arta si curatori. Proiectul de fata aduce un material documentar
valoros al carui scop principal este recompunerea contextului artistic, politic
si social care a influentat scena artistica romaneasca in a doua jumatate a
secolului al XX-lea.

In timpul expozitiei va fi realizata o noua serie de interviuri cu o parte
dintre vizitatori. Acestia vor fi invitati in fata camerei sa impartaseasca
propria lor versiune si interpretare despre arta contemporana romaneasca
dinainte de 1989, adaugand propriile lor amintiri sau povesti pe care le-au
auzit sau citit. Aceste scurte reactii (inregistrari video) vor avea 10-15 minute
fiecare si vor fi prezentate in timpul unui eveniment punctual viitor la
Platforma (in cadrul MNAC Anexa) ca o reactie la proiectul MARTURII XXI â
REVIZITAND TRECUTUL. Dupa expozitie aceste inregistrari vor fi incluse pe
blogul spatiului Platforma si in arhiva online a proiectului.Â

realizat de:Galeria NouaÂ
Cu sprijinul financiar: Erste Foundation , AFCNÂ
Cu sprijinul: MNAClab
MulÅumiri speciale: Christine Bohler â Director of
Programme Culture, Erste Foundation, Mihai Oroveanu â director general MNAC,
si artistelor Carmen Dobre, Simona Dumitriu, Larisa Sitar, Simona Vilau pentru
colaborarea in cadrul proiectului.
despre spatiul Platforma: & FB: 
A collection of video interviews

Calea Mosilor 62-68, etaj 1, Bucuresti)

February 1st â 19th 2012. Opening on February 1st, at 6:00 p.m.

WITNESSES XXI â REVISITING THE PAST is a collection of video interviews with
artists, art critics and art historians who played a key role on the Romanian
art scene before 1989. They answer questions referring to the artistic, politic
and social context of those years, to their personal projects and opportunities
to exhibit, to censorship and its effects on the artistic creation, to issues
related to art education (discussing about teachers who had a major influence
in their formation, about their colleagues, about the access and the nature of the
sources of information during the 60s, 70s and 80s etc).

The project is coordinated by Aurora Kiraly, based on a concept
developed together with Iosif Kiraly. 
The interviews were conducted by: Raluca Nestor, Cristiana Radu, Magda Radu, andOana Tanase.
The questions were answered by: Geta Bratescu, Magda Carneci, Constantin
Flondor, Mircea Florian, Ion Grigorescu, Peter Jacobi, Wanda Mihuleac, Mihai
Oroveanu, Alexandra Titu, Gheorghe Vida, Ioana Vlasiu 

WITNESSES XXI â REVISITING THE PAST works as a project in-progress. It should be continued and developed with other series
of interviews in the future. At this stage the project offers a database with
extensive video documentation which we consider very useful for future Romanian
and international art historians, young artists, students or journalists
interested in doing research for future projects, texts or articles. This
documentation will be accessed upon request. The collection presented in this
exhibition includes the edited version, with subtitles in English, with the aim
of being promoted also to the international public. The edited versions of the
interviews will be available online in the near future.

Although in the last decade some steps were taken in the process of documenting
the important Romanian artistsâ work, there are still many things to be done
for the recuperation of the recent past of Romanian art. Due to financial
constraints, but not only, the extensive studies and exhaustive publications on
Romanian modern and contemporary art are still missing. This gap is partially
covered by various exhibitions, projects, publications that were produced by
different institutions, foundations, artists, art critics and curators in the
last years. The present project adds a valuable information resource to the
field and its main goal is to recompose the artistic, political, and social
context which influenced the Romanian culture in the second half of the 20th

During the exhibition, a new series of short interviews will be conducted with
a part of the visitors. They will be invited in front of the camera to offer
their versions and interpretations related to Romanian contemporary art before
1989, adding their own memories, interpretations or the stories they have heard
or read before. These short reactions (video recordings) will have 10-15
minutes each and be presented in a future short event at Platforma (MNAC Anexa),
as a reaction/reply to the WITNESSES XXI â REVISITING THE PAST project. After
the exhibition they will be included on Platformaâs blog and in the projectâs online

Project by:Galeria
With the financial support of: Erste Foundation , AFCNÂ
With the support of: MNAClab
Special thanks to: Christine Boehler â Director of Programme
Culture, Erste Foundation, Mihai Oroveanu â MNAC general director, and
to the artists Carmen Dobre, Simona
Dumitriu, Larisa Sitar, Simona Vilau for their collaboration in this

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