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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: MD* #4 DVD la PLIC: GENUL ZERO - proiectie / POSTBOX DVD: GENDER ZERO - screening |
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: MD* #4 DVD la PLIC: GENUL ZERO - proiectie / POSTBOX DVD: GENDER ZERO - screening Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 20:21:04 +0300 From: Vladimir US <[email protected]> To: [email protected] http://plic09.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/4-dvd-la-plic/ - â - scroll down for English â - - RO - â - â - marÅi, 3 aprilie 2012, ora 16:00 Academia de MuzicÄ, Teatru Èi Arte Plastice (blocul 3), atelierul 101 str. 31 August 1989, nr. 137, ChiÈinÄu - proiecÈia #4 DVD la PLIC: GENUL ZERO Pe data de 3 aprilie 2012, ora 16:00 va avea loc proiecÈia #4 DVD la PLIC. Vor fi proiectate lucrÄrile artiÈtilor: Aleksandra ACIC [RS], Tatiana FIODOROVA [MD], Cinty IONESCU [RO], Delia POPA [RO], Larisa SITAR [RO]. Genul Zero (Gender Zero) este o replicÄ la nesfÃrÅita serie de âpolitici corecteâ Åi âdiscriminÄri pozitiveâ, de compilaÅii, antologii Åi colecÅii reprezentate majoritar la genul masculin Åi la care genul feminin participÄ din obligaÅie faÅÄ de noile direcÅii. S-a nÄscut din frustrare Åi enervare faÅÄ de eticheta âfemininâ sau (Åi mai grav) âfeministâ aplicatÄ la tot ce este semnat de prietenele mele; din uimirea iritatÄ faÅÄ de afirmaÅia tranÅantÄ a singurului istoric al artei activ din romÃnia: âei sunt artiÅti, ele curatorâ. Ca rÄspuns la prejudecata niciodatÄ pusÄ sub semnul ÃntrebÄrii conform cÄreia noile medii (astea mai tehnice) sunt apanajul unui gen. Si nu doar Ãn spaÅiile estic patriarhale de provenienÅÄ ale creatorilor din antologia de faÅÄ. Antologia Genul Zero (Gender Zero) nu este nici un manifest, dar este o afirmaÅie. Vizionare plÄcutÄ! VedeÅi Åi judecaÅi Åi singuri. Sanda WATT (2010) Un sinopsis despre lucrÄrile proiectate gÄsiÈi ÃnCatalogul PLIC ConÈinutul Ãntregului numÄr poate fi consultat aici:http://plic09.wordpress.com/arhiva-2/4-iulie-20 10/ Seria de proiecÈii video a DVD la PLIC are drept scop promovarea noilor medii (new media) Ãn rÃndul studenÈilor Èi tinerilor artiÈti care ÃÈi fac studiile Ãn cadrul unor instituÈii de tip academic. TotodatÄ proiecÈiile servesc drept cadru de discuÈie Ãn jurul practicilor de artÄ contemporanÄ. Proiectiile au loc la AMTAP conform urmÄtorului grafic: 28 martie, 2012 â #3 POSTBOX DVD: TRANZIÈIA, curator Stefan RUSU [MD] 3 aprilie 2012 â #4 DVD la PLIC: GENUL ZERO, curator Sanda WATT [RO] 10 aprilie 2012 â #5 DVD la PLIC: EXPLORAREA ARHIVELOR, curator Ètefan RUSU [MD] 17 aprilie 2012 â #6-7 DVD la PLIC: SCENE / PROTAGONIÈTI / SIMPTOME, spaÈii Ãn schimbare, curator Natasa BODROZIC [HR] Revista la PLIC â literaturÄ, artÄ, atitudine este o publicaÈie cu caracter interdisciplinar Èi experimental pronunÈat, care ÃÈi propune sÄ reflecte tendinÈele artistice Èi literare ale tinerilor creatori:http://plic09.wordpress.com/prezentare/ EN - â - â - Tuesday, 3rd April 2012, 4 p.m. Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts in Chisinau (3rd block), studio 101 str. 31 August 1989, nr. 137, ChiÈinÄu - screening of #4 POSTBOX DVD: GENDER ZERO On April 3, 2012, 4 pm will take place the screening of #4 POSTBOX DVD. The works ofAleksandra ACIC [RS], Tatiana FIODOROVA[MD], Cinty IONESCU [RO], Delia POPA [RO],Larisa SITAR [RO] [RO] will be screened. Gender Zero (Genul Zero) is an answer to the endless line of âpolitical correctnessâ, âpositive discriminationsâ in the compilations, anthologies and collections mainly represented by the masculine genre, where ladies are present only in observance of the new directions. It was born out of the frustration and irritation toward the label of âfeminineâ or (even worse) âfeministâ applied to just about anything my friends signed; out of irritated astonishment at the straightforward statement of the only active art historian in Romania: âmen are artists, ladies curators.â As an answer to the never questioned prejudice according to which these new (technical) media are the prerogative of one certain genre. And that does not go only for the eastern-patriarchal areas, that the creators present on this anthology come from. The Anthology Gender Zero (Genul Zero) is not a manifesto, but, yes, it is a statement. A variety of topics and a diversity of media, areas and artistic expression beyond social, genre or even geographical labels. Contemporary in the most basic sense of the word, the artists on this anthology are strong creating individualities, independent, with a direct grasp of the immediate reality. Enjoy it! Sanda WATT (2010) In POSTBOX catalogue you can find a synopsis for the screened works. The entire content of this issue is available here:http://plic09.wordpress.com/arhiva-2/4-iulie-2010/ The series of screenings of POSTBOX DVD has as objective to promote the new media among the students and young artists studying in the academic milieu. It also serves as a frame for discussions about contemporary art practices. The screenings are taking place at the Academy of Art according to the following schedule: March 28, 2012 â #3 POSTBOX DVD:TRANSITION, curator Stefan RUSU [MD] April 3, 2012 â #4 POSTBOX DVD: GENDER ZERO, curator Sanda WATT [RO] April 10, 2012 â #5 POSTBOX DVD: HAUNTING THE ARCHIVES, curator Ètefan RUSU [MD] April 17, 2012 â #6-7 POSTBOX DVD: SCENES / PROTAGONISTS / SYMPTOMS, spaces in the speed of change, curator Natasa BODROZIC [HR] The POSTBOX magazine is an interdisciplinary and experimental publication that aims to reflect the young artistsâ and writersâ work and activity:http://plic09.wordpress.com/prezentare/ Vladimir US Revista la PLIC | director de proiect http://plic.oberliht.com din 2011 cautati-ne in subsolurile Chisinaului -- Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht" http://oberliht.com tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317 email: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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