Olivia Nitis on Mon, 2 Apr 2012 17:03:01 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] Simona Dobrescu - EcuaÈia vitezei de reacÈie, Atelier 030202, joi 5 aprilie h.19.00 |
Simona Dobrescu - EcuaÈia vitezei de reacÈie Simona Dobrescu investigheazÄ relaÈiile dintre genuri sub umbrelaÂconvenÈionalÄ a heterosexualitÄÈii. Este un discurs personal despre chimia cineticÄ dintre bÄrbat Èi femeie, doi indivizi Ãn ale cÄror vieÈi interfereazÄ oÂgamÄ largÄ de aspecte socio-culturale care le influenÈeazÄ reacÈiile Èi le definescÂidentitatea. Chestionarea identitÄÈii reprezintÄ rezerva de luciditate a omuluiÂÃn contextul dinamismului zgomotos Èi plafonant al timpului Èi spaÈiuluiÂcontemporan. Ientitatea de cuplu este ÃmbrÄÈiÈatÄ de societate adesea ÃnÂdetrimentul identitÄÈii personale, pentru cÄ este o realitate care corespundeÂnormelor sociale prin idealismul stabilitÄÈii asigurate de rolul familiei. SimonaÂDobrescu repereazÄ nu doar bruiajul mediului exterior, cÃt Èi pe cel al spaÈiulÂintermediar dintre cei doi protagoniÈti surprinÈi Ãntr-un soi de acÈiune situatÄÂla graniÈa dintre consensul apatic Èi chimia conflictualÄ, Ãntr-un performanceÂinvoluntar al reacÈiilor mecanice repetitive determinate de limitele Èi frustrÄrile comunicÄrii interumane. *EcuaÈia cineticÄ a vitezei de reacÈie r = k(T) [A]nâ [B]mâ este o formulÄÂmatematicÄ folositÄ Ãn cinetica chimicÄ pentru a lega viteza de reacÈie deÂconcentraÈia fiecÄrui reactant. Curatoare: Olivia NiÈiÈ Locatia: Atelier 030202, Strada Sf. Vineri nr 11, Bucuresti Vernisaj: Joi 5 aprilie orele 19.00 Perioada expozitiei: 5-24 aprilie 2012 ________________________________ Simona Dobrescu - Reaction Rate Equation Simona Dobrescu investigates gender relations under the conventional approachÂof heterosexuality. It is a personal discourse about the kinetic chemistry betweenÂman and woman, two individuals in whose lives interfere a wide range ofÂsocio-cultural aspects that influence their reactions and define their identity.ÂQuestioning identity represents the reserve of lucidity o each person within theÂcontext of the noisy and limiting dynamics of contemporary time and space. TheÂidentity of the couple is embraced by society often at the expense of personalÂidentity, because it is a reality compliant to social norms through the idealism ofÂsocial stability provided by the family role. Simona Dobrescu identifies not onlyÂthe outside interference, but also that of the intermediate space between the twoÂprotagonists caught in a kind of action situated between the apathetic consensusÂand conflictual chemistry, in an involuntary performance of mechanicalÂrepetitive responses determined by the limits and frustrations of interpersonalÂcommunication. * Kinetic reaction rate equation r = k (T) [A] n '[B] m' is a mathematical formulaÂused to link the chemical kinetics of response of each reactant concentration. Curator: Olivia Nitis Location: Atelier 030202 on Sf. Vineri Street nr. 11, Bucharest Opening: Thursday April 5th at 7 pm Exhibition period: April 5th-24th 2012 Â Olivia Nitis curator&art critic Vice-President of Experimental Project Association e-mail: [email protected] phone:+4 0747491279 http://olivia.experimentalproject.ro www.perspectiveproject.ro _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-ro --> arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/