ALERT studio on Mon, 5 Nov 2012 14:22:41 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] Breaking news. IconoPlasma | Cătălin Burcea @ ALERT studio (White Code). |
*(english version bellow*) ALERT studio (White Code). Cătălin Burcea. Eveniment: Joi 8 Noiembrie, ora 18.00. *Br**eaking news. IconoPlasma* Rescrierea *au ralenti *a momentelor de maximă intensitate mediatică reprezentată de un flux de ştiri este miza instalaţiei "I am listening to what I am saying". După difuzarea lor, cuvintele şi imaginile emise de canalele de ştiri se videază de sens, se dematerializează, devin entităţi inutile, deşeuri. Manipularea imaginii şi sunetului imprimă o stare de aparentă prostraţie personajelor, care evoluează într-un fel de zid fonic, aproape palpabil, păstos. Odata cu etirarea sunetului, acesta rămâne interior << naraţiunii >>, dar devine simultan şi extradiegetic. Prezentatorii de ştiri (re)devin (ne)automate umane, dobândind în acelaşi timp o aparenţă spectrală, hieratică ... un aer hipnotic, angoasant, voodooesc. Combativitatea originară a unui speaker este transfigurată într-un calm cvasimistic, aproape contemplativ... ************************************************************************* ALERT studio (White Code). Cătălin Burcea. Opening: Thursday 8th of November, 6.00 PM. *Br**eaking news. IconoPlasma * What is at stake in the installation "I am listening to what I am saying" is the process of rewriting in slow-motion the most intense moments of the news flux. After being broadcast, the words and the images of the news programmes become empty, losing their sense, dematerializing themselves, turning into a useless waste. The images and sounds are manipulated making the characters appear as in a state of prostration, acting into a sort of a pasty, almost palpable sonic wall. Once protracted, the sound becomes simultaneous and extradiegetic, although still remaining part of the "narration". News anchors turn (again) into human (non)automata gaining at the same time a spectral, hieratic appearance; all of them with a hypnotic, tormented, voodoo-like air. The original combativeness of a speaker is transfigured in a quasi-mystical, almost contemplative state of calm... ************************************************************************* ALERT studio functioneaza ca pop-up gallery. / *ALERT studio functions as a pop-up-gallery.* Vizitarea expozitiei se va face in perioada 8 Noiembrie - 30 Noiembrie prin programare e-mail. / *The exhibition is on view between 8th of November and **30th of * *November**. Visits will be programmed by e-mail. *ALERT studio este un proiect independent initiat de Raluca Ilaria Demetrescu, Alina Buga si Catalin Burcea cu scopul de a crea o platforma de cercetare si promovare a productiei artistice contemporane. Asumandu-si functia de spatiu laborator, Alert Studio propune o intalnire intre artisti, idei, directii si discursuri din zone conceptuale si spatii culturale diferite. Sunt importante si apreciate gandirea critica si interogatia ca metode de cercetare a contextului cultural-artistic contemporan. ALERT studio functioneaza ca o galerie de proiect, conectand trei directii de explorare artistica - PINK | RED | WHITE - intr-un singur spatiu. Insa aceste coordonate nu inseamna indexare, restrictie si etichetare. Ele se pot intersecta si nuanta, pot oricand dialoga si declansa dezbateri. * ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************ ALERT studio is an independent project initiated by Raluca Demetrescu Alina Buga and Catalin Burcea in order to create a platform of research and promotion of contemporary artistic production. Taking on the function of alaboratory space, Studio Alert proposes a meeting between artists, ideas, directions and speeches from different areas of conceptual and cultural spaces. Critical thinking and interrogation are important and valued as research methods in the contemporary cultural and artistic field. ALERT studio stands as a gallery project, connecting three areas of artistic exploration - PINK | RED | WHITE - into one space. But these coordinates do not mean indexing, labeling and restriction. They may intersect, combine in new shades, and may always communicate and trigger debates. -- *ALERT studio* 2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street code 010281 | **Bucharest, Romania _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: