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[Nettime-ro] ZPAÈIU #2: prezentarea activitÄÈii iniÈiativelor culturale independente din ChiÈinÄu / presentation, 06.11.2013, 18:00 |
-------- Original Message --------Subject: MD* ZPAÈIU #2: prezentarea activitÄÈii iniÈiativelor culturale independente din ChiÈinÄu / presentation, 06.11.2013, 18:00
Date: 2013-11-04 19:06 From: Vladimir US <[email protected]> To: [email protected] [1] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/2013/11/03/zpatiu-2/ [2] â â â scroll down for english â â â RO ZPAÈIU #2 â PREZENTAREA ACTIVITÄÈII INIÈIATIVELOR CULTURALE INDEPENDENTE DIN CHIÈINÄU Miercuri, 6 noiembrie, 2013, ora 18.00, vÄ invitÄm la ZPAÈIU #2,cel de-al doilea eveniment public din seria de ÃntÃlniri a organizaÈiilor Èi iniÈiativelor independente din ChiÈinÄu. Acest eveniment este o continuare a iniÈiativei de a face cunoÈtinÈÄ cu / cunoscutÄ scena independentÄ din R. Moldova. La prima ÃntÃlnire, ZPAÈIU #1, au participat fondatori ai diferitor organizaÈii neguvernamentale culturale din R. Moldova Èi au vorbit despre cum reuÈesc sÄ lucreze independent, care sunt activitÄÈile Èi proiectele importante Èi cum reuÈesc sÄ le desfÄÈoare. La cea de-a doua ÃntÃlnire ne propunem sÄ Ãntrunim diferite persoane Èi grupuri de iniÈiativÄ, active pe scena independentÄ, pentru a le cunoaÈte mai bine. Astfel, vom Ãncerca sÄ iniÈiem din nou, dar cu alÈi actori culturali, discuÈia pe marginea situaÈiei actuale Ãn care se aflÄ scena independentÄ din ChiÈinÄu, abordÃnd urmÄtoarele ÃntrebÄri: - Cum este Èi ce ÃnseamnÄ sÄ activezi Ãntr-un mod independent Ãn Republica Moldova? - De ce este important sÄ rÄmÃnem independenÈi? - Independent faÈÄ de ce? - De unde se pot obÈine resursele necesare (resurse umane, spaÈii, echipament)? Prin intermediul acestei activitÄÈi ne propunem sÄ facem vizibilÄ activitatea organizaÈiilor Èi iniÈiativelor independente active. TotodatÄ, sperÄm sÄ se producÄ o cunoaÈtere reciprocÄ, un schimb de experienÈÄ Ãntre organizaÈiile Èi iniÈiativele care au rÄspuns acestei invitaÈii Èi sÄ iniÈiem un dialog deschis asupra ÃntrebÄrilor expuse mai sus. - â - â - EN ZPACE #2 â PRESENTATION OF THE ACTIVITY OF INDEPENDENT CULTURAL INITIATIVES FROM CHISINAU On Wednesday, November 6, 2013, you are invited to ZPACE #2 â the second public event from the series of meetings with the independent cultural organizations and initiatives from Chisinau. This event is acontinuation of the initiative to get know with the independent scene in
Moldova. At the first meeting , ZpaÅiu # 1, attended various founders of cultural NGOs in Moldova and talked about how can they work independently, presented their projects and activities that are important. At the second meeting we are planning to meet and to know better different artists and art groups wich are active in the independent scene. Thus , we try to initiate again, but with other cultural actors, adiscussion on the current situation in which the independent scene it is
now in Chisinau , addressing the following questions: * what does âacting in an independent wayâ means in the Republic of Moldova? Independent from what exactly? * why does it matter to be autonomous? * what kind of strategies for an austere for cultural development context? * where can the necessary ressources (human resources, spaces, equipment) be obtained from? Through this project, we propose to give more visibility to active independent organizations and initiatives, and to their activities. We also hope that invited guests will get to know each other better, will share experiences and will engage in a dialogue concerning the above-mentioned questions. INVITAÈI / GUESTS 1. ALEXANDRU RUSU TEATRUL MIC [3] [4] 2. ALEXANDRA BOBU CLUBUL POEÈILOR DESCULÈI [5] [6] 3. RONIN TERENTE / ÈI BANDS [7] 4. VADIM TZIGANASJ Vinilurile Filosofice [8] [9] Evenimentul se va desfÄÈura la ZPAÈIU / The event is going to take place at ZPACE http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/zpatiu/ [10] Casa Zemstvei Guberniale str. Èciusev 103, ChiÈinÄu intrare gratuitÄ / free entry ORGANIZATOR / ORGANIZER AsociaÈia Oberliht (http://www.oberliht.com) [11] PARTENERI / PARTNERS Centru pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ [ksa:k] din ChiÈinÄu (http://art.md/ [12]) Acest eveniment este organizat Ãn cadrul proiectului SPACES al Uniunii Europene. Proiectul SPACES este finanÈat de Uniunea EuropeanÄ prin Programul Cultural al Parteneriatului Estic. Proiectul SPACES (Zone Publice Durabile pentru CulturÄ Ãn ÈÄrile din Est) adunÄ la un loc artiÈti Èi lucrÄtori din domeniul culturii din patru ÈÄri ale Parteneriatului Estic, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina, care se preocupÄ de reprezentarea unor subiecte sociale specifice pentru spaÈiile publice din oraÈele lor. Proiectul mai are drept scop fortificarea scenei independente de artÄ Èi culturÄ din aceste ÈÄri. http://www.spacesproject.net [13] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This event is organized in the frame of the EU project SPACES. The SPACES project is financed by the European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme. SPACES (Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries) project assembles artists and cultural workers in four Eastern partner countries, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, who aim at reflecting societal issues in the public realm of their city. It also aims at strengthening the independent art and culture scene. http://www.spacesproject.net [14] Vladimir US CHIOSC | curator http://chiosc.oberliht.com [15] http://plic.oberliht.com [16] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/ [17] http://chisineu.wordpress.com [18] http://bucuresti68.wordpress.com [19] http://www.facebook.com/Oberliht [20] Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org [21] -- Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht" http://oberliht.com [22] tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317 email: [email protected] [23] . . . . . . . . . . . https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist [24] portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova Links: ------ [1] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/img_8776_edit_web.jpg [2] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/2013/11/03/zpatiu-2/ [3] https://www.facebook.com/TeatrulMic?fref=ts[4] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/383308_191887430959749_1014109306_n.jpg [5] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Clubul-poe%C8%9Bilor-descul%C8%9Bi/461285950592609?fref=ts [6] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/1382949_10152380355898298_1902022000_n.jpg [7] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/1384858_602833419778657_1151108546_n.jpg [8] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vinilurile-Filosofice/154979154611226 [9] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/vinilurile-logo-red-for-web.jpg
[10] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/zpatiu/
[11] http://www.oberliht.com/
[12] http://art.md/
[13] http://www.spacesproject.net/
[14] http://www.spacesproject.net/
[15] http://chiosc.oberliht.com
[16] http://plic.oberliht.com
[17] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/
[18] http://chisineu.wordpress.com
[19] http://bucuresti68.wordpress.com
[20] http://www.facebook.com/Oberliht
[21] http://www.eurocult.org
[22] http://oberliht.com
[23] mailto:[email protected]
[24] https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist
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