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[Nettime-ro] 100 Hungarian Minutes @ Pavilion |
PAVILION /for English please scroll down Modelul occidentalizÄrii fostului bloc sovietic 100 minute ungare PROIECÈIE Joi 16 ianuarie 2014, 19.00 @ PAVILION | center for contemporary art & culture | proudly supported by UniCredit Èiriac Bank ArtiÈti: MiklÃs Erhardt, Zsolt Keserue, Gyula JÃlius, Erika Baglyas, Gyula Pauer, JÃnos SugÃr, Ãva Emese Kiss Curator: GergÅ HorvÃth Curatorul va susÈine un Q&A dupÄ proiecÈii. FB event: "Ungaria a cunoscut o creÈtere economicÄ foarte rapidÄ dupÄ cÄderea comunismului, ulterior devenind la sfÃrÈitul anilor â90 statul model pentru multe din ÈÄrile din Europa CentralÄ Èi de Sud-Est, avÃnd o ideologie deschisÄ Èi democraticÄ. TrÄind istoria comunistÄ ca o experienÈÄ acumulativÄ Ãn loc de una nostalgicÄ, a fost poate printre primele Èi singurele ÈÄri din fostul bloc sovietic unde a fost evidentÄ ruptura dintre istoria recentÄ Èi lumea contemporanÄ. âCe mÄ ÃngrijoreazÄ cu adevÄrat este cum dreapta radicalÄ, ce a fost acum 20 de ani domeniul dreptei radicale, seteazÄ, chiar dacÄ sunt o minoritate, ei seteazÄ agenda generalÄ.â, afirmÄ Slavoj ÅiÅek. DupÄ o alunecare netedÄ de la comunism la democraÈie, s-a putut observa o pendulare Ãntre politici de dreapta Èi de stÃnga, Ãn ultima perioadÄ dreapta cÃÈtigÃnd tot mai mare teren. Este oare doar o perioadÄ de tranziÈie, sau se va schimba spiritul epocii pentru totdeauna? Ungurii tot timpul au fost naÈionaliÈti. Este acesta cheia succesului lor, sau se va dovedi Ãn timp a fi elementul care va ruina statul? Poate o ÈarÄ, care a fost fondatÄ pe principii creÈtine, sÄ susÈinÄ aceleaÈi idealuri chiar Èi dupÄ un mileniu Èi Ãn acelaÈi timp sÄ se considere un stat democratic? DacÄ aceastÄ mentalitate se va dovedi cÃÈtigÄtoare, va fi, totuÈi, o victorie piricÄ. Ãntr-o ÈarÄ, care a produs laureaÈi Nobel, artiÈti Èi curatori importanÈi Èi o ÈcoalÄ prestigioasÄ de psihanalizÄ, Ãn ultimii ani artiÈtii contemporani se luptÄ cu cenzura, tradiÈionalismul, inegalitatea rasialÄ Èi etnicÄ Èi cu mecanismul mental naÈionalist Èi agresiv al majoritÄÈii decidente. Ãntr-o ÈarÄ Ãn care miÈcÄrile extremiste prind tot mai mare avÃnt Èi instigÄ la urÄ atÃt pe plan naÈional, cÃt Èi internaÈional, se simte presiunea politicÄ atÃt Ãn practica instituÈionalÄ, cÃt Èi Ãn discursul artistic, generÃnd dezbateri continue Ãn zona academicÄ Èi lumea artei ungare. Apare un paradox. Cum poate o ÈarÄ avÃnd o istorie aÈa sÃngeroasÄ Èi extremistÄ sÄ ajungÄ imaginea liberalismului Ãn Europa Èi apoi sÄ devinÄ exemplul unei politici discreÈionare, impusÄ de guverne radicale? Poate aceastÄ imagine liberalistÄ exista doar la suprafaÈÄ. DacÄ guvernul trecut trimitea maÈini de luptÄ Ãmpotriva revoltelor din Budapesta, care au pornit din cauza aceluiaÈi guvern, conducerea actualÄ a modificat constituÈia fÄrÄ referendum Èi spune cÄ un stat fÄrÄ forÈÄ militarÄ nu poate fi o entitate puternicÄ. Lipsa coerenÈei Ãn discursul conducerii, fie ea politicÄ sau spiritualÄ, produce un dezechilibru societal Èi o fracturÄ Ãntre pÄrÈile progresiste Èi cele tradiÈionaliste. NaÈionalism Èi conservatorism vs progresism Èi contemporan." (GergÅ HorvÃth) - GergÅ HorvÃth (n. 1993) este artist, curator Èi manager cultural. A studiat muzicÄ, iar Ãn prezent este student Èi este preocupat de teorie Èi artÄ contemporanÄ. Se considerÄ autodidact, chiar dacÄ frecventeazÄ o universitate. LocuieÈte la Cluj Èi BucureÈti. - â100 MINUTEâ este un program ce are la bazÄ actul curatorial aplicat artei video care reflectÄ poziÈia artiÈtilor relaÈionatÄ social Èi politic ÈÄrilor din care provin. PÃnÄ astÄzi au fost realizate 100 minute suedeze, olandeze, romÃneÈti, finlandeze Èi urmeazÄ sÄ fie realizate 100 minute americane Èi greceÈti. Un proiect realizat de RÄzvan Ion Èi Eugen RÄdescu care au numit curatorii secÈiunilor naÈionale. - ProiecÈiile video vor fi urmate de o sesiune de Q&A cu GergÅ HorvÃth. - PublicaÈia proiectului va fi distribuitÄ Ãnaintea proiecÈiilor. - Imagine: still from video MiklÃs Erhardt, Havanna, video, 16â18ââ, 2006. Courtesy of the artist. - Proiectul este susÈinut de PAVILION â journal for politics and culture, BucureÈti CÂ - Center for Culture & Communication Foundation, Budapest. --- The Westernisation of the Ex-Soviet Bloc 100 Hungarian Minutes SCREENING Thursday 16 January 2014, 19.00 @ PAVILION | center for contemporary art & culture | proudly supported by UniCredit Èiriac Bank Artists: MiklÃs Erhardt, Zsolt Keserue, Gyula JÃlius, Erika Baglyas, Gyula Pauer, JÃnos SugÃr, Ãva Emese Kiss Curator: GergÅ HorvÃth The curator will held a Q&A after the screening. FB event: "Hungary has known a very rapid economic growth after the fall of communism, subsequently becoming at the end of the â90s the model-state for many of the countries in Central and South-eastern Europe, having an open-minded and democratic ideology. Living its communist history as an accumulative experience, rather than a nostalgic one, it was maybe one of the first and only countries in the ex-soviet bloc where a rupture between recent history and the contemporary world was apparent. âWhat I am worried about is how the far-right, what was 20 years ago the domain of the far-right, is setting, even if they are a minority , theyâre setting the general agenda.â, said Slavoj ÅiÅek. After a clean drift from communism to democracy, an oscillation can be observed between right- and left-wing politics, lately the right side gaining more and more terrain. Is it just a transitional period or will the Zeitgeist change forever? Hungarians always were nationalists. Is this the key to their success, or will it be the element which will ruin the state? Can a country founded on Christian principles uphold, even after a millennium, the same ideals and at the same time call itself a democratic state? If this mentality will win, it will be a Pyrrhic victory. In a country which produced Nobel laureates, important artists and curators and a prestigious school of psychoanalysis, for the last years the contemporary artists have been struggling with censorship, traditionalism, racial and ethnic inequality, and a nationalist, aggressive mental mechanism of the deciding masses. In a country in which extremist movements are gaining ground and are inciting to hate on a national and international scale, the political pressure can be felt as much in the institutional practice as in the artistic discourse, generating debates in the Hungarian academic and artistic field. A paradox appears. How can a country which has such a blood-filled and extremist history become the image of liberalism in Europe, after which becoming an example of discretionary politics asserted by radical governments? Maybe this liberalist image only exists on the surface. If the past government sent combat vehicles against revolts from Budapest caused by the same government, the actual leadership modified the Constitution without a referendum and says that a state without military force cannot be a powerful entity. The lack of coherence in the discourse of the leadership, be it political or spiritual, is producing a societal imbalance and a notable fracture between the progressive and the traditionalist parties. Nationalism and conservatism vs. progressivism and contemporary thought." (GergÅ HorvÃth) - GergÅ HorvÃth (b. 1993) is an artist, curator and cultural manager. He studied music and is presently a student, interested in theory and contemporary art. He considers himself self-taught, even though he attends a university. He lives in Cluj and Bucharest. - â100 MINUTESâ is a program based on the curatorial process applied to video art, which reflects the artistsâ position in relation to the social and political context of the country from which they come. To date, 100 Swedish, Holland, Romanian and Finnish minutes have been realized and 100 American and Greek minutes are in progress. A project realized by RÄzvan Ion and Eugen RÄdescu, who appointed the curators of each national section. - The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with GergÅ HorvÃth. - Image: still from video MiklÃs Erhardt, Havanna, video, 16â18ââ, 2006. Courtesy of the artist. - The screening is supported by PAVILION â journal for politics and culture CÂ Center for Culture & Communication Foundation. --- PAVILION center for contemporary art & culture proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank Str. C.A. Rosetti nr. 36 (crossing with Str. Jean Louis Calderon), Bucharest 020015, Romania T: + 4 021 310 5469 E: [email protected] Facebook: --- PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale. PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions. --- This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture. --- PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION CENTER are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu --- Media Partners: Radio Romania Cultural RFI Romania Zeppelin Vice Alternativ TheChronicle 24-Fun Modernism ArtClue ArtAct Urban Things Romania Afterall Radical Philosophy Springerin Cabinet Mute Open Printing Partner: Pro EditurÄ Èi Tipografie Production Partner: Update Advertising Official Club: Control Official Restaurant: Shift --- To unsubscribe click this link To forward this message click this link PAVILION | journal for politics and culture BUCHAREST BIENNALE | Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art PAVILION | center for contemporary art & culture | proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank office ph./fax: +4 021 310 5469 visiting address: Str. C.A. Rosetti nr. 36 A (crossing with Str. Jean Louis Calderon) Bucharest 020015, Romania mail address: PO Box 26-0390 Bucharest 14800 Romania Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this e-mail? This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden. _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: