Centrul Ceh on Sun, 16 Feb 2014 02:52:26 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] [Romania-News] Programul tau cultural pe saptamana viitoare

English version below.


A mai ramas o luna pana la festivalul One World Romania (17 â 23 
martie) si pana atunci, Documentary Mondays va face pofta de documentare dedicate drepturilor omului, proiectand, in fiecare luni, filme din 
editiile anterioare ale festivalului.

LU 17.02 | 20:00 | @ Centrul Ceh
Call Me Kuchu | regia: Katherine Fairfax Wright, Malika Zouhali-Worrall | SUA, 2012, 87â

Proiectia de lunea viitoare este in colaborare cu Asociatia Accept, 
in cadrul Lunii Istoriei LGBT si documenteaza evenimentele care au dus 
la moartea primului activist gay declarat din Uganda, ucis in casa sa in timpul filmarilor. Ura ugandezilor fata de homosexuali a fost continuu 
alimentata de lideri politici si religiosi si de presa tabloida â 
preotii crestini ii numesc pe homosexuali violatori, politicienii 
intocmesc o lege care ameninta cu inchisoarea pe cetatenii care nu 
raporteaza homosexualii in 24 de ore, iar tabloidele sunt oricand 
pregatite sa ia parte la jocurile criminale ale altora prin publicarea 
fotografiilor si adreselor celor suspectaÈi a fi homosexuali.

Subtitrare in limba engleza. Eveniment facebook aici.

Marti, 18 februarie, cinci noi filme se alatura colectiei de DVD-uri 
One World Romania, filme care au fost prezentate in premiera in Romania, in cadrul ultimelor trei editii ale festivalului.

MA 18.02 | 19:00 | @ Libraria Bastilia

Printre noile titluri se numara unul dintre filmele nominalizate la 
Premiile Oscar de anul acesta, la categoria Cel mai bun Documentar - 
âThe Act of Killingâ, dar si castigatorul premiului OWR 2013, 
documentarul ceh âFortressâ. Celelalte trei filme sunt: âVideocracyâ, 
âAutumn Goldâ si âAnatomy of a Departureâ. Documentarele pot fi deja 
pre-comandate pe site-ul Librariei Bastilia, cu o reducere de 20%, pana 
in ziua lansarii oficiale.

Eveniment facebook aici.

Va mai aduceti aminte de proiectul nostru din 2011 âDvorak Remixedâ, 
prin care provocam muzicienii romani sa remixeze una din lucrarile lui 
Antonin Dvorak? In 2012 am lansat un CD cu toate remixurile, iar in 
2013 proiectul a ajuns la urechile organizatorilor evenimentului âDvorak Marathonâ, un concert amplu dedicat compozitorului ceh, care a avut loc la Konzerthaus Berlin, si 4 dintre muzicienii participanti la concurs 
au fost invitati sa realizeze un set de interpretari electronice ale 
unor fragmente din opera lui Dvorak.

JO 20.02 | 20:00 | @ Club Eden

Joi, pe 20 februarie 2014 cei 4 muzicieni, Cristian si Gabriela 
Fierbinteanu, Sillyconductor si Somnoroase Pasarele vor prezenta cele 3 
seturi publicului bucurestean, intr-o sesiune de auditie â Dvorak 
Remixed and Revisited.

Eveniment facebook aici.

Avem cursuri de limba ceha de lunea viitoare, pentru nivelul intermediar, si de miercuri, pentru nivelul avansat. 

Mai multe informatii aici.

Expozitia de fotografie âInvazie 68 Pragaâ de Josef Koudelka a fost prelungita pana pe 23 februarie, la Anexa MNAC â aceasta este ultima sansa sa o vedeti. Eveniment facebook aici.

Intrarea la toate evenimentele este libera.

Sa aveti un weekend frumos!

Ne simtit ca acasa pe blog, dar ne gasiti si pe Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud si Youtube.
English version:


With one more month left until the One World Romania festival (17 â 
23 March), we bring some appetizers at the Czech Centre, screening, 
during Documentary Mondays, films from the previous editions.

17.02 | 8:00 p.m. | @ Centrul Ceh
Call Me Kuchu | Katherine Fairfax Wright, Malika Zouhali-Worrall | SUA, 2012, 87â

Screened as part of Luna Istoriei LGBT, Call Me Kuchu chronicles the 
events leading to the death of David Kato, Ugandaâs first openly gay 
civil rights activist. Ugandansâ hatred against homosexuals has been 
continuously fueled not only by political and religious leaders but 
also by the tabloid press. While the Christian preachers denounce gay 
people as rapists and the politicians draft a bill threatening to 
imprison those citizens who fail to report gay people within 24 hours, 
tabloids are always ready to take part in the othersâ murderous games by printing the photos and the addresses of those suspect of being 

English subtitle. Facebook event here.

On Tuesday, five more documentaries join the DVD One World Romania 
Collection, films that were premiered in Romania in the last three 
editions of the festival.

18.02 | 7:00 p.m. | @ Bastilia Bookstore

Among the new titles there is âThe Act of Killingâ, nominated for 
this year's Oscar in the category of Best Documentary, and OWR 2013 
winner, the Czech documentary "Fortress". The other three films are: 
"Videocracy" "Autumn Gold" and "Anatomy of a Departure". Documentaries 
can be already pre-ordered from the Bastilia Bookstoreâs website, with a 20% discount, until the official launch day.

Facebook event here.

Do you remember our project from 2011 "Dvorak Remixed", which 
challenged Romanian musicians to remix one of Antonin Dvorakâs works? In 2012 we released a CD with all the remixes, and in 2013 the concept 
reached the ears of the organizers of "Dvorak Marathon", a big event 
dedicated to the Czech composer, held at Konzerthaus Berlin, and four of the musicians participating in the contest were invited to make a set 
of electronic interpretations after Dvorak's music.

20.02 | 8:00 p.m. | @ Club Eden

On Thursday, the four musicians, Cristian and Gabriela Fierbinteanu, 
Sillyconductor and Somnoroase Pasarele will present the three sets to 
the Bucharest public in an audition session - Remixed and Revisited 

Facebook event here.

We have Czech Language courses, starting next Monday, for the intermediate level, and on Wednesday for the advanced level. More information here.

The photo exhibition "Invasion 68 Prague" by Josef Koudelka was extended until February 23, at Anexa MNAC â this is your last chance to see it. Facebook event here.

The admission to all the events is free.

Have a great weekend!

We feel like home on the blog, but you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and Youtube.

Iulia Turcanu
PR & Graphic Designer
Centrul Ceh Bucuresti
Ion Ghica 11, Sector 3, 030045 Bucharest
T: +40 21 303 92 84
M: +40 724 352 927
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