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[Nettime-ro] ZPAÈIU #4 - prezentarea platformelor culturale web / ZPACE #4 - presentation of cultural web platforms, 17.04.2014, 18:00 |
-------- Original Message --------Subject: [oberlist] MD* ZPAÈIU #4 - prezentarea platformelor culturale web / ZPACE #4 - presentation of cultural web platforms, 17.04.2014, 18:00
Date: 2014-04-14 19:56 From: Vladimir US <[email protected]> To: [email protected]Reply-To: "cultura tinerilor, arta, politici culturale / youth culture, art & cultural policies" <[email protected]>
[1] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/zpatiu-4/ [2] â â â scroll down for english â â â RO ZPAÈIU #4 â PREZENTAREA PLATFORMELOR CULTURALE WEB ÃntÃlnirile de la ZpaÈiu continuÄ. AsociaÈia Oberliht vÄ invitÄ la cel de-al patrulea eveniment public, ZPAÈIU #4, din seria de ÃntÃlniri a organizaÈiilor Èi iniÈiativelor independente de artÄ Èi culturÄ din Moldova. JOI, 17 APRILIE, 2014, LA ORA 18.00 ZpaÈiu (Casa Zemstvei Guberniale) str. Al. Èciusev 103, ChiÈinÄu Aceste ÃntÃlniri au drept scop sÄ promoveze activitatea desfÄÈuratÄ de organizaÈiile Èi iniÈiativele culturale independente din Moldova Èi sÄ punÄ Ãn discuÈie problemele cu care se confruntÄ actorii scenei independente la dezvoltarea proiectelor lor. Prin intermediul ÃntÃlnirilor de la ZpaÈiu cunoaÈtem mai bine rolul scenei independente Èi contribuÈia adusÄ de actorii ei la dezvoltarea culturii Ãn ChiÈinÄu Èi restul ÈÄrii. Cea de-a patra ÃntÃlnire este dedicatÄ platformelor culturale web / online. VÄ aÈteptÄm la ZPAÈIU #4, sÄ-i cunoaÈtem pe cei care stau Ãn spatele platformelor culturale web Èi sÄ-i provocÄm la discuÈie pe marginea urmÄtoarelor ÃntrebÄri Èi nu numai: â Scopul platformei / de la cine Èi de unde a pornit initiaÈiva? â CÄrui public-ÈintÄ se adreseazÄ platforma web? â Cum de gÄsit resurse financiare Èi umane pentru menÈinerea platformei? â Ce fel de conÈinut este promovat / care-i specificul platformei? â Pe termen lung, care este impactul aÈteptat al activitÄÈii platformei asupra publicului / societÄÈii? â CÃt e de complicat sÄ creezi Èi sÄ menÈii o platformÄ web Ãn Moldova? intrare liberÄ EN ZPACE #4 â PRESENTATION OF CULTURAL WEB PLATFORMS Zpace meetings continue to happen. Oberliht Association, invites you to the 4th public meeting â ZPACE #4, from the series of meetings with the independent cultural organizations and initiatives from Moldova. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014, 6 PM Zpace (Casa Zemstvei Guberniale) str. Al. Sciusev 103, Chisinau These meetings aim to make known the activity of cultural independent organizations and initiatives from Moldova and to bring into discussion the problems that these cultural actors have to face when developing their projects. Through these meetings a better understanding of the role of independent cultural scene will be obtained and of itscontribution to the cultural development of Chisinau and the rest of the
country. The 4th meeting is dedicated to cultural web / online platforms.We are waiting for you at ZPACE #4, to get to know the people behind the
cultural web platforms and to participate in a discussion on the following topics: â The purpose of the platform / who and why did start this initiative? â What is the target audience of the platform? â Where to look for financial and human resources to maintain the platform? â What kind of content is being published / what is the specificity of the platform? â On longer run, what is the expected impact of the activity of the platform on the public / society? â How difficult is to create and maintain a web platform in Moldova? free entrance - â - â - PARTICIPANÈI / PARTICIPANTS 1. RENATA POPA, _FÄrÄ steag de culturÄ un popor e o gloatÄ, nu o oaste_. / _Without a culture flag a nation is a mob, not an army. (Nicolae Iorga) _ [3] 2. MARIA CREÅU, _BRICIUL â pentru ca taie mai rapid / BRICIUL (razor) â because itâs cutting faster._ [4] 3. VLADIMIR US, _Lista informativÄ [oberlist] â cultura tinerilor, artÄ, politici culturale / [oberlist] mailing list â youth culture, art & cultural policies_ [5] 4. MISHA TURCANU, [6] 5. NATA ANDREEV, _ChiloÈii artistei Miley Cyrus / Miley Cyrusâ panties_ [7] 6. PETRU NEGURÄ, _O platformÄ online de gÃndire criticÄ Èi analizÄ socialÄ Ãn Moldova: oportunitÄÈi Èi provocÄri / An online platform for critical thinking and social analysis in Moldova: Opportunities and Challenges_ [8] Acest eveniment este organizat Ãn cadrul proiectului SPACES al Uniunii Europene. Proiectul SPACES este finanÈat de Uniunea EuropeanÄ prin Programul Cultural al Parteneriatului Estic. Proiectul SPACES (Zone Publice Durabile pentru CulturÄ Ãn ÈÄrile din Est) adunÄ la un loc artiÈti Èi lucrÄtori din domeniul culturii din patru ÈÄri ale Parteneriatului Estic, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina, care se preocupÄ de reprezentarea unor subiecte sociale specifice pentru spaÈiile publice din oraÈele lor. Proiectul mai are drept scop fortificarea scenei independente de artÄ Èi culturÄ din aceste ÈÄri. http://www.spacesproject.net [9] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This event is organized in the frame of the EU project SPACES. The SPACES project is financed by the European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme. SPACES (Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries) project assembles artists and cultural workers in four Eastern partner countries, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, who aim at reflecting societal issues in the public realm of their city. It also aims at strengthening the independent art and culture scene. http://www.spacesproject.net [10] [11] [12] Vladimir US CHIOSC | curator http://chiosc.oberliht.com [13] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/ [14] https://chisinaulcivic.crowdmap.com/ [15] http://chisineu.wordpress.com [16] http://bucuresti68.wordpress.com [17] http://plic.oberliht.com [18] http://www.facebook.com/Oberliht [19] Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org [20] -- "Oberliht" Young Artists Association http://oberliht.com [21] tel/fax: + (373 22) 286317 email: [email protected] [22] . . . . . . . . . . . https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist [23] portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova Links: ------[1] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/img_8776_edit_green_web.jpg
[2] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/zpatiu-4/ [3] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/coolturama_web.jpg[4] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/briciul-logo-official-02.png
[5] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/securedownload.jpg[6] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/426915_369084546447098_98432207_n.jpg [7] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/miley-cyrus-bangerz-tour-atlanta-3_web.jpg
[8] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/pltzforma_web.jpg [9] http://www.spacesproject.net/ [10] http://www.spacesproject.net/[11] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/euroeastculture_spaces_web2.jpeg [12] http://zpatiu.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/ecf-logo-compact-large-tricolor_web.jpg
[13] http://chiosc.oberliht.com
[14] http://zpatiu.wordpress.com/
[15] https://chisinaulcivic.crowdmap.com/
[16] http://chisineu.wordpress.com
[17] http://bucuresti68.wordpress.com
[18] http://plic.oberliht.com
[19] http://www.facebook.com/Oberliht
[20] http://www.eurocult.org
[21] http://oberliht.com
[22] mailto:[email protected]
[23] https://lists.idash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/oberlist
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