Ãgnes Evelin KispÃl on Mon, 28 Apr 2014 23:27:30 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Ivan Ladislav GALETA@MAGMA

SpaÈiul ExpoziÈional de ArtÄ ContemporanÄ MAGMA vÄ invitÄ la vernisajul
artistului croat
Ivan Ladislav GALETA
care va avea loc luni, 28 aprilie 2014, orele 18.
CuvÃnt de deschidere:  MiklÃs PETERNÃK, curatorul expoziÈiei; Marin PandÅiÄ
din partea Ambasadei Republicii Croate din RomÃnia.

ExpoziÈia va fi deschisÄ pÃnÄ Ãn 01 iunie a.c., Ãn fiecare zi cu excepÈia
zilei de luni, Ãntre orele 11-19.
Expozitia face parte din programul Zilele SfÃntu Gheorghe 2014.
Ivan Ladislav GALETA solo exhibition
Opening: 28. April, 2014., 18:00
Opening speech by: MiklÃs PETERNÃK, curator of the exhibition; Marin
PandÅiÄ Second Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Croatia, Bucharest
On view from 29. April  until 01. June
The exhibition is realized within the framework of the Saint George Days

KispÃl Ãgnes-Evelin
+40 721 649 156

MAGMA Contemporary Art Space

OPEN 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. all day
except Mondays and holidays

NYITVA hÃtfÅ Ãs Ãnnepnapok kivÃtelÃvel
naponta 11:00 - 19:00 ÃrÃig

*DESCHIS in fiecare zi cu exceptia *
*zilei de luni si in zilele de sarbatoare*
*intre orele **11:00 - 19:00*
520003 - SepsiszentgyÃrgy / Sf. Gheorghe,
SzabadsÃg tÃr / Piata Libertatii nr. 2. sz.
KovÃszna megye / jud. Covasna - RO
Tel: +40 729 007 424 <[email protected]>
www.magmacm.ro <http://www.magma.maybe.ro/>
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Skype ID: magmacm <[email protected]>
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