Larisa CrunÅeanu on Mon, 1 Sep 2014 15:46:02 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] N-avem nevoie de mostenirea aceasta/ There's nothing we can do with this heritage

Atelier 35

Selari 13, Bucuresti

 (for English please scroll down)

*N-avem ce face cu mostenirea aceasta*
*Dana Andrei si Coate-Goale*

4 septembrie 2014, ora 18.00
Fb event:

Ma gandesc la acea scena din filmele de actiune, cind protagonistul atirna
de o sfoara care incepe sa se rupa. Dar sfoara nu se rupe deodata - pac! si
gata. Nu, timpul se dilata iar ea se rupe fir cu fir, amplificind
tensiunea. Privim sfoara rupindu-se si anticipam catastrofa iminenta. Dar
catastrofa nu mai apuca sa vina. Ceva se intimpla in ultima clipa, la
ultimul fir.

Acest moment, al ruperii treptate, reprezinta o confiscare a prezentului in
asteptarea unui viitor catastrofal, cind protagonistul ar putea muri.
Obiect care serveste altor obiecte, sfoara este incarcata cu subintelesul
unei neincrederi. Trebuie sa fim atenti cind vine vorba de sfoara. Chiar si
cind pare intacta, s-ar putea ca inauntrul ei ruperea sa fi inceput deja.

Asadar, privind sfoara nu vei lincezi pe suprafata ei. Privirea asupra
sforii va intra in interior, cautind vina unui posibil esec viitor.

Proiectul âN-avem ce face cu mostenirea aceastaâ exploreaza spatiul public
ca zona de intersectie intre timp si privire. Timpul ca alunecare si
amestecare a trecutului-prezentului-viitorului- si privirea ca proiectie a
unei suspiciuni generalizate.

Pe axa trecut-prezent-viitor, statuile reprezinta o mostenire nesolicitata
care paraziteaza spatiul si timpul prezent. Ele ne abat privirea de la ceea
ce este personal si prezent catre obiecte inanimate care invoca trecutul. O
mostenire care ne priveste fara sa ne vada.

In acest timp, nenumarate camere de supraveghere aduna materiale video
pentru o vizionare ulterioara. O mostenire a prezentului pentru viitor. A
noastra catre noi insine. Si atunci ma intreb: daca imi petrec toata ziua
de azi urmarind ziua de ieri, ziua de azi mai exista?

In spatiul public, nici timpul si nici privirea nu ne mai apartin. Ele
apartin unei forte invizibile numite putere - fie ea stat, corporatie,
Celalalt. Constanta reamintire a unei guvernari.

In Atelier 35, ascunsi dupa terase si circiumi, feriti de camerele de
supraveghere, Dana Andrei si Coate-Goale isi apropriaza spatii si priviri
gasite prin oras.

text de Larisa Crunteanu

Multumiri: Atelier 35 (Larisa Crunteanu si Xandra Popescu), Atelier Brut
(Andrei Dinu).

*Thereâs Nothing We Can Do With This Heritage*
*Dana Andrei and Coate-Goale*

September 4th 2014, h. 18.00
Fb event:

Iâm thinking about those movie scenes where the protagonist is dangling by
a rope which is starting to break. But the rope doesnât break all of a
sudden - zap! and itâs over. No, time dilates and the rope is breaking
thread by thread, adding to the tension. We look at the rope breaking and
we anticipate the imminent catastrophe. But the catastrophe fails to
arrive. Something happens in the last moment, by the last thread.

This progressive breaking represents a confiscation of the present, while
waiting for a catastrophic future when the protagonist might die. An object
serving other objects, the rope carries the implicit meaning of mistrust.
One must be cautious when it comes to the rope. Even if it appears intact,
inside of it the breaking might have already started to happen.

So while looking at the rope you wonât linger on the surface. The look will
try to go inside, looking for the guilt of a future failure.

âThereâs nothing we can do with this heritageâ is a project which explores
the public space as an area of intersection between time and gaze. Time as
a gliding and blending of past-present-future and gaze as a projection of a
generalized distrust.

On the axis past-present-future, statues represent an unsolicited heritage
that acts as a parasite of the present time and space. They deflect our
look away from the personal and present to inanimate objects invoking the
past. A heritage that looks at us but fails to see us.

In the meantime, countless surveillance cameras collect video material for
a future viewing. A heritage of the present for the future. Our heritage to
ourselves. And so I wonder: if I spend all of today watching yesterday does
today still exists?

In the public space, time and gaze are not ours anymore. They are owned by
an invisible force named power â be it state, corporation, the Other. A
constant reminder about a ruling.

In Atelier 35, hidden behind cafes and bars, safe from surveillance
cameras, Dana Andrei and Coate-Goale are appropriating spaces and gazes
found through the city.

text by Larisa Crunteanu

Many thanks to: Atelier 35 (Larisa Crunteanu si Xandra Popescu) and Atelier
Brut (Andrei Dinu).
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