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[Nettime-ro] PLATZFORMA: Apel de texte despre transformÄrile spaÈiilor publice urbane Ãn Moldova / call for texts about the transformation of urban public spaces in Moldova

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [oberlist] MD* PLATZFORMA: Apel de texte despre transformÄrile spaÈiilor publice urbane Ãn Moldova / call for texts about the transformation of urban public spaces in Moldova
Date: 2014-10-13 17:32
From: Vladimir US <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Reply-To: "cultura tinerilor, arta, politici culturale / youth culture, art & cultural policies" <[email protected]>



- - - scroll down for English - - -


Platzforma.md Ãn colaborare cu AsociaÈia Tinerilor ArtiÈti
âOberlihtâ [2] lanseazÄ un apel deschis de texte ce investigheazÄ
transformÄrile spaÈiilor publice urbane Ãn Moldova Ãn ultimii 20

ContribuÈiile vor aborda teme precum:

_- degradarea spaÈiilor publice existente_ (parcuri, infrastructurÄ
sportivÄ Èi culturalÄ, arii de recreare, curÈile dintre blocuri Èi
terenurile de joc etc.) ca rezultat al retragerii autoritÄÈii publice
din procesul de administrare a spaÈiilor publice;

_- privatizarea/ÃngrÄdirea proprietÄÈii publice; _

_- automobilizarea oraÈelor;_

â _migraÈia internÄ dinspre sat spre oraÈ Èi explozia industriei
construcÈiei de locuinÈe_;

â _comercializarea Èi utilizarea Ãn scopuri comerciale a spaÈiului
public_ ce a rezultat Ãn explozia publicitÄÈii stradale vizuale, a
comerÈului stradal, apariÈia punctelor mobile de vÃnzare a bunurilor
(ziare, articole de panificaÈie, ÈigÄri, alcool, articole de
vestimentaÈie, fast-food, cvas Èi bÄuturi rÄcoritoare etc.);

â _substituirea funcÈiei publice_ (agrement, socializare, odihnÄ,
activitÄÈi artistice) a spaÈiilor publice cu activitÄÈi de profit
(parcuri, toalete publice, surse de apÄ etc.).

â _excluderea cetÄÈenilor oraÈului din procesul decizional_ Ãn
privinÈa politicilor urbane, dezvoltÄrii oraÈului, stabilirii
prioritÄÈilor de finanÈare a unor proiecte la nivel local etc;

â _comercializarea centrului oraÈului_ Èi apariÈia, Ãn cadrul
acestuia, a unor grandioase proiecte comerciale â Sun City (mall),
Skytower (oficii), Hotelul Nobil (servicii hoteliere), complexele
locative Grand Plaza;

â _distrugerea centrului istoric al oraÈului_ Èi a Èesutului social
al acestuia ;

â _menÈinerea unui control politic Èi moral asupra spaÈiului
public_ (politicile de vizibilitate) ce a contribuit la marginalizarea
Èi excluderea din spaÈiul public a unor grupuri ce nu se ÃncadreazÄ
Ãn imaginea ânormalÄ/decentÄâ a oraÈului â persoane fÄrÄ
domiciliu stabil, cerÈetori, prostituate, persoane cu comportament de
adicÈie alcoolicÄ sau droguri etc.

â _apariÈia Èi dezvoltarea unor miÈcÄri sociale Èi de activism
urban_ ce au Ãncercat, Ãn diverse moduri (proteste, campanii
mediatice, acÈiuni de reabilitare) sÄ se opunÄ acestor procese.

Sunt acceptate texte de 10-15 mii semne, Ãn romÃnÄ, rusÄ sau altÄ
limbÄ de circulaÈie internaÈionalÄ.

Articolele urmeazÄ a fi trimise pe adresele [email protected] sau
[email protected].

Acest apel face parte din cadrul proiectului _CONNECTING CULTURE,
COMMUNITIES AND DEMOCRACY _ Èi este susÈinut de FundaÈia CulturalÄ

Mai multe detalii la: http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/thematic-focus/


Platzforma.md in collaboration with the Association of Young Artists
âOberlihtâ launches an open call for texts that investigate the
transformation of urban public spaces in Moldova within the last 20

The contributions shall tackle subjects such as:

	* _degradation of existing public spaces _(parks, sports and cultural
infrastructure, recreational areas, courtyards between blocks and
playgrounds etc.) as a result of the retreat of public authorities from
the process of administration of public spaces.

	* _privatization/fencing of public property_

	* _growth of the number of cars in the city_

	* _internal migration from villages towards the city and growth of
industry of residential buildings construction_

	* _commercialization and use for commercial purposes of the public
space_, which resulted in the explosion of visual street publicity and
street commerce, appearance of mobile spots for sale of goods
(newspapers, bakery items, cigarettes, alcohol, clothing, fast food,
cvas and soft drinks etc.)

	* _substitution of public function _(recreation, socialization, rest,
artistic activities) of public spaces with profit activities (parks,
public toilets, sources of water etc.)

	* _exclusion of the citizens of the city from the decisional process_
regarding urban policies, development of the city, establishing
priorities for financing projects at local level etc.

	* _commercialization of the city center_ and appearance, in this area,
of some grand commercial projects â Sun City (mall), Skytower
(offices), Nobil Hotel (hotel services), residential complex Grand

	* _destruction of the historical center of the city_ and of its social

	* _Keeping of a political and moral control over the public space_
(visibility policies) which contributed to the marginalization and
exclusion from public space of some groups that donât fit into the
ânormal/decentâ â people without stable home, beggars,
prostitutes, people with behavior of alcohol or drug addiction etc.

	* _Emergence and development of social and urban activism movements
_which attempted by various means (protests, media campaigns, actions
for rehabilitation) to oppose to these processes.

The texts should have the size of 10-15 thousand characters in Romanian,
Russian or other language of international circulation.

The articles should be sent to the following addresses
[email protected] or [email protected]

This call is part of project Connecting Culture, Communities and
Democracy and is supported by European Cultural Foundation.

More information at: http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/thematic-focus/

sursÄ imagine de fundal: blogul Gradina Publica [4]/background image
from Gradina Publica [4] blog.

 [5] [6]

[1] http://www.platzforma.md/apel-deschis-de-texte-despre-transformarile-spatiilor-publice-urbane-in-moldova/
[2] http://www.oberliht.com/
[3] http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/thematic-focus/
[4] http://gradina-publica.blogspot.ro/
[5] http://www.platzforma.md/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ecf.jpg
[6] http://www.platzforma.md/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Oberliht.jpg

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