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[Nettime-ro] expozitie ZOLTAN BELA. ANEXA MNAC. vernisaj miercuri, 29 octombrie 2014, 19h |
----- â â ââ â â INSTALAÅIE ZoltÃn BÃla Curator: Adriana Oprea Design expoziÅie: NUCA Studio Vernisaj: miercuri, 29 octombrie 2014â, ora 19.00â Anexa MNAC, Calea MoÅilor 62-68 etaj III âInstalaÅieâ, expoziÅia de picturÄ Åi obiect a lui ZoltÃn BÃla, este un cabinet de artÄ Ãnscenat Ãntr-o salÄ de beton, situaÅie de expunere care produce cÃteva dislocÄri. Unu, spaÅiul Anexa MNAC a acomodat formal arhitecturÄ, instalaÅie Åi obiect, dar nu Åi picturÄ pÃnÄ acum. Doi, producÅia lui ZoltÃn BÃla este a unui artist cunoscut pÃnÄ acum predominant ca pictor. El face parte din generaÅia tÃnÄrÄ de artiÈti care au marcat relativ scurta Ãntoarcere la picturÄ din arta romÃneascÄ recentÄ. Faptul cÄ preferÄ ÃncÄ pictura dupÄ calmarea boom-ului pictural al anilor 2000 Ãl recomandÄ, alÄturi de puÅini alÅii, ca pe un alergÄtor de cursÄ lungÄ. Trei, pictura lui ZoltÃn BÃla a Ãncurajat mai ales trimiteri la estetica urmei, evanescenÅÄ, memorie, interioritate sau la metafizica fragmentului , remarcÃndu-i-se tehnicalitatea Åi virtuozitatea de execuÅie. Pentru a deplasa aceÅti termeni de lucru, expoziÅia lui ZoltÃn BÃla ÃÅi pune o problemÄ formalÄ, instalarea nu doar a picturii ci Åi a obiectului Ãntr-un cadru de arhitecturÄ, la rÃndul lui instalat Ãntr-un spaÅiu dat. PÄdurea de socluri pe care o cerea aÅezarea obiectelor Ãn spaÅiu, volume Ãn recul Åi Ãn avans, devine un continuum, blatul orizontal dintre cei doi stÃlpi, care taie aerul Åi ÅerpuieÅte optic. Iar suportul vertical pe care Ãl cerea pictura devine perete pe peretele deja existent, ca un ecran gata sÄ primeascÄ imaginea pe fundalul Ãntunecos al unei sÄli de cinema. Cutia scenicÄ astfel creatÄ lasÄ de jur Ãmprejur spaÅiul iniÅial al clÄdirii, care o primeÅte rÄmÃnÃnd aÅa cum este, brutalist, precar Åi neregulat. IncongruenÅa dintre display Åi spaÅiu mutÄ expunerea din raza (pre-)judecÄÅilor pomenite anterior, nu anulÃndu-le cu totul ci dislocÃnd Ãntr-o anumitÄ mÄsurÄ receptarea lor. Perioada expoziÅiei: â30 octombrie 2014 â 15 februarie 2015. â â Organizator: Muzeul NaÈional de ArtÄ ContemporanÄ - MNAC.â â â Cu sprijinul: AsociaÈia RomÃnÄ de ArtÄ ContemporanÄ. Parteneri: Corcova Roy & DÃmboviceanu, pnk casual.â Parteneri media: Igloo, Zeppelin, Åapte Seri, <#149526ca3127d190_14952670fe2e13bf_1494feb5b02cb839_1494e7ca254a9d57_1494e7299038de8b_1494e6a38070186b_1494e5f4457562e8_1494e56d7b46eb6d_1494e11c503e6166_sent/_blank> , Radio France Internationale. Fotografie: Dan Vezentan, New Folder Studio.â Concept grafic Åi DTP: Florin Darie.â â---------- ââ INSTALLATIONâ ZoltÃn BÃla Curator: Adriana Oprea Exhibition design: NUCA Studio Opening: Wednesday, October 29th 2014, 19.00 Anexa MNAC, Calea MoÅilor 62-68 3rd floor âInstallationâ, ZoltÃn BÃlaâs painting and object exhibition, is an art cabinet staged in a concrete room, an exhibiting situation which produces several dislocations. First, Anexa MNAC has formally accommodated until now architecture, installation and object, but not painting. Second, the production of ZoltÃn BÃla is that of an artist who has previously been known mostly as a painter. He is part of the younger generation of painters who have left their mark on the relatively short âreturn to paintingâ of recent Romanian art. The fact that he still pr efers painting after the pictorial boom of the 2000s has calmed down shows that, along with few others, heâs in it for the long haul. Third, ZoltÃn BÃlaâs painting has encouraged references to the aesthetics of the trace, evanescence, memory, interiority or the metaphysics of the fragment, being remarked by its technicality and virtuosity of execution. In order to shift and dislocate these working terms, ZoltÃn BÃlaâs exhibition poses a formal issue, the installation, not just of paintings, but also of several objects in an architectural frame which is itself installed in a given space. The forest of pedestals required by the positioning of the objects in space, retreating and advancing volumes, becomes the horizontal continuum between the two pillars which cuts the air and slithers optically. While the vertical support required by paintings becomes a wall on the previously existing wall, like a screen ready to receive the image on the dark background of a cinema hall. The scenic box thus created leaves alone the initial, surrounding space of the building which receives it as it is, brutalist, precarious and irregular. The incongruence of display and space moves the representation out of the area of the above mentioned (pre-)conceptions, not by negating them but by dislocating to a certain extent their reception. Exhibition period: October 30th 2014 â February 15th 2015. â Organizer: The National Museum of Contemporary Art - MNAC.â â With the support of: The Romanian Association of Contemporary Art â.â Partners: Corcova Roy & DÃmboviceanu, pnk casual. Media partners: Igloo, Zeppelin, Åapte Seri, <#149526ca3127d190_14952670fe2e13bf_1494feb5b02cb839_1494e7ca254a9d57_1494e7299038de8b_1494e6a38070186b_1494e5f4457562e8_1494e56d7b46eb6d_1494e11c503e6166_sent/_blank> , Radio France. Photography: Dan Vezentan, New Folder Studio. Graphic concept and DTP: Florin Darie. â â â â _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: