Irina Radu on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 15:55:03 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Ethel Èi Silviu BÄiaÈ > Reportaj: Calamitate | SpaÈiul Aiurart, miercuri 4 februarie, 7pm.

Ethel Èi Silviu BÄiaÈ > Reportaj: Calamitate

(ExpoziÈie Ãn cadrul IEEB6)

4 februarie - 28 martie 2015

Aiurart Contemporary Art Space | BucureÈti, Lirei 21

Vernisaj: miercuri 4 februarie, 7 - 10 pm.

* facebook event:

* please scroll down for English version

Ethel Èi Silviu BÄiaÈ fac parte dintr-o generaÈie de artiÈti consacraÈi Ãn
anii 1970 Ãn RomÃnia, un cuplu de gravori Èi ilustratori apreciaÈi Ãntr-o
perioadÄ complicatÄ din punct de vedere politic.

AceastÄ expoziÈie are menirea de a readuce Ãn atenÈie o operÄ extrem de
coerentÄ Èi puternicÄ, douÄ discursuri complementare foarte bine conectate
la realitatea politicÄ, socialÄ Èi ecologicÄ din trecut, ÃnsÄ la fel de
relevantÄ, prin recontextualizare, astÄzi.

Xilogravurile axate pe tema CalamitÄÈilor Èi PoluÄrii atmosferei semnate de
Ethel BÄiaÈ fac Ãn primul rÃnd trimiere la mediul politic toxicizant Èi la
modificarea treptatÄ a peisajului social sub imperiul âpoluÄriiâ comuniste.
Reportajele Èi serele lui Silviu BÄiaÈ completeazÄ tabloul politic Èi
social cu o frÄmÃntare autentic ecologicÄ. ForÈa gestualÄ a gravurilor
artistei Ethel BÄiaÈ este completatÄ Ãn gravurile lui Silviu BÄiaÈ de
perspectivele de tipul scanÄrii de peisaj sau cartografiere cu intervenÈii
de culoare specifice tiparului de ziar, manierÄ de lucru frecventÄ Ãn
deceniile 60-80 ale sec. XX Ãn afiÈul polonez Èi Ãn arta pop.

O expoziÈie care scoate la luminÄ gravuri de forÈÄ realizate cu precÄdere
Ãn perioada 1974-1988, un moment de reconstituire, dar Èi de regÃndire a
unei opere artistice rÄmasÄ de prea mult timp Ãn sertare. (Olivia NiÈiÈ)


Ethel & Silviu BÃiaÈ


(IEEB6 parallel event)

4th of February - 28th of March 2015

Aiurart Contemporary Art Space | 21 Lirei St, Bucharest

Opening: Wednesday, the 4th of February, 7 - 10 pm.

Ethel and Silviu BÄiaÈ are part of a generation of established artists in
1970 in Romania, a couple of appreciated engravers and illustrators in a
politically complicated period.

This exhibition aims to bring forth a highly consistent and strong artwork,
two complementary discourses very well connected to the political, social
and ecological past reality, but equally relevant, through
recontextualization today.

The woodcuts focused on Calamities and Pollution of Atmosphere signed by
Ethel BÄiaÈ are mostly related to the toxic political environment and the
gradual change of the social landscape under the influence of communist
âpollutionâ. The Reports and Greenhouses by Silviu BÄiaÈ complete the
political and social picture with an authentic ecologic unrest. The
gestural force in the engravings of Ethel BÄiaÈ is complemented by the scan
of landscape type of perspectives or mapping, with color interventions
specific to newspaper printing, a working manner common in the decades
60-80 from the XXth century in Polish poster and pop art.

An exhibition that brings out the powerful engravings made mostly during
1974-1988, a time of reconstruction, but also a time for rethinking an
artistic work left for too long inside drawers. (Olivia NiÈiÈ)


Parteneri: Experimental Project, Art/OMV moves, Domeniile SÃmbureÈti,
Editura Vellant, Asdesign95, RFI, Radio RomÃnia Cultural, Zeppelin, Èapte
Seri, Revista Arta, Revista 22, Cultura, Senso TV Arte, Modernism, ArtClue,
Vernisaje, Artindex,, Metropotam, AR_chitecture TV,, Parteneriat pentru arte.
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