Larisa CrunÅeanu on Fri, 3 Apr 2015 11:52:55 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] REMINDER: Res Caecas // Locuri Oarbe - Anton Roland Laub // Astrazi 3 Aprilie 2015, h. 19.00


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*Res CaecasAnton Roland Laub*
Vernisaj: 3 Aprilie 2015, ora 19.00
Atelier 35, Selari 13, Bucuresti

Proiectul *Res Caecas* abordeaza doua naratiuni arhitecturale definite de
strategiile de planificare urbana a douÄ regimuri socialiste diferite.

In munca sa, Anton Roland Laub documenteaza felul in care sistemele puterii
isi lasa semnatura asupra peisajului urban.

Originar din Bucuresti, Laub s-a mutat in Berlin in 2003. In ultimii ani,
el a revenit in Bucuresti in repetate randuri, in incercarea de a-si
reconfigura propria traiectorie in spatiu si timp, intre cele doua peisaje

Cercetarea sa ia ca punct de plecare situatia absurda a cladirilor a caror
locatie a fost schimbata ca urmare a unor motivatii ideologice. Cum
interfereaza aceste puncte de referinta volatile cu reprezentarile noastre
despre spatiu si timp?

In lucrarea âDe Oratoreâ, Cicero invoca anecdota lui Simonides de Ceos.
Invitat de catre aristocratul Scopas sa inchine o oda victoriilor sale,
Simonides participa la un banchet cu sfarsit tragic. In momentul in care
poetul iese afara, acoperisul cladirii se prabuseste, strivind toti
participantii pana la desfigurare.

Simonides este singurul care poate identifica ramasitele, pe baza
amintirilor sale despre pozitia fiecarui invitat la masa. De aici metoda
mnemotehnicÄ *loci* - locuri: legarea amintirilor de forme si locatii


*Res CaecasAnton Roland Laub*
Opening: April 3rd, h. 19.00
Atelier 35, Èelari 13, Bucharest

Res Caecas approaches two architectural narratives shaped by the urban
planning strategies of two different socialist regimes.

Through his body of work, Anton Roland Laub documents the ways in which
systems of power systems leave their mark on the architectural landscape of
the city.

Born and raised in Bucharest, Laub moved to Berlin in 2003. In the past
years he has been returning to Bucharest on a regular basis in an attempt
to reconfigure his trajectory in time and space between two urban

His research takes as a point of departure the absurd situation of
buildings which have been moved from frontal to backward positions, due to
ideological reasons. How do these volatile reference points interfere with
our representation of space and time?

In âDe Oratoreâ, Cicero invokes the anecdote of Simonides of Ceos. Invited
by the aristocrat Scopas to write an ode to his acts of valour, Simonides
participates in a banquet with a tragic finale.The moment the poet steps
outside, the rooftop of the building collapses crushing all the invitees to
disfiguring them.

Simonides is the only one who manages to identify the remains, on the basis
of his memories about the position of each participant. Thus the mnemonic
method of *loci* â places â was born: linking memories to specific

*credit image: Anton Roland Laub, 2014

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