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[Nettime-ro] APEL pentru APLICATII 2016/ CALL for APPLICATIONS 2016_ Artists-in-Residence programme of tranzit and ERSTE Foundation at MuseumsQuartier in Vienna

APEL pentru APLICATII 2016 deschis pÃna la data de 4 octombrie 2015

Programul Artists-in-Residence al tranzit si ERSTE Foundation
La quartier21/MuseumsQuartier din Viena

tranzit este o retea formata din cinci organizatii independente, non-profit, din
Austria, Republica Ceha, Ungaria, RomÃnia si Republica Slovaca. Din 2002 tranzit
dezvolta activitati artistice si culturale cu o abordare critica, stimulÃnd un
dialog constant intre cultura locala si cea globala.

Programul Artists-in-Residence de la quartier21/MuseumsQuartier se inscrie in
seria acestor eforturi si ofera tinerilor artisti din Cehia, Ungaria, RomÃnia si
Slovacia un atelier-apartament si posibilitatea de a trai si lucra in Viena
pentru o perioada de una sau doua luni. ERSTE Foundation este partenerul
principal al tranzit si ofera de asemenea finantarea pentru programul
Artists-in-Residence. Juriul pentru selectarea artistilor este format din membri
ai tranzit si ai Fundatiei ERSTE.

Rezidentele sunt destinate artistilor, curatorilor si teoreticienilor care
lucreaza in domeniul artei contemporane.

Din RomÃnia va fi selectat un rezident pentru perioada februarie / martie 2016.

Fiecare rezidenta ofera: 

â O bursa lunara de 1050 EUR
â Un atelier/apartament studio aflat la MuseumsQuartier in Viena

Aplicatiile trebuie sa include urmatoarele documente:

1) Formularul de aplicare digital complet, cu informatiile:

* contact ((nume, adresa, e-mail, telefon, website).
o Scrisoare de motivatie â explicÃnd de ce aplicati si ce proiect veti urmari in
timpul rezidentei (max. 5000 de caractere)
o Un scurt curriculum vitae informativ (max. o pagina)

2) Portfoliu (max. 10 MB)

Formularul de aplicare se poate descarca de pe linkul urmator:

Va rugam sa trimiteti cele doua documente doar in format PDF. Alte formate nu
pot fi acceptate.

Aplicantii trebuie sa fie pregatiti sa foloseasca rezidenta pe toata perioada
ei. Candidatii selectionati trebuie sa predea un raport dupa finalizarea

Aplicatiile cu subiectul " MQ AiR 2016 "se vor trimite doar in limba engleza la
adresa [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>   pÃna la data de 4
octombrie 2015.

(valabil numai pentru RomÃnia ; aplicantii din alte tari va rugam sa trimiteti
aplicatiile dupa caz la tranzit .sk, .hu, .cz)

Participantii selectati vor fi anuntati cel tÃrziu pÃna la sfÃrsitul lunii
octombrie 2015.

Deadline pentru aplicatii: 4 octombrie 2015

Pentru mai multe intrebari, va rugam sa contactati pe Michaela Geboltsberger/ [email protected]
<> <>                            Erste
Foundation <>              Museumsquartier Wien


///--- [ English version below]


CALL for APPLICATIONS 2016: now open until 4 October 2015

Artists-in-Residence programme of tranzit and ERSTE Foundation

at MuseumsQuartier in Vienna 

tranzit is a network of five independent, non-profit organisations in Austria,
the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic. Since 2002 tranzit
has been developing artistic and cultural activities with a critical approach,
fostering a permanent dialectic between local and global culture.

The Artists-in-Residence programme at quartier21/MuseumsQuartier in Vienna is
part of this endeavour and provides young artists from the Czech Republic,
Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic with a guest studio and the opportunity
to live and work in Vienna for the period of one or two months. ERSTE Foundation
is the main partner of tranzit and also provides support for the
Artists-in-Residence programme. The jury for selecting the artists consists of
members of tranzit and ERSTE Foundation.

The residencies are designed for artists, curators and theoreticians working in
the field of contemporary art.

Each residence offers:

* a monthly stipend of 1050 EUR
* a studio space to live and work in the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna
Applications have to include the following documents:

1) Complete digital application form, including the following information:

* Your contact information (name, address, e-mail, phone, website)
* Letter of intent explaining why you apply and what you expect. What would you
like to focus on during the residence (max. 5000 characters)
* Brief informative curriculum vitae (max. 1 page)

2) Portfolio (max. 10 MB)


Please download the application form here:

Please send the two documents as PDF. Other formats cannot be accepted.

Applicants should be prepared for the requirement to use the residence in its
full length. Accepted applicants are required to hand in a written report after
completion of the residence.

Applications are accepted only in English and by e-mail until: October 4th,
2015. Selected participants will be notified until the end of October 2015.

Please send your application with subject "MQ AiR 2016" to:

for Romania (February â March):
[email protected] 
for Hungary (April â May):
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>  
for Czech Republic (June â July / August â September):
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
for Slovak Republic (October â November):
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>  

For further questions please contact Ms Michaela Geboltsberger/
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> <>                  Erste Foundation
<>             Museumsquartier Wien



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