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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: OraÅ de vÃnzare â proiect de fotografie documentarÄ / City for sale â documentary photography project, 7-11.09.2015 |
-------- Original Message --------Subject: OraÅ de vÃnzare â proiect de fotografie documentarÄ / City for sale â documentary photography project, 7-11.09.2015
Date: 2015-09-07 10:15 From: asociatia oberliht / association <[email protected]> To: [email protected] [1] foto: Ion CHIBZII [2], Pe strada ArmeneascÄ (sf. anilor 90) https://chisineu.wordpress.com/2015/09/07/oras-de-vinzare/ [3] - - - scroll down for English version - - - RO - - - - - OraÅ de vÃnzare 7-11 septembrie 2015, ChiÈinÄu ORAÅ DE VÃNZARE este un proiect de documentare care abordeazÄ problema comercializÄrii spaÅiului public din ChiÅinÄu. Acesta face referinÅÄ la transformÄrile urbane ce au marcat majoritatea oraÅelor din Europa de Sud-Est pe parcursul ultimelor douÄ decenii (Moldova, RomÃnia, Ucraina). Ãn special dupÄ dizolvarea Uniunii Sovietice Åi dupÄ cÄderea regimurilor autoritare Ãn statele sale sateliÅi, modelul de economie planificatÄ s-a dezintegrat, fiind urmat de procese de privatizare masivÄ a unor companii Åi entitÄÅi aflate Ãn proprietatea statului (ca o consecinÅÄ a aÅa-numitului prim val de privatizare) - aceste bunuri ajungÃnd pÃnÄ la urmÄ Ãn mÃinile unor persoane private. [4] Zona unde la momentul actual se aflÄ PiaÈa CentralÄ, 1942 Pe la Ãnceputul anilor 90 (Ãn perioada de tranziÅie), din cauza declinului economiei locale Åi a producÅiei de bunuri, vÃnzarea a devenit una dintre puÅinele modalitÄÅi de a obÅine un venit pentru mulÅi dintre locuitorii ChiÅinÄului - a fost perioada cÃnd au Ãnceput sÄ aparÄ Ãn oraÅ noi pieÅe ce cÄpÄtau diverse forme (vÃnzÄtori stradali, chioÅcuri, pieÅe improvizate etc. ocupÃnd spaÅiile publice Ãn Ãntregul oraÅ), fiind ÃnsoÅite de panouri publicitare Åi de publicitate stradalÄ agresivÄ, iar Ãn final mall-urile au intrat Ãn competiÅia pentru atragerea de cumpÄrÄtori. PuÅinele spaÅii comerciale care erau active pe timpul sovietic Åi care mai sunt deschise astÄzi, precum PiaÅa CentralÄ, puÅinele magazine socialiste Åi cÃteva pieÅe de vechituri din oraÅ riscÄ Åi ele sÄ disparÄ Ãn umbra spaÈiilor comerciale mai competitive. ChiÅinÄul este situat la o distanÅÄ de 4-5 ore de drum de al 7-lea kilometru (nume neformal), una dintre cele mai mari pieÅe din Europa, situatÄ Ãn apropierea Odesei, Åi de PiaÅa de la CernÄuÅi. Pe lÃngÄ aceasta, alte bunuri sunt importate din Istanbul. Ãn consecinÅÄ, pieÅele din ChiÅinÄu sunt inundate de bunuri provenite din aceste puncte centrale de vÃnzare din regiune, fÄcÃnd astfel oraÅul sÄ participe la sistemul global de distribuire a bunurilor, care ajung sÄ fie vÃndute pe aceleaÅi mese, alÄturi de produsele agricole crescute de fermierii locali. Acest fenomen a afectat direct spaÅiile publice din ChiÅinÄu Ãn zona sa centralÄ, transformÃnd strÄzile oraÅului Ãn niÅte spaÅii de comerÅ Ãn aer liber, acordÃnd oraÅului un aspect _oriental_. PiaÈa CentralÄ astÄzi AstÄzi, PiaÅa CentralÄ - o piaÅÄ Ãn aer liber, ÃÅi mai pÄstreazÄ autenticitatea, amintind de anii 90 Åi de alte perioade dificile prin care oraÅul a fost nevoit sÄ treacÄ. Aceasta constituie de asemenea un amestec uriaÅ de oameni veniÅi din diverse pÄrÅi ale ÅÄrii, de modele de comportament, limbi, practici, preferinÅe muzicale Åi culturi. TotuÅi, multe lucruri s-au schimbat Ãn privinÅa originii produselor vÃndute aici, Ãn timp ce vÃnzÄtorii ÃnÅiÅi nu mai sunt proprietarii acestor produse, Åi nici nu-s fermieri care au produs bunurile - mai curÃnd aceÅtia sunt cei care le revÃnd. Pe de altÄ parte, PiaÅa CentralÄ riscÄ sÄ disparÄ aÅa cum o Åtim astÄzi, fiindcÄ administraÅia localÄ are planuri sÄ o reconstruiascÄ prin adÄugarea unui nivel adiÅional Åi sÄ acopere piaÅa cu o structurÄ de metal Åi sticlÄ - transformÃnd-o Ãntr-unul din numeroasele mall-uri. [5] Plan Urbanistic de Detaliu privind sistematizarea teritoriului PieÈii Centrale cu teritoriile adiacente Prin acest proiect invitÄm participanÈii sÄ documenteze diverse forme de comercializare a spaÅiilor publice din ChiÅinÄu, luÃnd ca punct de pornire PiaÅa CentralÄ Åi infrastructura care s-a dezvoltat Ãn jurul acesteia. ParticipanÅii vor fi de asemenea invitaÅi sÄ acorde atenÅie noilor pieÅe Åi zone comerciale care au apÄrut Ãn zonÄ (de-a lungul Bulevardului Cantemir, Ãn parcuri Åi Ãn alte spaÅii publice, unde majoritatea oamenilor obiÅnuiesc sÄ se socializeze, sÄ-Åi petreacÄ timpul liber sau sÄ participe la diverse evenimente). Scopul proiectului este sÄ releve noi forme de comercializare a spaÅiului public, nevÄzute Åi destul de subtile (care ÃncurajeazÄ consumul, dar Åi construiesc mecanisme de excludere Åi restricÅioneazÄ accesul unor grupuri sociale Ãn zonele publice disponibile ale ChiÅinÄului. LucrÄrile create vor fi prezentate public sub forma unei expoziÅii Ãn ZpaÅiu [6] (str. Al. Åciusev 103, ChiÅinÄu), Ãn Apartamentul Deschis [7] (str. BucureÅti 68/1, ChiÅinÄu) Åi Ãntr-o publicaÅie tipÄritÄ (Revista la Plic [8]). PARTICIPANÈI AVRAMESCU Octav [RO], BARABANCEA Mihai [RO], BARBAS Valeria [MD], BOUROÈ Ludmila [MD], CERNAT Valentin [RO], FIODOROVA Tatiana [MD], GODZIN Ana [MD/RO], GOIAN Dorin [MD], ILFOVEANU Nicu [RO], KURMAZ Oleksandr [UA], LIPCANU Bogdan-Emilian [RO], MORARU Andrei [MD], STURKO Illia [UA], ÈOVÄILÄ Mihai [RO], TOMOIAGÄ CÄtÄlin [RO] CURATOR US Vladimir [MD] Proiectul de fotografie documentarÄ OraÈ de vÃnzare este organizat Ãn cadrul proiectului AcÈiune ColectivÄ pentru Bunurile Comune, susÈinut de FundaÈia CulturalÄ EuropeanÄ (ECF):http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/thematic-focus/ [9]. AdiÈional proiectul e susÈinut de Ministerul Culturii al Republicii Moldova. [10] PieÈile din CernÄuÈi, Odesa, Istanbul EN â â â â â City for sale September 7-11, 2015, Chisinau CITY FORÂSALE is a documentary project dealing with the topic of commercialization of the public space in Chisinau. It makes reference to the urban transformations that marked most cities in Southeast European region during the last two decades (Moldova, Romania, Ukraine). Particularly after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and fall of authoritarian regimes in its former satellite states the planned economic model has collapsed being followed by massive privatization processes of various state owned companies and entities (as a consequence of the so-called first wave of privatization) - these goods ending up in someone's private hands. In the beginning of 90s (during the transition period) due to the decline of the local economy and production of goods, the re-selling became one of the few opportunities for getting an income for many of Chisinau inhabitants - it was the period when the new markets started to appear in the city taking various forms (street vendors, kiosks, improvised markets etc. occupying public spaces through out the city), being accompanied by billboards and aggressive street publicity, and finally the shopping malls joining the competition for the customers. The few commercial spaces that were active during the soviet period and that are still open like the Central Market, few former socialist shops and several flea markets in the city risk disappearing in the shadow of the more competitive sales grounds. Chisinau is situated within 4-5 hours drive from 7th Km (informal name) - one of the biggest markets in Europe near Odessa and Cernauti/Cernivtsi Bazar. Additionally other goods are being imported from Istanbul. Consequently the Chisinau markets are flooded with goods from these main sales points in the region, thus making the city participate in the global distribution system of goods which are sold next to the agricultural products produced by the local farmers. This phenomenon directly affected Chisinau public spaces in its central part, transforming the city into an open air shopping area, giving it an oriental character. Today, the Central Market - an open-air market, still preserves its authenticity, reminding of the 90s and of the rather harsh times that the society had to witness. It is also a huge melting pot of people coming from different parts of the country, of models of behavior, languages, practices, music tastes and cultures. However many things have changed in terms of the origin of the products sold here, while the sellers themselves are not anymore the owners of the products, neither the farmers who produced the goods - these are rather the resellers. On the other hand Central Market risks to disappear as we know it today, since the public administration has plans to rebuild it by adding additional level and covering the market with metal and glass structure - transforming it into one of many others shopping mall. Through this project we invite the participants to document various forms of commercialization of public spaces in Chisinau, taking as a starting point the Central Market and the infrastructure that has developed around it. They are also invited to pay attention to the new markets and sales grounds that have appeared in the area (along the Cantemir Boulevard, in the parks and other public spaces where most of the people use to socialize, spend their leisure time or take part in different events). The aim of the project is to reveal new forms of commercialization of public space, rather invisible and subtle ones (that encourage consumption, but also build mechanisms of exclusion and restrict the access of various social groups to available public spaces in Chisinau). The created works will be presented publicly in a form of an exhibition in Zpace [6] (Al. Sciusev str. 103, Chisinau) / Flat Space [7] (Bucuresti str. 68/1, Chisinau) and in a printed publication (POSTBOX magazine [8]). PARTICIPANTS AVRAMESCU Octav [RO], BARABANCEA Mihai [RO], BARBAS Valeria [MD], BOUROS Ludmila [MD], CERNAT Valentin [RO], FIODOROVA Tatiana [MD], GODZIN Ana [MD/RO], GOIAN Dorin [MD], ILFOVEANU Nicu [RO], KURMAZ Oleksandr [UA], LIPCANU Bogdan-Emilian [RO], MORARU Andrei [MD], STURKO Illia [UA], SOVAILA Mihai [RO], TOMOIAGA Catalin [RO] CURATOR US Vladimir [MD] The project City for sale is organized in the frame of the Collective Action for the Commons project, supported by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF): http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/thematic-focus/ [9]. Additionally the project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Moldova. -- acest mesaj a fost expediat la / this message was sent to [email protected] de / by [email protected] dezaboneazÄ-mÄ / unsubscribe [11] | schimbÄ-mi setÄrile de abonat / change your subscription options [12] | retrimite acest mesaj / forward this message [13] [14] Links: ------ [1] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhWUVEZVQ9KVg [2] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhWUVAZVQ9KVg [3] https://chisineu.wordpress.com/2015/09/07/oras-de-vinzare/ [4] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhWUVMZVQ9KVg [5] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhWUVIZVQ9KVg [6] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhRWxlUXUoC [7] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhWUV0ZVQ9KVg [8] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhSUBlUXUoC [9] http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/thematic-focus/ [10] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhWUVwZVQ9KVg [11] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhTH1RcGAI [12] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhcH1RcGAI [13] http://oberliht.hosted.phplist.com/lists/lt.php?id=ekhWUFUZVQ9KVg[14] https://www.phplist.com/poweredby?utm_source=pl3.0.13-hosted&utm_medium=poweredhostedimg&utm_campaign=phpList
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