Bjoern Hoffmann on Mon, 3 Apr 2000 00:44:09 +0200 (CEST)

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RE: [rohrpost] Textarchivierung / Hyperbolic Tree mit Altavista in CAT


Monika Fleischman wrote:

>koennen wir das in cat auch installieren?

ich weiss leider nicht was cat ist, aber discovery indexiert ueber
saemtliche freigegebenen Ressourcen (Intra-/Internet) beigefuegte
Dateitypen. Die Suchergebnisse werden im Browser dargestellt, aus dem dann
das jeweilige Programm aufgerufen wird. Zum professionellen Einsatz fehlt
eigentlich nur noch DB2 und Oracle Implementation, bisher leider nur
Access, dbase etc...


Hier die Liste der indexierbaren Dateien:

     Word Processing:


       ASCII Text (7 & 8 bit versions available) All versions
       ANSI Text (7 & 8 bit)                All versions
       Unicode Text                         All versions
       HTML                                 Versions through 3.0
       IBM Revisable Form Text              All versions
       IBM FFT                              All versions
       Microsoft Rich Text Format           Versions through 2.0


       DEC WPS Plus                         Versions through 4.1
       DEC WPS Plus (DX)                    Versions through 4.1
       DisplayWrite 2 & 3 (TXT)             All versions
       DisplayWrite 4 & 5                   Versions through Release 2.0
       Enable                               Versions 3.0, 4.0 and 4.5
       First Choice                         Versions through 3.0
       Framework                            Version 3.0
       IBM Writing Assistant                Version 1.01
       Manuscript                           Versions through 2.0
       MASS11                               Versions through 8.0
       Microsoft Word                       Versions through 6.0
       Microsoft Works                      Versions through 2.0
       MultiMate                            Versions through 4.0
       Navy DIF                             All versions
       Nota Bene                            Version 3.0
       Office Writer                        Version 4.0 to 6.0
       PC-File Letter                       Versions through 5.0
       PC-File+ Letter                      Versions through 3.0
       PFS:Write                            Versions A, B, and C
       Professional Write                   Versions through 2.1
       Q&A                                  Version 2.0
       Samna Word                           Versions through Samna Word IV+
       SmartWare II                         Version 1.02
       Sprint                               Versions through 1.0
       Total Word                           Version 1.2
       Volkswriter 3 & 4                    Versions through 1.0
       Wang PC (IWP)                        Versions through 2.6
       WordMARC                             Versions through Composer Plus
       WordPerfect                          Versions through 7.0
       WordStar                             Versions through 7.0
       WordStar 2000                        Versions through 3.0
       XyWrite                              Versions through III Plus


       Adobe Acrobat                        All Versions
       AMI/AMI                              Professional Versions through
       JustWrite                            Versions through 3.0
       Microsoft Windows Works              Versions through 4.0
       Microsoft Windows Write              Versions through 3.0
       Microsoft Word 97                    V7.0
       Microsoft Word for Windows           Versions through 7.0
       Microsoft WordPad                    All versions
       Novell Perfect Works                 Version 2.0
       WordPerfect for Windows              Versions through 7.0
       Professional Write Plus              Version 1.0
       Legacy                               Versions through 1.1
       Q&A Write for Windows                Version 3.0
       WordStar for Windows                 Version 1.0


       Microsoft Word                       Versions 4.0 through 6.0
       WordPerfect                          Versions 1.02 through 3.0
       Microsoft Works (Mac)                Versions through 2.0
       MacWrite II                          Version 1.1

     Spreadsheets Formats:

       Enable                               Versions 3.0, 4.0 and 4.5
       First Choice                         Versions through 3.0
       Framework                            Version 3.0
       Lotus 1-2-3 (DOS & Windows)          Versions through 6.x
       Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (DOS & Windows)   Versions through 5.0
       Lotus 1-2-3 (OS/2)                   Versions through 2.0
       Lotus 1-2-3 Charts (OS/2)            Versions through 2.0
       Lotus Symphony                       Versions 1.0,1.1 and 2.0
       Microsoft Excel 97
       Microsoft Excel Windows              Versions 2.2 through 7.0
       Microsoft Excel Macintosh            Versions 3.0 - 4.0
       Microsoft Excel Charts               Versions 2.x - 7.0
       Microsoft Multiplan                  Version 4.0
       Microsoft Windows Works              Versions through 4.0
       Microsoft Works (DOS)                Versions through 2.0
       Microsoft Works (Mac)                Versions through 2.0
       Mosaic Twin                          Version 2.5
       Novell Perfect Works                 Version 2.0
       QuattroPro for DOS                   Versions through 5.0
       QuattroPro for Windows               Versions through 7.0
       PFS:Professional Plan                Version 1.0
       SuperCalc 5                          Version 4.0
       SmartWare II                         Version 1.02
       VP Planner 3D                        Version 1.0

     Databases Formats:

       Access                               Versions through 2.0
       dBASE                                Versions through 5.0
       DataEase                             Version 4.x
       dBXL                                 Version 1.3
       Enable                               Versions 3.0, 4.0 and 4.5
       First Choice                         Versions through 3.0
       FoxBase                              Version 2.1
       Framework                            Version 3.0
       Microsoft Windows Works              Versions through 4.0
       Microsoft Works (DOS)                Versions through 2.0
       Microsoft Works (Mac)                Versions through 2.0
       Paradox (DOS)                        Versions through 4.0
       Paradox (Windows)                    Versions through 1.0
       Personal R:BASE                      Version 1.0
       R:BASE                               Versions through 3.1
       R:BASE System V                      Version 1.0
       Reflex                               Version 2.0
       Q & A                                Versions through 2.0
       SmartWare II                         Version 1.02

     Standard Graphic Formats:

       Binary Group 3 Fax                   All versions
       BMP (including RLE, ICO, CUR & OS/2 DIB) Windows
       CDR - Corel Draw                     Versions through 7.0
       CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile     ANSI, CALS, NIST, Version 3.0
       CMX - Corel Clip Art Format          n/a
       DCX (multi-page PCX)                 Microsoft Fax
       DRW - Micrografx Designer            Version 3.1
       DXF (Binary and ASCII) AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format
                                            Versions through 13
       EPS Encapsulated PostScript          If TIFF image is embedded in it
       FMV - FrameMaker                     Vector and raster format
       GDF - IBM Graphics Data Format       n/a
       GEM - Graphics Environment Manager Metafile  Bitmap and Vector
       GIF - Graphics Interchange Format    Compuserve
       GP4 - Group 4 CALS Format            n/a
       HPGL - Hewlett Packard Graphics Language Version 2.0
       IMG - GEM Paint                      n/a
       JPEG                                 All versions
       MAC                                  MacPaint
       MET - OS/2 PM Metafile               Version 3.0
       PCD - Kodak Photo CD                 n/a
       PCX                                  PC Paintbrush
       Perfect Works (Draw)                 Novell version 2.0
       PIC                                  Lotus
       PICT1 & PICT2 (Raster)               Macintosh Standard
       PIF - IBM Picture Exchange Format    n/a
       PNG - Portable Network Graphics Internet Format
       PNTG MacPaint
       RND - AutoShade Rendering File Format n/a
       SDW Ami Draw
       Snapshot (Lotus)                     All versions
       SRS - Sun Raster File Format         n/a
       TGA (TARGA)                          Truevision
       TIFF                                 Versions through 6
       TIFF CCITT Group 3 & 4 Fax Systems
       WMF Windows Metafile
       WordPerfect Graphics [WPG and WPG2]  Versions through 2.0
       XBM - X-Windows Bitmap               n/a
       XPM - X-Windows Pixmap               n/a
       XWD - X-Windows Dump                 n/a

     High-End Graphics Formats:

       AI - Adobe Illustrator File Format   Versions through 6.0
       DSF - Micrografx Designer            Windows 95, Version 6.0
       DWG - AutoCAD Native Drawing Format  Versions 12 & 13
       IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
                                            Version 5.1
       PDF - Portable Document Format       Acrobat version 2.1 (LZW), 3.0
       PS - Postscript  Level 2 (LZW)

     Presentation Formats:

       Corel Presentations                  Version 7.0
       Harvard Graphics for DOS             Versions 2.x & 3.x
       Freelance 96 for Windows 95          n/a
       Freelance for Windows                Version 1.0 and 2.0
       Freelance for OS/2                   Versions through 2.0
       Microsoft PowerPoint 97              n/a
       Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows     Versions through 7.0
       Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh   Version 4.0

     Compressed and Encoded Formats:

       LZH Compress                         n/a
       LZA Self Extracting Compress         n/a
       Microsoft Binder                     Version 7.0
       MIME (text mail)                     n/a
       UUE                                  n/a
       UNIX Compress                        n/a
       UNIX TAR                             n/a
       ZIP                                  PKWARE versions through 2.04g


       Executable (EXE, DLL)                n/a
       Executable for Windows NT            n/a

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.1 for non-commercial use <>


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