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[rohrpost] transmediale.01 - Workshop Golan Levin, 6 Feb

transmediale.01  - international media art festival berlin
DIY [ do it yourself ! ]
4 - 11 February 2001

The transmediale.01 includes a specific workshop for media designers
and fans of synaesthetic appliances on Tuesday, 6 February, 14 - 18 h:

* Workshop - Audiovisual Suite for Synaesthetic Experiences
 by Golan Levin [ in English ]

Admission: Adults DM 20 /  Kids DM 5 [ as the number of participants
is limited, please, book and buy your tickets in advance!
For reservations tel. ++49-30-24749777 ]

The workshop includes a talk that talk presents the Audiovisual
Environment Suite (AVES), a set of five interactive systems which
allow people to create and perform dynamic imagery and synthetic
sound, simultaneously, in real time.
Each environment is an experimental attempt to design an interface
which is supple and easy to learn, yet can also yield interesting, infinitely
variable and personally expressive performances in both the visual and
aural domains. Ideally, these systems permit their interactants to engage
in a flow state of pure experience.

The AVES systems are built around the metaphor of an inexhaustible and
dynamic audiovisual "substance," which is gesturally created, deposited,
manipulated and deleted. Each instrument situates this substance in a a
free-form, non-diagrammatic image space whose structure inherits from the
visual language of abstract painting and animation. The use of low-level
synthesis techniques permits the sound and image to be tightly linked,
commensurately malleable, deeply plastic, and tightly connected by
perceptually-motivated mappings.

The AVES systems inhabit a domain at the juncture of art, design, and the
engineering of tools and instruments. As artworks, they extend an
established Twentieth century tradition in which artworks are themselves
generative systems for other media. As a set of tools, the AVES work
represents a vision for creative endeavor on the computer, in which
uniquely ephemeral dynamic media blossom from a close collaboration
between a system's user and designer. In this talk, I will elaborate on
some of the fascinating historical audiovisual performance systems which
inspired my own work, and discuss some of the principles and desiderata
which I believe underlie the development of any such audiovisual

*CV - Golan Levin

recently received his Master's degree from the Aesthetics and Computation
Group at the MIT Media Laboratory, and is interested in creating artifacts and
environments which explore supple new modes of audiovisual expression.
Golan received a B.S. degree in Art and Design from MIT in 1994,
and worked as a research scientist and interaction designer at Interval
Corporation for four years. Golan has exhibited interactive artworks at
several venues, including the SIGGRAPH 1996 and 2000 Art Shows,
ISEA 1997, Ars Electronica 1997 and 2000, the San Jose Tech Museum
of Innovation, and the American Museum of the Moving Image.

Best regards,

the transmediale team


DIY [do it yourself!]
4 - 11 february 2001
international media art festival berlin

klosterstr. 68-70
10179 berlin
fon +49 30 2472 1907
fax +49 30 2472 1909
[email protected]
Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals E.E.I.G.

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