ZKM Visual Media on Wed, 13 Nov 2002 16:35:05 +0100 (CET) |
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[rohrpost] Workshop *Mapping Your Creative Territory* |
Hallo, Wir m�chten sie auf einen ZKM Workshop zum Thema *Musik und das Problem der Navigation in gro�en Datenmengen* aufmerksam machen. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie selbst Interesse haben oder die Ank�ndigung an jemand anderen weiterreichen, der Interesse haben k�nnte. Mit besten Gr��en Silke Sutter ZKM-Institut f�r Bildmedien Hello, We would like to announce a ZKM workshop concerning the topics of music and the problem of navigating detail in musical real time instruments. If you know somebody who is interested in this topic, please, forward the mail. Yours sincerely, Silke Sutter ZKM-Institute for Visual Media ----------------------------------------------- /////// / |< ||| | Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie /////// /|< ||| | Center for Art and Media /////// / |< || | Karlsruhe ----------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP ZKM Karlsruhe, 27 November - 1 December 2002 MAPPING YOUR CREATIVE TERRITORY The application of new tools for scientific visualization to music with Joel Ryan for composers, media artists, mathematicians, and computer scientists http://www.v2.nl/Projects/interfacing_realities ----------------------------------------------- Navigating detail in musical real time Modern music attempts to manage an unprecedented plethora of detail. The massive data problem is as much the nature of contemporary culture as it is the gift of our new computer based tools. This quest is not unique to music and mathematical tools have recently emerged to deal with understanding complex heterogeneous systems of data. The workshop*s goal is to find ways to coordinate the recognition and recovery of states of complex real time instruments. A target example could be called the "Preset Mapping Problem". The workshop focusses on music, but the solutions might be directly applicable to the control of any real time system. The focus will not be on the musical time line or score problem. The workshop is prospecting for new tools for composition and music performance suggested by innovations in the visualization and navigation of scientific data. Methods are emerging in fields as diverse as immunology, protein synthesis, chaotic dynamics and data mining of texts, all fields which have come to life since computational based techniques have brought their complexity with in grasp. The sheer immensity of the problems attempted has stimulated the search for intermediate tools for sifting multidimensional avalanches of detail. Perhaps our faculty of visual analysis can add to what our ears tell us. Participants The workshop is addressed to participants: + who have expertise in practical music platforms like SuperCollider or Max and musician/composers who need this solution + who have experienc in one of the sciences which already have practical solutions for large data space problems + who can act as mathematical references The workshop is limited to 10 participants. The language is English. Joel Ryan is a composer, inventor and scientist. He is a pioneer in the design of musical instruments based on real time digital signal processing. He currently works at STEIM in Amsterdam, tours with the Frankfurt Ballet and is Docent at the Institute of Sonology in The Hague. ----------------------------------------------- Application The fee for the 5-days workshop is 200 Euro (for students 100 Euro). The deadline for the application is 18 November 2002. Please, fill in the application form: + Name, Address, E-Mail, Telephone: + Student: yes/no + Profession: / Subject of Study: + Curriculum Vitae: + Motivation (short text why you want to participate): To be sent to: ZKM - Institute for Visual Media Postfach 6909 D-76049 Karlsruhe E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: 0049-(0)721-8100 1509 Tel: 0049-(0)721-8100 1500 ----------------------------------------------- More information: <http://www.v2.nl/Projects/interfacing_realities> The project INTERFACING REALITIES covers a series of four master classes that V2_ in Rotterdam realizes within the European Culture 2000 program. The master classes concentrate on new artistic concepts for the usage or creation of databases and archives. Interfacing Realities is a cooperation with the ZKM in Karlsruhe, C3 in Budapest and AEC in Linz. ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost http://post.openoffice.de/pipermail/rohrpost/ Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/