Mirjam Struppek on Fri, 29 Nov 2002 01:50:06 +0100 (CET)

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[rohrpost] Videostill "between the eyes"

Eine neue Gallerie in Berlin:

play - gallery for still and motion pictures

first exhibition:
susanne schuricht
videostill "between the eyes" 2002

from 30th of november to 30th of december 2002
opening hours:
mo�fr 10am to 8pm
and sa10am to 8pm
curator: wolf guenter thiel
vernissage: 29th of november 7pm to 10pm 

hannoversche stra�e1 | 10117 berlin | 
t +49-30-275 82111 | t +49-30-234 55 753 |


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