Verdejost on Fri, 11 Feb 2000 06:37:20 EST |
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I have been reading the recent posts about Austrie with a bit of discomfort, with the word Nazi being tossed around rather casually, reminding me (as an American) of the same loose and dubious use of the words "Red" or "Commie" as employed in the USA. Mr Haider is a right-wing populist, a political opportunist, a demagogue and all kinds of other questionable things. He is also, as shown, a successful politician in Austria, making the right noises for about 1/3rd of the voting populace. He has said conciliatory things about National Socialist actions of 60 years ago. This all, however, does not make him a Nazi, nor in the current socio-political circumstances could he begin to actually engage in genuinely Nazi behaviours. What I read on the list, under the quasi-hysteria, is a handful of "artists" fearful that their state funding is going to be yanked away. Having myself visited - supposedly to work - Austria, and had a first hand bit of experience with how things work there, or at least in my particular case how they worked, I must say that this yelping looks very suspicious. A brief rewind: I am a filmmaker, and at the Viennale back in 1990 or so, a retrospective of my work was done and much to the surprise of the organisers, it was successful, sold out, required extra screenings. This begot an oblique invitation from the Wiener Film Fonds to apply for funding to make a film there. I did so, and readily was offered around the equal of $500,000, and with that I was able to secure another $200,000 plus from German and Austrian TV. The deal required a Vienna based production house, from a list kept by the WFF. I picked one on the advise of a filmmaker friend in Wien. I went there to research, found a subject, and set up to go make a film. What then happened I am told is all too typical of Austrian culture of the period: the production house, Prisma Films, headed by Heinz Stussak with his little lackey Michael Seeber behind him, supposed alternative/lefties, did utterly nothing which a legitimate production house would do. Nothing. They were so busy buying themselves new toys, a big new office, Avids, etc., and stuffing cash blatantly in their pockets that little things like renting a camera by a given date was beyond them. When, after some weeks of this I bluntly told them they were two corrupt little crooks they merely smirked and offered to up my pay from $50,000 to $75,000. Also, the WFF deal required spending all the money in Wien, where everything was vastly overpriced. I, however, was there to make a film, not wallow like a pig in the Wien kickback game. When I reported this to Wolfgang Ainberger, head of the WFF, he pretended it was not so, and was himself rather obviously in on the take. I also reported it to ORF, the Austrian TV station who had $100,000 in it. They also wished to pretend it was not happening. After 3 months of this I left Wien, having shot some scenes under the worst possible conditions, with never a budget made by Prisma (one day, amidst of shuffle of papers while I demanded to know what the lab costs would be, Mr. Seeber said to Mr. Stussak, regarding the various imaginary budgets splayed before him, "This budget or...?" Which pile of phoney numbers were meant for my eyes?) Some many months later, Mr Ainberger, who had been told explicitly what happened, and was told there was no film shot, accepted a VHS cassette of material allegedly made into a film by Prisma, and did not, as he legally could have, demand that Prisma pay the money back for non-performance or fraud. One of the actors in the film told me the cassette was a piece of shit. It of course never travelled further than Mr. Ainberger's office, and there went $500,000 in public monies down the drain, or more exactly, into the pockets of Stussak and Seeber and Ainberger. I was told, a bit too late for my use, that this was typical of Wiener and Austrian cultural politics of the time. If so, these nice alternative sorts, bearing their fake leftist banners, were all too involved in giving birth to the likes of Mr Haider, who could point to this kind of corruption (and the "content" of the social-politics which it often came with) as a sample of what was wrong with Austria, and what was happening with their tax money, and could surf a long way on such things. >From what I saw the so-called left (and from what I read on the list from some of the threatened artists complaining of their imminent loss of funding) was so blatant and arrogant in its slurping at the public trough that it was 100% predictable that a Haider would come into existence. Haider is (like almost all politicians) a dubious grubby little liar and provacateur. But his counterpart leftist opposition are very very little better, and for having been in actual power for quite some time, engaged in the most blatant of corruptions (which was hardly confined to the arts world, but for which Austria has for some decades been rightfully somewhat famous), in some senses a lot worse. Boycotting is not the proper response to what is happening in Austria. But neither is sympathy for a thoroughly corrupt "left" which fully made the situation which it now whines about. When the money crunch really comes watch how many nice well-to-do middle class leftist do a little shift in the winds and find themselves conveniently a little bit pragmatically right.... The eagerness to use such epithets as Nazi belies a shallow reading of history and reality and sounds far more like a mask for the dubious behaviour of those pointing fingers at this date. Haider is a hate-peddling little creep pandering to some of the more provincial qualities of the Austrian psyche; the collapsed so-called left is a corrupt little clique of businessmen and their cronies, including artists, passing lots of money through each others hands in a closed circle. No sympathies from here. The people who are really getting screwed will be the immigrants, legal or otherwise. The wringing hands artists are minor players though they like to imagine they're big ones. jon jost roma ------Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: to unsubscribe, write to <[email protected]> in the body of the msg: unsubscribe [email protected]