Arthur Bueno on Wed, 16 Feb 2000 10:39:29 +0100

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Syndicate: Fw: Appel propositions/Call for proposals

Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 09:43:21 +0100
Subject: Appel propositions/Call for proposals
From: Carole Gidel <[email protected]>

---------------------------------- [ENGLISH VERSION]

[apologies for the cross-posting inconvenient to multiple lists]

Dear colleagues,

>From December 12th to 17th 2000, the monaco danses dances forum will
present its first edition in which a large space is dedicated to dance
and technology.

On that occasion the monaco danses dances forum invites all interested
artists and dance-technology =93inventors=94 to answer to this call for
proposals by conceiving a project and to mail it to Jean-Marc Matos
(dance and technology coordinator), at the following address:
12 rue Saint Just 93100 Montreuil France

All the details and the application form are available on the web site:

Deadline: April 30th 2000

We await your proposals.
Jean-Marc Matos
[email protected] (questions only)&gt=

Chers coll=E8gues,

Entre le 12 et le 17 d=E9cembre 2000, le monaco danses dances forum
pr=E9sentera sa premi=E8re =E9dition incluant un vaste espace consacr=E9 =E0 la
danse dans ses liens avec les nouvelles technologies.

A cette occasion, le monaco danses dances forum invite tous les artistes
et concepteurs int=E9ress=E9s =E0 r=E9pondre =E0 cet appel =E0 propositions en
=E9laborant un projet et =E0 l=92envoyer =E0 Jean-Marc Matos (charg=E9 de 
danse-technologie), =E0 l=92adresse suivante :
12 rue Saint Just 93100 Montreuil France.

Tous les d=E9tails et le formulaire d=92inscription sont disponibles en
ligne sur le site :

Date limite : 30 avril 2000

Nous attendons vos propositions.
Jean-Marc Matos
[email protected] (pour des questions seulement)

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