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Syndicate: Fwd: M o n e y N a t i o n s 2

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 09:25:51 EDT
Subject: M  o  n  e  y  N  a  t  i  o  n  s   2 

M  o  n  e  y  N  a  t  i  o  n  s   2 
for people on their way in Europe

mn.Expo | mn.Kongress | mn.FM


Kunsthalle Exnergasse Wien

October 20 ? November 11, 2000
Tu-Fr 14-19 | Sa 10-13
[email protected] |

Opening 10/19, 19.00
radioShow: 19.00-20.00 [live and on Radio Orange FM 94.0]

mn.Congress 10/20 ? 22, 20000

mn.FM Workshop 10/20 ? 23, 20000


Mogniss Abdallah (Paris), Dragan Ambrosic (Belgrad), Zeigam Azizov (London), 
awareness (Wien), Jochen Becker (Berlin), Manuela Bojadzijev (Kanak Attak, 
Frankfurt/M.), bordercartograph (name diffusion, Paris), B2-92 (Belgrad), 
Anna Daucíková (Bratislava), dérive (Wien), Die Bunte Zeitung (Wien), Helmut 
Dietrich (FFF, Berlin), Dana Diminescu (Paris/RU), Deportation Class (kein 
mensch ist illegal), DocVideo (Turin), Simone Bader, Anna Kowalska, Martin 
Krenn (Wien), female sequences (Wien), fewor (Wien), Micz Flor (Berlin), 
Jesko Fezer (Berlin), get to attack (Wien), Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez 
(Hannover/Frankfurt), Brian Holmes (Paris), Guelsuen Karamustafa (Istanbul), 
LEFOE (Wien), MAIZ (Wien), malmoe (Wien), Gabriele Marth (Wien), MUND (Wien), 
nylon (Wien), Marion von Osten (Berlin/Zuerich), PEREGRINA (Wien), Susanna P
erin (Zuerich/Rom), Radio Active (Zagreb), Radio FRO (Linz), Radio Orange 
(Wien), Roma 2000 / Andreas Lehner/ Emmerich Gaertner-Horvath (Oberwart), 
Pararadio (Budapest, Jenny Perlin (New York), Jayce Salloum (Vancouver), Jo 
Schmeiser (Wien), Peter Spillmann (Zuerich), Mark Saunders (London), Sava 
Tatic (Prag), Klub Zwei (Wien), stimme (Wien), TATblatt (Wien), Katalin Timar 
(Budapest), Urban FM (Prishtina), Vor der Information (Wien), Angie Waller 
(New York), Anna Wessely (Budapest), Marion West (Hamburg)

Micz Flor
Jochen Becker / Marion von Osten
with Gabriele Marth / Jo Schmeiser
Peter Spillmann / Marion von Osten
Michael Zinganel / Ernst Muck

Susanna Perin / Peter Spillmann / Marion von Osten
Natalie Seitz / Peter Spillmann / Marion von Osten
Kunsthalle Exnergasse:
Franziska Kasper / Andrea Loebel


Kunsthalle Exnergasse Wien | WUK
Waehringerstr.59  |  A ? 1090 Wien
Tel +43.1.40121.41+.42  |  Fax +43.1.40121.67
[email protected] |


new EUrope

As soon as the Czech Republic joins the EU, presumably in 2002, not only will 
a new state border to Slovakia be drawn through the former CSSR, but the 
shifting walls of the EUropean fortress will as well. The former "Eastern 
Block? has become a group of small countries newly configured and reunified 
under the roof of the "common house of Europe?. The constituency of the 
European Union after 1989, the expansion of the EU borders toward Middle, 
Central and Southeastern Europe, the introduction of the EURO currency zone 
and the Schengen-Treaty countries, as well as joining the NATO all reinforce 
old Europe?s incessant exclusiveness. In this whole process the realities of 
the former confederation of socialist states and of the countries of the 
southern hemisphere are left behind. It goes without saying that Rumania, 
Bulgaria and ex-Yugoslavia or Albania are left out in the cold. 
New models and identities aimed at creating a common EUropean identity are 
introduced while simultaneously excluding all others who do not meet the 
expectations of an economically efficient Europe. The political and 
media-based production of difference has a direct correlation with 
transnational activities of multi-national companies, and with the 
protectionism of the new state constructions within EUrope. 
The problem here is while this construction of the 'other' is an instable 
one, in addition it is constantly subjected to continually changing social 
and cultural negotiations and modes of representation. Significantly, 
cultural production and the arts visualize these processes of inclusion and 
exclusion; simultaneously these fields of work frequently involve 
collaborative cooperation and a network of contacts.The was central 
in strengthening contacts among Eastern European artists. 


The project MoneyNations first took place in 1998 at the Shedhalle in Zurich. 
The focus of our discussion was Western Europe?s restrictive border politics 
toward Central and Southeastern Europe, which is debatably the result of both 
cultural and economical circumstances. The other major emphasis was on the 
heightened increase in discrimination against non-EUropeans. Over the course 
of a year we built up a correspondence network, which consisted of theorists, 
media activists and artists from Central and Southeastern Europe, who 
specifically challenged the Western-centered European approach to the 
construction of borders.
The exchange process brought about video productions, photographic work, 
installations, theoretical texts and narrations. The project began with a 
three-day congress on the economy of the border and a workshop with media 
producers from ex-Yugoslavia at the Shedhalle. Contributions of the first 
event in Zurich can be found on the website or in the 
publication The Correspondent (also available in English). Members of the 
public who are interested in this project may subscribe to the mailing list 
at <[email protected]>. 


Topics chosen for MoneyNations2 at the Kunsthalle Exnergasse in Vienna 
include the fortress of Europe, state architecture and gender, resistance 
politics, and media tactics; we will also continue to discuss important 
questions from the preceding project in 1998.  New correspondents (artists, 
media activists and theorists) have been invited to extend our experience 
focusing on "East/West? as a problem of all of Europe (key words here are: 
new interior state borders, normalization and regionalization). In addition, 
the perspective of MoneyNations 1 (Network Southeastern Europe) shifts 
geographically. The focus for Vienna is, among other things, on EU internal 
racist policies, inner European forms of resistance and the normalization 
processes of the countries directly bordering on the EU, such as Central 
European countries  and ex-Yugoslavia. The dynamics of this project take the 
political and geographic situation of the place chosen for this new 
exhibition into consideration, because Austria is surrounded by bordering 
countries that will soon be integrated into the EU, therefore the 
relationship of the center to the periphery should be reconsidered throughout 
the entire project. 


The abovementioned situation lays the foundation for the second MoneyNations 
congress in Vienna which will focus on the fact that the binary construction 
of the West as the center and the East as periphery can no longer coherently 
explain the existing relations of power. On the contrary, new points of power 
have apparently been constituted in Central and Eastern Europe restating that 
racism and sexism are not purely Western phenomena. Beyond this, the current 
political situation in Austria has strengthened the need for the development 
of new political concepts. In dealing with the increase in right-wing 
politics inside and outside the EU this congress will introduce and discuss 
critical approaches ranging from forms of political activism to cultural 
strategies. Therefore, this congress takes on more of the charachter of a 
supra-national meeting among various kinds of producers of culture, theorists 
and activists, rather than that of a classical academic congress. 

The exposition in the gallery Exnergasse mainly features media productions 
originating from the project EuroVision2000 (Prague, Bologna, Brussels, 
Zurich), or which have been compiled in this process 
( EuroVision2000 is a network of independent video 
and media producers, theorists and artists interested in working on the topic 
of transformation and exclusionary processes within EU Europe  which began as 
an project element based on media activism within the project MoneyNationsTV. 
Additionally, Klub Zwei, Vienna, has been invited to include their film 
program "State Architechture? at the exhibition. An international radio 
workshop in cooperation with the local radio station Radio Orange is 
scheduled as part of the opening of MoneyNations 2.


Invited on-air and online radio projects work towards a Central European 
exchange system. Besides strengthening existing peer agreements, mnFM leaps 
out to develop online audio database and exchange platform which dynamically 
allows shared radio programmes by local stations. mnFM is co-hosted by Radio 
Orange (Vienna) and Radio FRO (Linz).


Radio Orange (Vienna)
Radio FRO (Linz)
B2-92 (Belgrad)
Pararadio (Budapest)
Radio Active (Zagreb)
Radio Jeleni (Prague)
Urban FM (Prishtina)

mn. congress
undeep europe / mishap austria

The congress encompasses a spectrum ranging from post-colonia critique, 
anti-racist work, network activism and cultural production and is from 
Friday, October 20, 2000 to Sunday October 22, 2000 at the gallery Kunsthalle 
The language of the conference is English. Translation from German to English 
will be provided.


Friday, 10/20/2000

6 pm - 9 pm
Border lines

Europe and the refugees
Helmut Dietrich, Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration (Society of 
Research on Refuge and Migration), Berlin

Settlement in the mobility
Dana Diminescu, currently researching at Maison des Sciences de lHomme , 
Paris  and 
is chief-coordinator of the research project:  les circulations migratoires

Discrimination against Romas in Hungary
Anna Wessely, sociologist and art historian, ELTE University of Budapest

Romas in Austria: on the exhibition Roma 2000
Andreas Lehner, curator of Roma 2000, Markt Allhau
Emmerich Gaertner-Horvath, Volkshochschule der Burgenlaendischen Roma, 

9 pm - 10 pm
History of Resistance 

Douce France / Sweet France
documentary film by Mogniss Abdallah & Ken Fero (60', 1992)


Saturday, October 20, 2000

12 pm - 1 pm
Resistance Politics

The Beur Movement. A (hi)story of resistance.
Mogniss Abdallah, Agence IMmedia (L?agence de l?immigration et des cultures 
urbaines) Paris
Manuela Bojadzijev (Kanak Attak, Frankfurt/M)

Anti-racism Politics:
1 pm - 4.30 pm
Strategies for Public Relations 

Deportation Class (kein mensch ist illegal)
Presentation of the activist alliance and its campagne against deportation 
and airport regulations, Munich/Cologne

fewor - plattform fuer eine welt ohne rassismus (platform for a world without 
racism), Vienna

MAIZ -Autonomes Zentrum von und fuer Migrantinnen (Autonomes Center by and 
for Migrant Women), Linz

PEREGRINA  Beratungsstelle fuer auslaendische Frauen (Counselling Center for 
foreign Women), Vienna

LEFOE  Lateinamerikanische Emigrierte Frauen in OEsterreich (Latin American 
Women Emigrants in Austria) , Vienna

Feministischer Widerstandsrat (Feminist Resistance Council), Vienna 

Moderator: Sabine Strasser, feminist anthropologist

5 pm - 7 pm
Art in Practice

Presentation of the webpage, a communication project between France and 
Africa, Marion Baruch, artist, Paris.

Look back/look forward
Reflection on a seminar project on the social space of migration during the 
International Women?s University in Hannover, Guelsuen Karamustafa, artist, 

Power and  Obedience / Structural Violence 
Students from the school at WUK and  2nd generation youth with Simone Bader, 
Anna Kowalska, Martin Krenn, Dani Busic - requested, Djonia Oliveira Mendes - 
requested, Phillipp Winkler - requested, artists and students, Vienna

get to attack, Vienna
Presentation of the Viennese Resistance Alliance with representatives from 
get to attack, Vienna

8 pm - 9 pm
Political Geography

Cross the Border: Imaginary Maps, Global Solidarities
Brian Holmes, ne pas plier, cultural critic and translator, Paris


Sunday, October 22, 2000

10 am - 12.30 pm
State Architechture and Gender I 

Workshop with: 
Manuela Bojadzijev (Kanak Attak, Frankfurt/M)
Gabriele Marth und Jo Schmeiser (Vor der Information, feminist magazine for 
art, film, politics and theory /Vienna)
Marion West (Germanist and anti-racism activist/Hamburg)

12.30 pm - 1.30 pm
State Architechture and Gender II 

Parallel Activities: on gay/lesbian movements in Slovakia
Anna DaucÃ?kov, Initiative Anders, artist/ university lecturer, Bratislava

Ethics and Visuality Workshop
Katalin Timar, art historian/curator, Budapest, provides information on 
experiences involving political positions within the field of art history.

1.30 pm - 2.30 pm

For feminist, anti-racism action beyond identity politics. 
Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez, cultural studies scholar, Hannover/Frankfurt

3 pm - 4.30 pm
Media practice and Campaign Politics I

The significance of youth and fanzine culture for the resistance movement in 
Dragan Ambrosic, Belgrad

Alternative Media Strategies and Objectives of MoneyNations.FM
Sava Tatic, theorist, Prague

4.30 pm - 7 pm 
Media Practice and Campagne Politics II

Discussion on campagnes/media, that aim to combat racist and sexist (state) 
politics in Austria.
With representatives from: 
awareness! - the african voice in europe (requested)
dérive - Zeitschrift fuer Stadtforschung (Magazine for urban research)
Die Bunte Zeitung - Zeitschrift von MigrantInnen aus allen Kontinenten 
(magazine by migrants from all continents)
female sequences - Frauen Lesben Kultur Heft (womens? lesbians? cultural 
MUND - Medien Unabhaengiger Nachrichten Dienst; (independent media news 
malmoe - ein neues Zeitungsprojekt (a new magazine project)
nylon - KunstStoff zu Feminismus und Popkultur (art-ificial material on 
feminism and pop culture)
stimme. von und fuer Minderheiten (voice - from and for minorities)
TATblatt - antirassistische Zeitschrift  (anti-racist magazine) requested

Moderation: Johanna Schaffer, Vienna


The exhibition presents video productions which focus on topics such as: new 
borders, border economies, racism and migration.

new borders
New Borders, Jenny Perlin, VHS 22, New York, 2000
EUrope on your doorstep, VHS 28, Micz Flor, Berlin, 2000
Everything And Nothing, Jayce Salloum, Vancouver, Videoinstallation, 2000

border economies
Loading Animated, Angie Waller, VHS 10 New York, 2000
Fashion Is Work, Karamustafa / v. Osten / Spillmann, Videoinstallation, 
Istanbul/Zurich 1999

Migrasophia, Zeigam Azizov, VHS 8, London, 2000
Beyond The Fencing, Susanna Perin, VHS 12, Zurich/Rome, 2000

And This Wind Hurts, DocVideo, VHS 45,Turin,2000
The Truth Lies In Rostock, spectacle / Mark Saunders, VHS 78 , London 1993

Staatsarchitektur, Klub Zwei, 1997/1998, VHS 105', Wien
(Ohneland Hatice Ayten, 1995 / StaatsPersonal Teil 1 Klub Zwei, 1997 / 
Gekommen bin ich der Arbeit wegen Goran Rebic, 1987 / Gueluezar, Hatice 
Ayten, 1994 / StaatsPersonal Teil 2, Klub Zwei, 1997 / Material aus Achtung 
Staatsgrenze, Sabine  Derflinger / Bernhard Poetscher, 1996 / StaatsPersonal 
Teil 3, Klub Zwei, 1997 / Land des Laechelns, Hito Steyerl, 1996 / 
StaatsPersonal Teil 4, Klub Zwei, 1997)

Douce France, Mogniss Abdallah & Ken Fero , VHS 52, Paris 1992
nordreise, Marion von Osten & R.R.I.O. Sans Papier Office, VHS 30, Antwerpen/ 
Zurich 2000

Power and Obedience ? school teachst, Martin Krenn in cooperation with Paul 
Leitner, Nina Mangel, Quilla Mederos, Niki Voraberger, Lisi Ziegelmaier, VHS 
23', Vienna, 1998 / Structural Violence ? plus talk and pictures Dani Busic, 
Djonia, Oliveira Mendes, Anna Kowalska, Simone Bader, VHS, 25´, Vienna 

entrance area/ archives:

Deportation Class (kein mensch ist illegal, Cologne), presentation of  
campagne posters from the Campagne against Deportation and Airport Regulation
s (

Roma 2000 (Oberwart), electronic cultural documentation on the history and 
the situation of Romas in Burgenland and Austria

Drill Instructor. Captain Full Metal Jack, Jochen Becker / Jesko Fezer, 
Video/Installation, Berlin 1997/2000

MoneyNationsTV, Edition 1-3 
With clips  by  A-Clip (Berlin), Martine Anderfuhren (Geneva), Joerg Arendt 
(Bonn), Ursula Biemann (Zurich), Paula di Bello/Marco Biraghi (Milan), Deep 
Europe/V2_East-Syndicate, Dogfilm(Berlin), HexTV (Cologne), Guelsuen 
Karamustafa (Istanbul), Marion von Osten (Berlin/Zurich), Natalie Seitz 
(Zurich), Peter Spillmann (Zurich)

With clips by Mogniss Abdallah (Paris), Colletivo Politico (Napoli), DocVideo 
(Turin), Ethical Bros. (Catania), Pier Paolo Coro (San Marino), Lisa Haskel & 
Micz Flor (London), Elke Marhoefer (Berlin), Jenny Perlin / Trebor Scholz 
(New York), 'Ost ist gut' Toni Corti Programm, Andrea Bevilacqua, Critina De 
Ritis, Andrea Segre (Bologna), Marco Polini (Rome/CH), Manuel Poutte (Bruss
el), Oliver Ressler (Vienna), rTMark (Los Angeles) and exhibition 

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