Klaus-d. Michel (blinKface) on Fri, 15 Jun 2001 16:08:32 +0100

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Re: Syndicate: VIPER 21: Deadline for Entries today

> Deadline for entries for VIPER - International Festival for Film Video
> and New Media today. Entry forms are available as download on
> VIPER-website (www.viper.ch) or at the address given below. Date as
> postmark is okay and it's possible to send an entry now and to hand in
> later previewtape or material. 

Hi all, hi Inke, 

I would like to send an application today. But - I was on the Viper 
website, downloaded an application-form (pdf) and there is wirtten:

"Award for CD-ROM/Internet: Accepted in the category CD-ROM/Internet 
are works which relate to this year's Forum theme 'Next Odyssee'."

Alright, next odyssee, but what does that mean? I went through lots 
of those viper-flashy pages and I couldn't find anything about 'Next 

The Viper Forum is called "Quick Times". 

So what is the matter? Can anybody bring light into this darkness.

For a quick reply I would be very pleased.


Klaus-dieter Michel - Media/Artist/Teacher /Websites:
b l i n K f a c e - http://www.thing.de/blinkface
3 B r a i n \ Network - http://www.thing.de/3Brain
england/phone: 0044-(0)161-881 40 99

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