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Syndicate: A publikation with no name/En publikation uden nanvn |
From: KRISTOFFER ?RUM <[email protected]> Subject: A publikation with no name/En publikation uden nanvn Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 18:31:57 +0200 ***************************************English text(Danish version below): CALL FOR SYBMISSIONS: Audio, text and data works for a publication with no name. What's it all about? There is no theme, except for the media in which the publication is presented. It has no name and changes form (and therefore content) from issue to issue to emphasis the openness of the project. We try to edit as little as possible so that everything that we receive will be published, space permitting. What we are building is a vessel/channel/platform for crossovers or collaborations between young unestablished artists, poets, scientist, writers, musicians, designers, programmers: Basically anybody interested in working across established fields of practice. We recognize that this is a long process, and as this is only our second issue we are mostly trying to open the channels of communication. Our first issue consisted of a black and white magazine, a vinyl single, a data cd, and several multiples featuring works of students >from various European academies of art, the Copenhagen writers school, graphic designers and many others. Everything in connection with this publication is very low budget so unfortunately we won't be able to cover any costs associated with the production of the individual contributions. We will produce the two main cd's, the cover and arrange for distribution. Here in Copenhagen we will be able to provide some (very limited) recording studio facilities. This second issue, produced in 400 copies, will consist of two cd's - one data cd and one audio cd, plus multiples: Objects, prints, discs, etc. The publication is open to any kind of material that fits the following criteria: - up to 5 minutes of of sound for the audio cd (Longer pieces are possible in compressed audio on the data cd.) - up to 40 megabytes for the data cd. All work should be submitted either on a cd, mini-disc, dat tape, zip disc or via email.The submitted projects should generally work on both mac and pc, but a few projects specifically for each platform are welcome. Deadlines: Before 1 September - A short (10-15 sentences) description of you work and what format you will be submitting your work in, should be send to [email protected]. 26 October- Finished work should be submitted. 1 December - Publication date. Contact us at: Kristoffer ?rum and Anders Bojen c/o Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Billedkunstskolerne Kongens Nytorv 1 Postboks 3014 1021 K?benhavn K Denmark or Email: [email protected] ***************************************Danish text(English above): PUBLIKATION Lyd, tekst og data materiale ?nskes til en publikation uden navn. Hvad handler det hele om? Der er ikke noget tema, bortset fra det medie, som publikationen pr?senteres i. Publikationen har ikke noget navn og ?ndrer form (og dermed indhold) fra nummer til nummer, for at understrege publikationens ?bne karakter. Vi pr?ver at cencurere s? lidt s? muligt, s?ledes at alt hvad vi modtager ogs? bliver udgivet (hvis pladsen tillader det). Vi pr?ver med denne publikation at opbygge et medie, hvori udveksling og samarbejde p? tv?rs af faggr?nser kan opst? mellem kunst, poesi, teori, videnskab, musik, arkitektur og design. Alle interesserede i denne dialog p? tv?rs af etablerede faggr?nser er velkomne. Vi erkender at dette er en lang proces, og da dette kun er vores andet nummer, er vores udgangspunkt mest af alt at ?bne op for dialogen. Vores f?rste nummer bestod af et sort/hvidt magasin, en vinyl single, en data cd og adskillige multiples. Med bidrag af folk fra forskellige kunstakademier, forfatterskolen, designere og andre. Vi h?ber at n?ste nummer indeholder bidrag fra endnu flere forskellige mennesker. Da alt i forbindelse med denne publikation er lav-budget, kan vi desv?rre ikke d?kke omkostningerne i forbindelse med produktionen af de enkelte bidrag. Vi vil finansere produktionen af de to cd'ere og s?rge for distributionen. Her i K?benhavn kan vi derudover tilbyde begr?nsede lydstudie faciliteter. Dette nummer, som er nr. 2 af publikationen, udkommer i 400 eksemplarer og vil best? af 2 cd'er - en data cd og en audio cd, samt objekter, prints, discs og andre typer multiples. Publikationen er ?ben for alt materiale, der opfylder de f?lgende kriterier: - op til 5 minutters lyd til audio cd'en. (projekter af l?ngere varighed: evt. komprimerede p? data cd'en) - op til 40 megabytes til data cd'en. - objekter med dimensioner p? maks. 30x30x5cm. Indsendes p? enten cd, mini-disc, dat-tape, zip-disc eller via email. Generelt b?r de f?rdige projekter virke til b?de Mac og PC, men nogle f? projekter til en af delene accepteres. (objekter skal ikke n?dvendigvis produceres i 400 eks.) Deadlines: 1. September : En kort beskrivelse af dit bidrag og hvilket format du arbejder med. 26. Oktober : Seneste frist for aflevering af f?rdige projekter. 1. December : Udgivelse. Hvis du har sp?rgsm?l eller brug for mere information, s? kontakt: Anders Bojen og Kristoffer ?rum c/o Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Billedkunstskolerne Kongens Nytorv 1 Postboks 3014 DK - 1021 K?benhavn K email: [email protected] -----Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: to post to the Syndicate list: <[email protected]> to unsubscribe, write to <[email protected]>, in the body of the msg: unsubscribe syndicate [email protected]