Claudia Westermann on Sat, 18 Aug 2001 05:34:14 +0200

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Re: Syndicate: East, NN, filter, discuss

At 03:11 17.08.01 -0700, Amy Alexander wrote:

>so the difference between filtering and banning is that the readers
>have a choice about it on an individual basis.

oh, it was meant like that, just that I was tinking besides of the normal 
filter option (and some programs do not allow the deletion of e-mails 
before fetching them completely), which would not solve the problem with 
costs for phone calls, I would have liked that tool, that was mentioned 
(programmed, also to provide something to users, that are or have to think 
about phone costs - therefor this would have meant server-side deletion), 
not to be as linear... ..which would not have meant, that the readers would 
have had no choice... ..but choice could have been questionned from time to 
time in different ways....
(sorry for that puzzle)

>this is an interesting idea... privacy = passivity?
>not sure i agree but interesting to ponder.

not passivity, the selection processes are just done in specified time 
orders and established, which also means less realtime selection. home - 
establishment - privacy

>the benefits of doing the actual
>crunching itself on the server are a) save money/time
>for people who pay for online time and/or have slower connections
>and b) to allow for standardizing/simplifying software. in other
>words, if it uses people's existing e-mail program or at least a
>web browser, then that makes the technical side easier for everyone,
>no matter what software or hardware they may have.

but that would mean a lot of different plugins etc. ..does it?
that would have to be customized also

>if we distribute
>custom software or even ask people to use their mail program's built-in
>filtering, then we risk leaving some people in the lurch because
>they have hardware that can't deal with the software or a mail
>program that can't deal with filtering (or which may be difficult
>to use, etc.. )

there are open source mail-programs supposed to work with at least the 
different environments of Mac, Linux, Win, where patches could be added.. 
..and there is the end of my knowledge, because I do not know anything 
about programming...

but that program still would be an addition to the normal anyway linear 
filter options

in that way there is probably not really a need for it.
People anyway could download one of the free e-mail programs, that provide 
them with a deletion of the mails on the server. ....if they bother (there 
is that phone cost topic again)


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