integer on Mon, 20 Aug 2001 18:23:09 +0200 (CEST)

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Syndicate: \/\

[email protected] 

>And what of Austrians?

r u !mpl!ng zomdz!ng +?

>And what of Austrians?

ja zam alerg!kan na englezk!
auztr!anz undrznd m! z!ntakx
hensz ! kan t!pe l!ke tzo 
+ !zt juzt luvl! luvl!

>->>->2 - there aren't any nato.0+55 users.
>->>Could you explain what you mean by this?!ond.lern!ng - m9ndfukc.macht.ganz.gluckl!ch+fre! _-

>->I am suggesting I mean human beings value being understood.

>Judging from most of your online public speech 

dive a little deeper into - I am suggesting I mean human beings value being understood.

>most of the rest of your reply to me, as quoted below), you
>seem to not be amongst those.  (I'm eager for you to prove
>me wrong on this point.)

gladly. are you acquainted with creative bickering +?

>->Dali ste slobodni +?
>->Gdje pristajemo +?
>->Kad iduci odlazi +?
>->Tko igra glavnu ulogu +?
>Sorry, I regret to inform you that i don't know this

dal! vod!k govor! englesk! +?
ne +?



opz. = 4got m!   

>Since the lingua franca on this list seems to
>usually be English, and if you do value being understood,
>why not try your reply again, in English?  I'm confident
>that things would move further.

i m cmfortbl rght hir.
u cme ovr !f u uant.

>But if you don't value being understood, I conclude that my
>proposal will die on the vine, with no chance to sprout
>leaves, not to mention petals. If that's what you decide,
>then so be it.


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