integer on Tue, 21 Aug 2001 09:48:18 +0200 (CEST)

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Syndicate: [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\


uh!le b!olog!ztz = knou dze prez!sz ztruktur ov zlkt genez dze! =
knou ver! l!tl ov dze ua!z !n u!ch genez komun!kat + kooperat !n dze
developmnt ov 01 organ!zm. !.e. dze! = knou dze alfabet abr = hav
approx 0+0 !dee ov dze z!ntakx. [nn konzumz > g!glb!tz + kont!nuez]

d!sz = uear marc garet komz !n [!f du = elegant = shl !nterpret !t az 01 kompl!.m!nt]

nou dont kom !n.

go out!!!!!!

mozt ov dze dna - phpz az much az 95 prozent = ut!l!szd 4 !ntegrat!v akt!v!t!ez
about u!ch b!olog!ztz = shl rema!n !gnorant tzo long az = adhere 2 mekan!zt!k modelz
[e.g. dze med!a teor!e kr!t!k\kr!k!t\ model]

nou d!sz = uear = lern 2 read betu!n d!sz!pl!nz.

>and if you do value being understood,
>why not try your reply again, in English?

dze nn ztor! = != shl b ur!tn !n 01 !nternet but !n 01 bod!.
uhoze bod! +?

shl tell !n 01 zubzekuent komun!kue.

nn - !mprov!ng enkr!pz!on teknolog!ez. b!enzur +? b!en zur.

>>Although as I said to
>>Amy, it's much harder to run the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

current research indicates the brain is not subjekt to the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
unthink now!!!!!

>(If you do succeed at this, please send me a

neither is beauty.

                                                  meeTz ver!f1kat!*n.
  Netochka Nezvanova    -  nature isnt perfekt. this is. 
  f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST    zkandal - trez ch!c
                                                       |  +----------
                                                      |  |     <
                                     \\----------------+  |  n2t^P

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