furtherfield on Mon, 27 Aug 2001 15:46:39 +0000 |
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THE SOUND OF SADISM: WHITEHOUSE AND THE 'NEW' 'BRITISH' ART by Stewart Home The problem with self-conscious extremism is its need to definite itself against a social norm. In this sense, rather than challenging liberalism, a group such as Whitehouse merely reproduce the reigning ideology. Whitehouse are 'notorious' for their track Right To Kill, a slogan that takes liberal ideology to a 'logical' conclusion. Regardless of whether Whitehouse set out to arrive at a reductio ad absurdum, the notion of rights is very much a product of the enlightenment, and remains so no matter how ridiculous the results when applied to animals and murder. Despite their inability to move beyond liberalism, as the Rolling Stones of industrial muzak, Whitehouse do have the merit of acting as a waste-disposal unit for every trendy art 'theory' animated by that old idealist fallacy about 'the critical autonomy of art'. http://www.stewarthomesociety.org/white.htm -----Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: http://www.v2.nl/syndicate to post to the Syndicate list: <[email protected]> to unsubscribe, write to <[email protected]>, in the body of the msg: unsubscribe syndicate [email protected]