Andreas Broeckmann on Thu, 23 May 1996 17:52:29 +0100

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Triest / Suppor

Dear Syndicalists,

just back from Trieste/Italy where Vuk Cosic organised the ' per se'
meeting this week. We had two and a half days of very intense and fruitful
discussions in a relatively small group of seven people about practical
matters as well as art theoretical questions in a very relaxed atmosphere.
On the second day we did a resumee of our discussions in front of an
audience at the Teatro Miela which hosted the event in the context of its
'Teatro Telematico' festival.

Amongst other things we talked about ways of pooling hardware as well as
programmers and other specialists between media art institutions, about
making available information about funding sources, and about the
possibilities of developing are more precise critical language for
describing art on the internet. More info on these discussions will
hopefully follow soon, we are preparing documents which will probably go up
on the website that Vuk created for the occasion:

The funding/support issue had already been raised during the first
Syndicate meeting in Rotterdam and there is an area on the V2_East site
/support/ where such information and links to other info sources can be
selected. We should try to work on this by exchanging information about
possible funds, for instance in the maze of programmes run by the European
Community, the European Commission, and the Council of Europe. To keep such
a site up-to-date is probably a full-time job for two people (and we might
think about trying to apply for project money to create two jobs through
which such an info-source could be developed). But we might start by
collecting addresses, contacts and ideas which we come across. One of the
future tasks will be to devise an database system that makes the available
info easily searchable.

Best wishes,


For instance:

Prins Bernhard Fonds / Cooperation Projects between the Netherlands and
Eastern European Partners

The Dutch Prins Bernhard Fonds has a special programme for supporting
collaborative projects between Dutch and East European institutions. ('East
Europe' here are all the former Eastern Bloc countries, also incl. the
former Yugoslavia.) These projects can come from the educational as well as
in artistic and more generally cultural sector. Mijnheer Moors is currently
responsible for the programme and he gave the following information on 23
June 1996. (There is no folder or printed information available at the

Some of the criteria are:
- projects have to be cooperations between Dutch and East European partners
and have to take place in the East European country;
- projects have to improve, strengthen, enhance the cultural infrastructure
of the East European country; they should therefore not only be incidental
but have to provide structural support;
- projects have to fully be for the benefit of the East European partners
("uitvoering moet in haar geheel de Oosteuropeanen ten goede komen");
- the application to the Prins Bernhard Fonds is made by the Dutch
institution; it has to include a letter describing the project, its aims,
the expected results, it must mention the other supporting organisations
and a budget with costs and incomes;
- the application procedure can take a maximum of 3 - 4 months, depending
on the timing of the application in relation to the respective committee
meetings; there are no fixed deadlines;
- the extent of the possible support is not limited, neither as a percetage
of overall costs nor as a maximum total sum.

Stichting Prins Bernhard Fonds
Postbus 19750
1000 GT Amsterdam
Tel. 020-6230951
Fax. 020-6238499

V2_Organisatie * Andreas Broeckmann * [email protected]
Eendrachtsstr.10 * NL-3012XL Rotterdam * t.+31.10.4046427 * fx.4128562
<> <> <>

coming up: DEAF96, the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, 17 - 22 Sept 1996