Dooley Le Cappellaine on Fri, 21 Mar 1997 19:48:10 -0400

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"Enerergetic and refreshingly rough edged, Technophobia is an exhibit of a
dozen or so mostly interactive computer mediated contemporary artworks.
Light yers away from the hermetic superrealism and fractual abstractions of
the Siggraph trade show variety, the work on this disk - from the
disorienting subterranean space of Alan Koninger's "Megalopolis" to the
mega-corporate magic realism of Guillaume Wolf and Genevieve Gauckler's
"RGBforce" - displays a raw, confrontational energy ... Drawing on
underground film, performance and pop culture, this work is spontaneous and
disruptive in a way that feels low tech even at it's most synthetic..."
(Frank Lanz ID magazine, Nov 96)

 (TECHNOPHOBIA plays on Mac and PC computers.)

"Technophobia" is a collection of original multimedia art  made as an
interactive exhibition. In addition to the original multimedia artwork on
the CD it's also possible to access a studio visit with each artist.

The artists on the CD are:
Judith Ahern, Bill Albertini, Huma Bhabha, Joseph Ferrari, Alan Koninger,
Tim Maul, Christian Perez, Troy Innocent, Guillaume Wolf and Genevieve
Glaucker and Jody Zellen and Dooley Le Cappellaine.

The CD also features music by David Barnes and Charles Cohen, Moniek Darge,
Joshua Fried, The Happy Jacks, Fugitive Pope, Phil Niblock, Mike Hovanscek
with Pointless Orchestra and John Hajeski with Post Prandials. There are
preveiws of the musician's works also on the Website.

Has been selected  for exhibition at
The International Film Festival, Rotterdam, 1997
The International Festival of Electronic Art, Riga, Latvia,1997
International Short Film Festival,Oberhausen, Oberhausen Germany, 1997.
Spring 97 Electronic Arts Performance Series, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Troy, NY.1997
ISEA'95, Montreal, Canada,1995.

If you would like to order the CD:

* $25 US, Check or Money order payable at a US bank made out to:
Dooley Le Cappellaine.
$5 USA s&h
$10 international shipping and handling.
You can also buy it directly at:

The International Center of Contemporary Art , London, UK . 12 Carlton
House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH
t:44 171 930 0493
f:44 171 873 0051
[email protected]

In New York:
 Tower Video - 383 Lafayette Street NY NY 10012, PH (212) 500 5166,
 Kim's Video- 85 Avenue A, NY NY10003,  PH (212) 529 3410 and
Printed Matter - 77 Wooster Street NY NY 10013, PH (212) 925 0325.

                    The vision behind the project:

I think that this new technology offers the most exciting perhaps the only
exciting thing happening in contemporary art today.
On this CD I worked with other artists who ranged the whole gamut ; from
those with no computer experience at all to those who had training in
specialised tertiary institutions.
I was interested in  this technology as a way to move away from an
engagement with self referential art practice with it's repetitive and
increasingly claustrophobic rationale;
as a sort of third base after conceptual and neo-conceptual art making; as
something other than arrangements of form according to taste.

 I'm  using the technology to transcend the limitations of physics, finance
and time inherent in other exhibition methods. (*The exhibitions exist on
CD Rom and the Web.*)
  One of the most exciting things about working with this technology is
that art becomes more experiential and less a kind of expensive home

I've felt for a long time that art has to go outside itself , that
deconstruction has worked itself out as a modus operandi, For me working
with digital technology provides the freedom to create something almost
indefinable but which reflects the obsessions of my generation; cinema,
popular culture, cutting edge art and electronic culture.

           Date: 10.29.96
                      From: Ellen Tepfer ([email protected])

         "  Technophobia, a new CD-ROM, manages to cover a real
                      variety of computer-based art by an international

                      artists--from lush "VR" graphics to ironic pop culture
                      commentaries, from posing conceptual or intellectual
                      to exploring machine-body interactions. The most
                      successful of
                      these were those which took into account the specific
                      of the medium which consists of a mildly interactive
                      between a single viewer and a personal computer. In
                      to the projects themselves, there is a space for each
                      present their views on the implications of digital
media in
             their work..."


"Choosing "Technophobia" as the Title for a CD Rom featuring interactive
multimedia works at first appears to be paradoxical - counting on our
attraction to new technologies and at the same time highlighting our
anxieties about them. But this ambivalence towards new technologies
perfectly captures the undelying theme of this CD-ROM..."

(Intelligent Agent, http/
Christiane Paul. November 1996.)
I'm currently researching for the second CD and would like to hear from you
if you have any ideas you would like to realise in this format.
The size of the work doesn't matter; I'm looking for surprising thought
provoking work.
To present work for future exhibition send materials  with a self
addressed, stamped envelope to: Dooley Le Cappellaine, Prince Street
Station, PO Box 528, New York, New York, 10012-9998.
(please see specifications below)

                          PHONE AND FAX (212) 966 3046
                                E MAIL [email protected]

                          SPECIFICATIONS  :

The authoring tool is Director for Macintosh and the preferable format is a
Director Movie on CD Rom, Syquest Cartridge or high density 1.44 mb
At this stage there is no restriction on gigabytes per artist submission.
All graphics sound text and movies should be presented in a Macintosh
compatible format such as; Word, Pict, MacPaint, Sound,  Director Movie or
Quicktime Movie.
I am particularly interested in how artist's will use the interactive
possibilities of the medium.
*No slides please.
Sound or music: CD or tape , Still images: CD Rom, floppy disc  or Syquest
cartridge compatable with a 200 mg drive, Video: NTSC or Hi8.

(Allow four - six weeks for the reveiw of materials.)
Label all items with your name, phone, address and e-mail and include a
SASE for the return of your work.

PRINCE STREET STATION, PO BOX 528, NY NY 10012-9998, E-MAIL [email protected]
Phone and Fax (212) 966-3046