Balint Anna on Mon, 22 Dec 1997 14:16:39 +0100

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Syndicate: Artpool - call for installations

1998: The Year of Installation at Artpool

Artpool P60 Art Space
Budapest, VI. Paulay Ede u. 60.
International Installation Festival 1998
Opening exhibition: 17-31 March, 1998

"Installation as an artistic medium (from application to landscape
correction) with its many forms is as widespread as performance (from
actions to events). The original meaning of the word installation, which
latently has always been there, now gets more and more emphasis in a new
view of art. Installation, in open systems, in open works, or in "open
minds", means the implementation of something, that is, the beginning of
something. In this perpetual change one can only regard perpetual starting
over, or installation as a constant. At the heart of this shift thus lies
our unbroken attention to changes, that is, our responsiveness to new
points of installation."
(Gyšrgy Gal�ntai)

Part of the opening exhibition is the reconstruction of the Budapest
installation of "Poâ?¢poâ?¢drome Ë? Espace-temps RŽel No. 1 / Real Space-Time
Poipoidrom No. 1" by Robert Filliou and Joachim Pfeufer from 1976.

"The Poipoidrom is a functional relationship that links thinking, acting,
and communication. A minimal Poipoidrom can be a chair, a workbench or an
open mind." (J. Pfeufer, 1972)

In other parts of the exhibition documents of installations will be
installed. They may be - from the perspective of art history:
Merz-construction, fictional and virtual architecture, quasi-construction,
collage, assemblage, environment, landscape correction, land art, etc.;
from the perspective of genre: poetic, music, sound, light, fragrance,
performance and video, etc. installations; from the perspective of view:
improvisational, conceptual, intermedial and multimedial, etc.;.from a
social perspective: cultural, social, political, commercial, religious,
scientific, technological, etc. installations.

Feasible new projects will be realized in accordance with the given spacial
conditions by the "installators" of P60 throughout 1998.
Documents about installation that are preserved in Artpool Archive will be
presented for the first time together with the new stuff.
Videos of the  events and theoretical lectures will be available for
viewing retrospectively throughout the year.
The evaluation of the project can be followed via the Internet:1998: The Year of Installation at

Installation Project 98
International Invitation

Artpool invites all installators, artists, networkers, documenters to take
part in this project, to inform others so as to be informed.

You can send: documents of installations, books, catalogs, portfolios,
photos, slides, posters, audio or video tapes, interactive CD-ROMs,
conceptual works, plans, etc. All materials will become part of the
Artpool Archive for public research.
All works and information will be displayed. Participants will get a
publication that documents the project and will be prepared at the end of
the year.

The first deadline is February 1998. Materials arriving until September the
same year will also be made public as part of the project.

Please help our research by answering the following questions:
(1) How long have you been making installations?
(2) Why did you choose to make installations and  not anything else?
(3) What do you think of your own works?
(4) What do you think the difference is between your own work and other
(5) What do you think of the relationship of traditional artwork and
(6) What is the size and material of an installation determined by?
(7) Could you mention the installation you consider to be the largest and
the smallest one?
(8) Is there any object or idea that cannot be installed?
(9) How does environment affect the installation of the work?
(10) Do you know any fact that restricts the possibilities of installation?
(11) Do you like making installation for order or at request?
(12) What do you think of preserving an installation?
(13) Can the value of an installation be estimated and how?
(14) How does copyright apply to installations preserved only in documents?
(15) Do you agree with publishing your answers-in full or in part-in the
catalog of the project or in the press?        (Yes-No)
(16) Your questions, if there is any, and your answers to them.
Please, number your answers according to the order of the questions. Try to
answer as briefly and clearly as you can, omit the questions you consider

Thanks for your attention,

GyÅ¡rgy Galâ?¡ntai (concept and design), Lâ?¡szlâ?? Beke (expert), Anna Bâ?¡lint
(documentation), JÅ?lia Klaniczay (management), Fatime Plâ??tâ?¡r (assistant),
çgnes Ivacs (translation), Lâ?¡szlâ?? TÅ¡lgyes (Web technology)

Installation Project '98

Postal address: Artpool, H-1277 Budapest 23., Pf. 52.
Tel.: +36-l-268 01 14 * Fax: +36-1-321 08 33
e-mail: [email protected]