Vid Petrovic on Tue, 21 Apr 1998 13:54:55 -0700 |
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Syndicate: FWD: An Easter letter from BG |
April 11, 1999. ORTHODOX EASTER Last night we all went to church awaiting Easter. Our Patriarch Pavle spoke at the sermon. "All that is hidden will be reveiled", he said to some thousand souls that gathered from all over town. Midnight. We all walked around the church three times with Pavle leading the procession. An explosion. No one ran for shelter. The ceremony continued as if nothing had happened. Terror(ists) overhead, I thought. The thought seemed somehow familiar to me but I could'nt think about it at the moment. We came home safe. Went to bed, tired. At 4am a plane flies over our home and we all wake up. That was low and darring - a brave pilot. Anti-plane guns go off somewhere in the night and the plane is gone. The plane never came back for a second run. Well, one is enough. I stayed awake and watched the light of day creep in on me. 6am and the siren tells me 'good morning'. Why do they fly at night over Belgrade? They're probably keeping us on edge. Psychological warfare - I thought. I remembered an article, sent to me by a friend from the states through Internet: it spoke of "DU" (depleted uranium). My friend warned me that they are using it already. The projectiles are filled with it so they are heavier and more deadly - "more penetration" when there's DU. But that is not all. This DU thing lingers on for years and brings cancer, leucemea etc. with the times to all those exposed. Am I getting paranoid here or what? It's Easter. Be happy. Think of your loved ones - I asure myself. But we took some 15 to 20 misiles in 18 days. Can't stop thinking about the ordeal. All the misiles have fallen within a 1 mile circle of our home. That is too damn close and the only thing struck and destroyed was an empty building some 300 yards away. They droped 5 misiles on that building. In total, that's 20 million dollars gone up in smoke destroying an empty building - 1 million dollars worth, at its best. Where's the catch? I am trying to reason. They are missing their targets! No, that is naive - I am not going to be stupid here. Think! Within the city of Belgrade most of the misiles have landed in the immediate vicinity of hospitals hitting buildings of no importance to strategy... So, what's the point? To scare us? That is just as stupid since no one is scared - they are sitting on the bridges all night and no one's running when the misiles came down. Empty buildings... hmmmmm? Good God! But the buildings next to them are hospitals! And my friend had sent me an article... No, that can't be. I am being paranoid. It is Easter. I must keep the faith - Christian faith - keep myself composed. My child depends on my stamena. Yes! Be calm. It's Easter. Lets' break some Easter eggs. We do. 8:01pm Sirens! Can't we have our Easter evening in peace? They did. Why can't we? Just tonight! No? Well, that is terror(ism)! And then it struck my mind. Thare is a God! "...the threat to human freedom and Christian faith created by modern technology - technological tyrany over humanity" (Jaques Ellul). Henry McGuckin, you are a visionary! They can not stop bombing us on Easter because "modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity" (Ellul). They just have'nt done their "job" as expected because we're too good at the game - so, they can't give us a break for Easter. They are behind skedual! 'Efficiency is no option but a necessity'!? Frustrated by not being "efficient" and instead of pulling out of here for good they decide to "step up the operation by bringing in more planes - now 680 in number"! Quantity will bring quality? How much stupidity will come out in the open in order to make the statistical "efficiency". Hay! We, the people down here, have not multiplied overnight - no, you managed to lessen our number, but we are still in the range of 8 million or so. "DU" does'nt kill instantly! Can't you wait. You have poured down enough to exterminate us in a few years to come - slow but "efficient". What other "efficiency" are you looking for? It won't happen! Take my word for it and stop this stupidity for humanity's sake! You are risking a World War! "680" planes? OK. We'll sit and wait for them to get "efficient", but what if they're not? Will it be a 1000 planes then? I am a bit worried. No one at my home caries a gun. We can't shoot them nor this Uranium thing, when it materializes. On the other hand we could shoot it but we'd have to shoot each other in that case. Is that the general idea? Well, we won't do it because we are Christians - Orthodox Christians! It is as simple as that. Predrag from Belgrade on Easter-day '99. ------Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: to unsubscribe, write to <[email protected]> in the body of the msg: unsubscribe [email protected]