Andreas Broeckmann on Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:16:17 +0100

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Syndicate: new syndicate members

dear friends,
here are some self-introductions which people wrote who were recently
subscribed to the syndicate list. [apologies for the delay of the
newsletter ...]

From: Christian Skina <[email protected]>

Dear Sir
I've got your email address from Mr. Van Tijen, whom I've met in Hilversum.
He gave a lecture about his installations, in our school (HKU), where I am
a student. I'm an Interaction Designer, presently working on an MA diploma
in Interactive Multimedia.
Mr. Van Tijen advised me to write you and explain why I'd like to be put on
your email list (the Syndicate).
I'm of Greek and Rumanian origin, moved to Holland some 4 years ago,
previously wondering around in several EU countries, where some of my
family members are living. A good part of my life I've spend in Rumania, I
hear now (for the first time!) that that's thrilling? :-)
I've been studying film direction, psychology and computer programming
(back in the 80s). In Brussels I've also been involved in theatre, as
director assistant. (got the bug from my mother I guess, she was an actress)
To keep it short, my interests evolve very much around new media and
interactivity. At the same time, the Museum is for me a place of
contemplation, of meditation. Combining my fascinations with film,
interactive installations and the cult for the various forms of art, I
dream of being able to "tell stories" in exhibitions, where people could
not only passively admire the works of art but also be able to DO and
reflect at the actions and reactions they provoke.
I understand your email list could be of help to hear about other people
working in this field, being informed about exhibitions related to the new
media and maybe fund collaborators for my projects.
If so, could you please ad me to it?
Christian Skina
Voorburg, 13/3/1998

From: " Geneva J. Anderson" <[email protected]>

I am a journalist who lived/worked in the Balkans (based in Greece,
Bulgaria, Istanbul) from 1990-end 1995. I am writing a book, plan
to return there. Now I am in CA (Bay Area) due to family medical
problems and am serving as a West Coast correspondent for the
publications I normally write for in Europe. thanks for adding me to
the list.  geneva anderson

From: [email protected]

Dear Andreas,

     Thanks for subscribing me to the syndicate list.  I know you asked
     that I send a few words about myself; sorry it's taken me almost a
     week but it's been insanely busy and I'm leaving in a few minutes for
     the airport -- three week trip to Eastern Europe.  Very briefly, I am
     the director of the Open Society Institute's network programs in arts
     and culture.  The programs range from the SCCA network, to film
     programs, support for documentaries dealing with contemporary human
     rights issues, cultural link (supporting collaborative artistic events
     amoung countries in Eastern/Central Europe, Central Asia...), artist
     residencies in the US, performing arts, etc. (see Soros/OSI website) I
     work with all of the SCCA offices and with the cultural coordinators
     at each Soros foundation in the region.  I know you're familiar with
     the SCCA network and that many of the directors are on the syndicate

     I am based in New York but spend about 60% of my time in Eastern
     Europe (my trip today one of many throughout the year).  Hope to have
     a chance to meet you at some point in the future.  Apologies for this
     rather brief response; I'm really (literally) running.

     Thanks again,

From: katie <[email protected]>

Dear Andreas Brockman

My name is Katie Lavers.I read about V2 on the eyebeam site.
I am Director of a multimedia performance company called skadada.
We research and develop applications of information technoology to live
performance - performers can trigger sound and images in real space and
realtime. We also integrate computer animation and video into live
Our next production is premiering at the Sydney Festival in 1999 and then
going on to the Festival of Perth. It is called Electronic Big Top and
combines live percussion ( percussion group Pablo Percusso) specially
developed interactive systems,a live singer and sax player and four
dancers/ gymnasts.
My own training is in visual arts and I work with computers.
I am also writing a PhD on electonic arts.
I would like to be able to access information about artists,events  and
festivals of electronic arts throughout Europe.
Katie Lavers

From: Joerg Koch <[email protected]>

Andreas, thanks for the info.
I`am 23, based in Berlin, studying history and Americanism, freelancing for
Jetzt/Sueddeutsche Zeitung, WIRED, Telepolis, etc on technology&culture.,
one of the founding editors of Buzz/De-Bug (Magazine fuer elektronische
Lebensaspekte), , and now starting to experiment
with digital video on the net (and hustling around to get the money for the
equipment <g>)....currently listening to Ultramagnetic MCs & John Coltrane.

best, jk

suzan kaplan <[email protected]> writes
I am a media artist who has dreamed of working
collaboratively with distant artists, fully taking advantage of the internet
as a place of process, a studio to actually work within, a meeting space
for group feedback on parts of the whole.

A century ago my grandparents left a small town in Romania for New York.
When the Cold War thawed I came to understand that some of me, maybe the
interior me, seems eastern in nature. I would like to get beyond my own
east/west divide by connecting with eastern artists.

I am Mac literate, familiar with graphics and digital imaging programs,
can do html but perhaps the most critical perspective I could bring to
VR workshops comes from a deconstruction of the processes and communication
models used here in California in Multimedia Gulch, where designers and
programmers are pumping out global corporate sites which directly and
indirectly effect the Internet as a whole, and bear strongly on the
possiblities of global revolution. I would like to work with artists
internationally to create an electronic communique that turns these
mechanisms back on themselves, exposing the wizard behind the screen.

Takahiko Iimura <[email protected]>

Dear Andreas Broeckmann
I am a film/video/digital artist residing Tokyo and NewYork and occasional
trip to Europe.I am quite interested in what's happening in Europe
of media
art and wants to participate as much as possible.So that your Newsletter would
be very inportant for me.
The rest please refer to my homepage below.
Thank you
takahiko iimura

Jean-Philippe Halgand <[email protected]>

Hello Andreas
My name is jean-philippe halgand, i am 32, i live in Bordeaux, France
and i have been working as a visual artist for 15 years now. In 1995, an
artist friend _thierry michelet_ and i decided to move onto the web as
it seemed to us it was raising new questions we couldn't ignore.
We bought a small Mac and a 14400 modem and launched the first "edition"
of our virtual studio "pericles" early 1996.
Our purpose was to dedicate that place to "webspecific" works. That's
what we did, often in a rather experimental way as most of the invited
artists weren't familiar with computers and not at all with the Net.
I had then to assume the montage of the works.
Since that date, the site has been regurlarly updated. There is a "lite"
version of it currently on line at
Pericles is a no-budget enterprise : we both have 2500 FF to live per
months and grants or residences for artists using new media don't exist
in France as well as festivals. Morever, the fact that artists may be
responsible for an artsite, make their own jobs and work with other
artists is not seen with a good eye. We're a bit tired of this situation
that's why the site is in stand-by for the moment. It's quite the desert
here, wrong persons in the wrong place.
This was for the story ;-)

you can check "l'air de rien", a work in progress i launched a month ago
It is best viewed with Navigator 301 and live-audio plug-in.
I am currently busy with a related work which deals with war/info games
and social relationships.

jean-philippe halgand

From: afrika <[email protected]>

 dear -a
i am not sure how to introduce myself other than i am a south african
artist and as such am very interested in looking at the work of other
artists who face similar problems. being born on the southern tip of africa
into a repressive fascist system that collapsed during my lifetime must
surely influence the art being produced. i have found many parallels with
the situation in many eastern european countries that face the same
challenge of reconciling an idea of "liberation" with the reality.
the internet has become a very powerful tool for me in bridging some of the
distances between where i am placed and the rest of the world as well as a
way of sharing ideas. this was how i found the archives for your on-line
discussion and the reason why i would like to subscribe to it and if i am
able to, participate and share ideas and experiences.
i have a website with some information about my works and a few on-line
projects at  <‾kendell/>‾kendell/
all the best..................................../k  

From: Vesna Pavlovic <[email protected]>


I've reached your e-mail and already some informaition about V2 organization
through some people connected with Belgrade B-92  internet center, Drazen
Pantic and Vesna Manojlovic.
I would be interested in joining the list af all internet related subjects,
especially videoart and internet art festivals and workshops in new media,
since I am a photographer and cinematographer working with video art.
If you might be interested to visit the web site of two videoworks that I
have done in collaboration with one artist, Zoran Naskovski, you can go to
this web address:

Looking forward to hear from you,


Vesna Pavlovic.

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Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 12:08:24 +0100
To: [email protected]
From: Andreas Broeckmann <[email protected]>
Subject: Syndicate: new V2_ publications
Sender: [email protected]
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
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We would like to bring to your attention two books the V2_Organisation just

For more information about the books and how to order them, please, check, or contact us on mailto:[email protected].


V2_Publication: Interfacing Realities

Are computer networks a virtual world, parallel to a 'real' world? Can a
superhighway be digital? Can a city be digital? Is the Internet nothing but
a huge collective mental projection, constructed with the aid of a large
number of (architectural) metaphors? If the answer to these questions is
affirmative, we - together with these authors - will have to address a
number of essential issues. What does this mean to the cities we inhabit
now? And if this technological extension of the urban space has so much,
'reality effect', are we willing to throw ourselves on the Net for
shopping, education and even to search for money and happiness? In the end,
will we have to metaphorize ourselves, with our bodies becoming nothing but
a protrusion of the screen?

The five authors Knowbotic Research, William J. Mitchell, Stephen Perrella,
Stacey Spiegel and Siegfried Zielinski wrote their texts in a procedure
proposed by the V2_Organisatie. The authors could read and comment on each
other's material via the Net in three consecutive rounds. Stefan Münker
moderated the proceedings and wrote the introduction.

The book is not a metaphor, but a machine that has caught a virus from the
Net. When used intensively the shape changes.

This publication is an initiative of V2_ resulting from DEAF95 (Dutch
Electronic Art Festival) that V2_ organized with Interfacing Realities as
its theme.

17x24cm, 72 pages, full color, bilingual (Dutch-English), retail price
about 17 dollars
ISBN 90 6617 183 9

V2_Publication: TechnoMorphica

Will technomorphization, the reorganization of the organic based on the
intelligent machine model, become the dominant model of our age? Has
evolution entered a technological-scientific phase where humans no longer
develop themselves in natural processes, but where the human body adapts
itself to the parameters of this technological era?

In this book fourteen authors give their views on this blurring of borders
and the fusion of the biological with the technological. Ideas about angels
and robots, about viruses and mad cows. A world where machines are
anthromorphized and where humans are technomorphized. And if only the glare
of our monitors is left to illuminate us, isn't it time to build a museum
for the sun?

The authors are:

Stelarc (AUS)                                    artist
Manuel De Landa (USA)                 writer
Knowbotic Research (D)                artists
Gerburg Treusch-Dieter (D)         sociologist
Wim Nijenhuis (NL)                          urban developer
Mark Dery (USA)                            cultural critic
Lars Spuybroek/NOX (NL)            architect
Humbert Maturana (RCH)            biologist
Kerstin Dautenhahn (D)                Artificial Life researcher
Detlef Linke (D)                                neurosurgeon
Stefaan Decostere (B)                   television producer
Louis Bec (F)                         fabulatoire Artificial Life researcher
Jozef Keulartz (NL)                        environmentalist
Paul Virilio (F)                                   urban developer

16x23cm, 386 pages, illustrations in full color (192 pages) , bilingual
(Dutch-English), retail price about 23 dollars
ISBN 90 6617 190 1

to order, contact:


mailaddress: Postbus 19049           shopaddress: Eendrachtsstraat 10
             3001 BA  Rotterdam                   3012 XL  Rotterdam
             The Netherlands                      The Netherlands

                            T: +31.10.404 6427
                            F: +31.10.412 8562
                            e-mail: [email protected]
                            VAT: NL 96.89.102.B.01